{"id":49175,"date":"2022-06-21T13:28:10","date_gmt":"2022-06-21T20:28:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/?post_type=product&p=49175"},"modified":"2022-06-21T13:41:38","modified_gmt":"2022-06-21T20:41:38","slug":"night-of-the-paranormal-patterns-2","status":"publish","type":"product","link":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/product\/night-of-the-paranormal-patterns-2\/","title":{"rendered":"Night of the Paranormal Patterns"},"content":{"rendered":"



When seventh grader Lennie Miller moves to the tiny town of Bailey, Indiana, she\u2019s convinced that life is both boring and unfair. What could possibly be interesting about a place in the middle of nowhere? But it\u2019s not long before she learns that Bailey isn\u2019t at all what she expected. It is located on the edge of the Mystical Realm, and Lennie has a gift for seeing the otherworldly creatures that cross over from that world to ours. What\u2019s more, Lennie learns that those creatures consider her a \u201cPattern Finder,\u201d which means that they come to her to solve their math problems. And they certainly have some unusual problems!<\/p>\n

Soon Lennie and her new best friend Gil are calculating who would win a race between a vampire and a werewolf, how fast gremlins reproduce, how many different ways wizards can switch bodies with one another, and how much cargo aliens can take with them on their ship. Maybe Bailey is a little\u00a0too<\/em>\u00a0interesting. But just as it looks like she\u2019ll be a Pattern Finder for life, Lennie discovers a potential way out. Can she find the magical veil her ancestor stole and go back to being a normal kid again?<\/p>\n

Author Robert Black mixes his narrative with a series of pre-algebra-level math puzzles in what he calls \u201cmathematical fiction.\u201d He says:\u00a0<\/em><\/p>\n

\u201cI wanted to use storytelling as a way of communicating math concepts. Just as a good historical novel can introduce readers to different times and places, I\u2019m introducing readers to ways of looking at the world through numbers. When Lennie and Gil try to solve a math problem, readers are right there with them. Math can be a collaborative experience. There are many different ways to look at a problem, and it helps if you can talk with someone and trade ideas to see which way is best. There\u2019s a lot of trial and error involved, too. It\u2019s okay to try an approach and discover that it doesn\u2019t work. Lennie and Gil go through all of that. They make mistakes. They go down blind alleys and have to try again. And readers get to share in that experience.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/blockquote>\n


