{"id":15044,"date":"2018-12-12T11:27:21","date_gmt":"2018-12-12T19:27:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/?post_type=product&p=15044"},"modified":"2022-06-07T22:36:40","modified_gmt":"2022-06-08T05:36:40","slug":"the-romans-the-complete-dvd-set","status":"publish","type":"product","link":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/product\/the-romans-the-complete-dvd-set\/","title":{"rendered":"The Romans: The Complete DVD Set"},"content":{"rendered":"

Set Includes<\/h3>\n

The Romans: The Aeneid DVD<\/a>
The Romans: The Historians DVD<\/a>
The Romans: Early Christianity DVD<\/a>
The Romans: Nicene Christianity DVD<\/a><\/p>\n


THE AENEID: <\/strong><\/h4>\n

Lecture 1 – Introduction to The Romans: Overview of Roman History, its importance to Old Western Culture, and a Survey of the books Covered in this series
\nLecture 2 – Introduction to the Aeneid: Vergil, Secondary Epic, and the Writing, Worldview, and Influence of the Aeneid
\nLecture 3 – Rome is an Idea (Aeneid Book I)
\nLecture 4 – The Fall of Troy and The Wanderings of Aeneas (Aeneid Book II & III)
\nLecture 5 – The Tragedy of Dido (Aeneid Book IV)
\nLecture 6 – The Underworld (Aeneid Book V & VI)
\nLecture 7 – The Broken Truce and the Shield of Aeneas (Aeneid Book VII & VIII)
\nLecture 8 – The Tragedy of Nisus and Euryalos (Aeneid Book IX & X)
\nLecture 9 –\u00a0 Camilla, Juno\u2019s Surrender, and the Death of Turnus (Aeneid Book XI & XII)
\nLecture 10 – \u00a0Metamorphoses I
\nLecture 11 – Metamorphoses II
\nLecture 12 – The Epics of Lucretius, Lucan, and Statius<\/p>\n

THE HISTORIANS: <\/strong><\/h4>\n

Lecture 1 – Livy I: Philosophy of history and the monarchy
\nLecture 2 – Livy II: Beginning and Heroes of the Republic
\nLecture 3 – Livy III: Threats to the Republic
\nLecture 4 –\u00a0 Tacitus I: Philosophy of history and Tiberius
\nLecture 5 – Tacitus II:Claudius
\nLecture 6 – Tacitus III:Nero
\nLecture 7 – Sallust: The Jugurthine War and the The Conspiracy of Catiline: The Republic in Decay
\nLecture 8 – Julius Caesar: The Gallic wars
\nLecture 9 – \u00a0
Plutarch\u2019s Lives I: Demosthenes and Cicero<\/a>\u00a0 (click to watch full lesson)
\nLecture 10 – Plutarch\u2019s Lives II: Alexander and Caesar
\nLecture 11 –\u00a0 Cicero: Against Verres and Against Antony
\nLecture 12 – Overview of The Historians<\/p>\n

EARLY CHRISTIANITY:<\/strong><\/h4>\n

Lecture 1 –\u00a0 The Roman Background of Christianity
\nLecture 2 – The Jewish Background of Christianity
\nLecture 3 – The Didache
\nLecture 4 – The First Letter of Clement
\nLecture 5 – The Roman World in the Second and Third Centuries
\nLecture 6 – Ignatius and Polycarp
\nLecture 7 –\u00a0 The Apologists
\nLecture 8 –\u00a0 Justin Martyr
\nLecture 9 – Irenaeus
\nLecture 10 –\u00a0 Clement of Alexandria and Origen
\nLecture 11 – Eusebius I
\nLecture 12 – Eusebius II<\/p>\n

NICENE CHRISTIANITY:<\/strong><\/h4>\n

Lecture 1 – Constantine and The Council of Nicea
\nLecture 2 – \u00a0The Nicene and Post-Nicene Age
\nLecture 3 – \u00a0Athanasius\u2019s On the Incarnation
\nLecture 4 – \u00a0Athanasius\u2019s Life of Anthony
\nLecture 5 – \u00a0John Chrysostom
\nLecture 6 – \u00a0Augustine\u2019s Confessions I
\nLecture 7 – \u00a0Augustine\u2019s Confessions II
\nLecture 8 – \u00a0Augustine\u2019s City of God I
\nLecture 9 – \u00a0Augustine\u2019s City of God II
\nLecture 10 – \u00a0Augustine\u2019s City of God III
\nLecture 11 – \u00a0Augustine\u2019s City of God IV
\nLecture 12 – \u00a0Boethius and the Consolation of Philosophy<\/p>\n
