This price is based on 7 of the least expensive books. The price increases from there.

Books have much to offer our girls. These titles are packed with adventure, life lessons to explore, emotions to face, and new things to learn.  Embark on a conversation about how we should treat others and the regret that follows when we don’t do the right thing, as you read The Hundred Dresses. Introduce your daughter to another culture in Where The Mountain Meets the Moon.  And have fun with Caddie Woodlawn as you travel back to the 1860s.  Is your girl all about horses?  Then you need to get your hands on Misty of Chincoteague.  I have a girl that was so intrigued by the fact that she kept forgetting Heather was a rabbit in The Green Ember. Meet the Melendy children in The Saturdays as they come up with a clever way of getting the most out of their Saturdays.  Or how about planning a girl’s movie night?  Don’t forget to read the book first.  You have a few to choose from: The Secret Garden, Heidi, Anne of Green Gables, and Charlotte’s Web.