Forty-Niners Cross the Country

By: A Royal Fireworks Press Publication


Gold fever swept the country, and by 1849 people were flooding into California any way they could get there.

Product Description


A young man named Stan decided to travel with a wagon train the 3,000 miles overland, recording his journey in a notebook. At first, the travelers segregated themselves into smaller groups that ridiculed and bickered with one another, but after months on the trail, they came to realize that they were all Forty-Niners working toward the shared goal of making it to the gold fields alive—and together.

These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.

Titles in Series:

John Sutter’s Golden Dream 
Walter Colton’s Gold Fever
Forty-Niners Cross the Country
Bayard Taylor’s Journey to California Through Panama
J. Goldsborough Bruff Fights His Way West
J.D. Borthwick Finds Gold With a Paintbrush

Gold Rush Adventures (Dyslexia Series) Set 

Additional Information

Weight .2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 8.5 × .13 in



A Royal Fireworks Press Publication


Royal Fireworks Press




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