{"id":1038,"date":"2016-08-11T09:24:48","date_gmt":"2016-08-11T16:24:48","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/product\/greek-for-children-primer-a-program\/"},"modified":"2022-02-10T20:34:27","modified_gmt":"2022-02-11T04:34:27","slug":"greek-for-children-primer-a-program","status":"publish","type":"product","link":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/product\/greek-for-children-primer-a-program\/","title":{"rendered":"Greek for Children: Primer A – Complete Set"},"content":{"rendered":"

Previews: Greek for Children Primer A – Student Edition<\/a>
Greek for Children Primer A – Answer Key<\/a><\/p>\n

A yearlong course for grades 4 and up<\/strong><\/p>\n

Understandable, engaging, creative, and in-depth, the\u00a0Greek for Children A Program<\/em> will introduce your students to Koine Greek. Why Greek? Like Latin, Koine Greek will aid students in critical thinking skills and help them to develop a strong understanding of grammar. Many English words are derived from ancient Greek, and students will especially see the benefits of learning Greek when studying science and medicine. Last, but hardly least, Koine Greek is the language of the New Testament, and the study of the original language will gradually unveil the richness, depth, and beauty of the New Testament message.<\/p>\n

Full program includes:<\/p>\n