{"id":15085,"date":"2018-12-14T15:35:45","date_gmt":"2018-12-14T23:35:45","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/?post_type=product&p=15085"},"modified":"2022-06-07T23:30:48","modified_gmt":"2022-06-08T06:30:48","slug":"the-romans-the-complete-course","status":"publish","type":"product","link":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/product\/the-romans-the-complete-course\/","title":{"rendered":"The Romans: The Complete Course"},"content":{"rendered":"

Set Includes<\/strong><\/h3>\n

The Romans: The Aeneid DVD<\/a>
The Romans: The Historians DVD<\/a>
The Romans: Early Christianity DVD<\/a>
The Romans: Nicene Christianity DVD<\/a><\/p>\n

The Romans: The Aeneid Reader (In Production)<\/a>
The Romans: The Historians Reader<\/a>
The Romans: Early Christianity Reader<\/a>
The Romans: Nicene Christianity Reader<\/a><\/p>\n

The Romans: The Aeneid Workbook<\/a>
The Romans: The Historians Workbook<\/a>
The Romans: Early Christianity Workbook<\/a>
The Romans: Nicene Christianity Workbook<\/a><\/p>\n


THE AENEID: <\/strong><\/h3>\n

1. Introduction to The Romans: Overview of Roman History, its importance to Old Western Culture, and a Survey of the books Covered in this series
\n2. Introduction to the Aeneid: Vergil, Secondary Epic, and the Writing, Worldview, and Influence of the Aeneid
\n3. Rome is an Idea (Aeneid Book I)
\n4. The Fall of Troy and The Wanderings of Aeneas (Aeneid Book II & III)
\n5. The Tragedy of Dido (Aeneid Book IV)
\n6. The Underworld (Aeneid Book V & VI)
\n7. The Broken Truce and the Shield of Aeneas (Aeneid Book VII & VIII)
\n8. The Tragedy of Nisus and Euryalos (Aeneid Book IX & X)
\n9. Camilla, Juno\u2019s Surrender, and the Death of Turnus (Aeneid Book XI & XII)
\n10. Metamorphoses I
\n11. Metamorphoses II
\n12. The Epics of Lucretius, Lucan, and Statius<\/p>\n

THE HISTORIANS: <\/strong><\/h3>\n

1. Livy I: Philosophy of history and the monarchy
\n2. Livy II: Beginning and Heroes of the Republic
\n3. Livy III: Threats to the Republic
\n4. Tacitus I: Philosophy of history and Tiberius
\n5. Tacitus II:Claudius
\n6. Tacitus III:Nero
\n7. Sallust: The Jugurthine War and the The Conspiracy of Catiline: The Republic in Decay
\n8. Julius Caesar: The Gallic wars
\u00a0Plutarch\u2019s Lives I: Demosthenes and Cicero<\/a>\u00a0 (click to watch full lesson)
\n10. Plutarch\u2019s Lives II: Alexander and Caesar
\n11. Cicero: Against Verres and Against Antony
\n12. Overview of The Historians<\/p>\n

EARLY CHRISTIANITY:<\/strong><\/h3>\n

1. The Roman Background of Christianity
\n2. The Jewish Background of Christianity
\n3. The Didache
\n4. The First Letter of Clement
\n5. The Roman World in the Second and Third Centuries
\n6. Ignatius and Polycarp
\n7. The Apologists
\n8. Justin Martyr
\n9. Irenaeus
\n10. Clement of Alexandria and Origen
\n11. Eusebius I
\n12. Eusebius II<\/p>\n

NICENE CHRISTIANITY:<\/strong><\/h3>\n

1. Constantine and The Council of Nicea
\n2. The Nicene and Post-Nicene Age
\n3. Athanasius\u2019s On the Incarnation
\n4. Athanasius\u2019s Life of Anthony
\n5. John Chrysostom
\n6. Augustine\u2019s Confessions I
\n7. Augustine\u2019s Confessions II
\n8. Augustine\u2019s City of God I
\n9. Augustine\u2019s City of God II
\n10. Augustine\u2019s City of God III
\n11. Augustine\u2019s City of God IV
\n12. Boethius and the Consolation of Philosophy<\/p>\n



The following books are used in this course.\u00a0If you already have the required books, you\u2019re set to go. The course material will give you the details on what parts to read and when.<\/p>\n

1: The Aeneid<\/h3>\n