{"id":16837,"date":"2019-06-17T13:45:22","date_gmt":"2019-06-17T20:45:22","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/?post_type=product&p=16837"},"modified":"2022-04-07T20:08:30","modified_gmt":"2022-04-08T03:08:30","slug":"writing-and-rhetoric-book-10-thesis-part-1","status":"publish","type":"product","link":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/product\/writing-and-rhetoric-book-10-thesis-part-1\/","title":{"rendered":"Writing and Rhetoric: Book 10 – Thesis: Part 1"},"content":{"rendered":"


Think of the progymnasmata<\/em>\u00a0as a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric. In the award-winning Writing & Rhetoric series, author Paul Kortepeter has recovered this proven method of teaching writing in conjunction with critical thinking and speaking.\u00a0This is the tenth in a series of 12 books that will train students over 6 years.<\/p>\n

In\u00a0Writing & Rhetoric Book 10: Thesis Part 1 (consumable student edition)<\/em>, students\u00a0will write well-crafted persuasive thesis essays with narrative, descriptive, expository, and comparative elements. The thesis essay is perhaps the most important form of academic writing. In fact, in every major in college, successful exams and term papers depend on excellent thesis writing. Each composition requires strong critical thinking skills, an understanding of audiences and how to \u201chook\u201d them, and a logical progression of ideas and evidence. The thesis exercise employs all of the skills students have gained in their study of the\u00a0progymnasmata<\/em>\u00a0and adds something more: the consideration and rebuttal of counterarguments. By thinking through opposition to their main ideas, students grow in their ability to think flexibly and to defend their position. In addition, the thesis essay will help students to examine and sustain ideas, two skills much needed in today\u2019s public discourse.<\/p>\n

Student Edition Features:<\/strong><\/p>\n

A 1-semester course for grades 7 or 8 and up<\/em><\/p>\n

In this book, students will learn to:<\/p>\n