{"id":34862,"date":"2021-07-21T21:51:28","date_gmt":"2021-07-22T04:51:28","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/?p=34862"},"modified":"2021-07-26T18:00:29","modified_gmt":"2021-07-27T01:00:29","slug":"teachlatinathome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/classic.powertactics.com\/teachlatinathome\/","title":{"rendered":"A Path for Learning Latin"},"content":{"rendered":"

Teach Latin at Home<\/h1>\n

First, I gave up learning Latin!<\/h3>\n

Once upon a time, long ago, I wanted to learn Latin. I was not necessarily convinced by all the discussions and articles that went on at length about the benefits of Latin. I was a teenager, and Latin was \u201cdead\u201d they said. So I wanted to know more.<\/p>\n

After trying out a few courses, including Wheelocks Latin, I gave up. I did not understand why the endings of the words kept changing. I did not get how they did that thing with action verbs and being verbs. And let us not even start talking about prepositions. Back then Latin tutors weren’t even thinking about tutoring yet. Self-included.<\/p>\n

Latin from a Grammar vs. Vocabulary Emphasis<\/h3>\n

Fast forward a few years, and a couple of babies. Of course, you must decide on which curriculum to use before your child turns 2, so I was on it. I was reviewing and reading up on anything and everything that might prepare me and my children for their education. This time around, there was more discussion around the learning of Latin. I had given up hope for myself, but I was convinced that Latin was necessary for a well-rounded education for the sake of my children. But this time I decided to go a different route. Rather than learning Latin from a vocabulary emphasis, I decided to learn it from a grammar emphasis.<\/p>\n

What is the difference? Well, with a vocabulary emphasis the goal is to have the student reading and speaking Latin as soon as possible. The more you read, the more you understand which endings go along with each other, and the more words you memorize the broader your vocabulary so you can start to understand what you are reading.<\/p>\n

With a grammar emphasis, the rules of Latin are taught, alongside vocabulary to be sure. But there are a few key reasons why one might want to learn Latin from a grammatical perspective if one is already fluent in English.<\/p>\n

  1. Latin grammar and English grammar are very similar so as one learns Latin grammar it can double up as English grammar. What we take for granted as “the way it is” in English will be explained as a logical and reasonable structure for communication.<\/li>\n
  2. Latin has 4 conjunctions and 5 declensions. That is all. (Ok sure, there are a few more things you need to know, but once you get the pattern and basic structure of conjugating and declining, everything else will fit around your basic knowledge of Latin.) Once those are learned, it is just a matter of using those endings and pairing them with the vocabulary to create grammatically correct sentences. There is not as much \u201cguess\u201d work. You have the pieces, you know how they fit together, now you just need practice.<\/li>\n
  3. The Latin language has gender forms. By learning which gender a declension signifies, it is easy to tell the gender of vocabulary without memorizing that little bit of important information and all the vocabulary. Does it end with -a, -ae? It is feminine; -us, -i? Masculine.<\/li>\n
  4. By learning how to put the grammar rules together, I have also learned how to parse English, and English grammar has become one of my favorite subjects. Words matter. We need to know how to construct a sentence with accuracy and precision.<\/li>\n
  5. Many English words come from Latin. As Latin vocabulary knowledge expands, so will your understanding of the English language.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    There are great minds who have written extensively on the benefits of Latin. I would encourage you to read a few of their thoughts. And if in doubt, just jump into teaching Latin in faith. The riches are there, and some of them cannot be explained; you have to experience them. Here is the plan that I have pursued.<\/p>\n

    A Plan for Teaching Latin<\/h3>\n

    Latin Resources for Ages 4-6<\/h4>\n

    Song School Latin Book 1<\/em><\/a><\/p>\n
