Movie Night Books Book Stack

Tom Sawyer Heidi Pride and Prejudice Black Beauty Animal Farm Where to Red Fern Grows Little Women Robinson Crusoe The Swiss Family Robinson Old Yeller Emma Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Anne of Green Gables Watership Down   All of these books have been made into movies.  Start of course by reading the book, then plan [...]

By |2021-02-24T08:12:16-08:00February 11th, 2021|Book Stacks|0 Comments

Book Stack for Girls

  Books have much to offer our girls. These titles are packed with adventure, life lessons to explore, emotions to face, and new things to learn. Embark on a conversation about how we should treat others and the regret that follows when we don't do the right thing, as you read The Hundred Dresses. Introduce your daughter to another [...]

By |2021-02-14T17:35:43-08:00January 5th, 2021|Book Stacks|0 Comments


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