world war 2 Archives - Classical Education Books Conveniently Canadian Tue, 12 Jul 2022 18:32:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 world war 2 Archives - Classical Education Books 32 32 Things We Couldn’t Say Mon, 05 Apr 2021 22:49:29 +0000 The true story of a love stronger than Nazi persecution. Dr. K. Sietsma, the author of The Idea of Office , and The Self-Justification of God in the Life of Job (prophetic sermons preached about five years before he experienced something like Job in Dachau in 1942) was not the only member of the Sietsma [...]

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The post Things We Couldn’t Say appeared first on Classical Education Books.

In This Hour Thu, 01 Apr 2021 22:54:39 +0000 A Story of World War II and the Floods of 1953 “That’s a rather rough expression, brother Melse — ‘traitor.’ How could you call someone a traitor if he’s simply obeying the government? I would rather not hear such language from the mouth of an elder.” “I maintain that such work as building bunkers is [...]

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WWII Memorial Series

They Looked for a City
No Price for Freedom 
Tartan Pimpernel
In This Hour

The post In This Hour appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Journey Through the Night, All Four Stories Mon, 29 Mar 2021 22:53:13 +0000 After the Second World War, Anne De Vries, one of the most popular novelists in The Netherlands, was commissioned to capture in literary form the spirit and agony of those five harrowing years of Nazi occupation. The result was Journey Through the Night, a four volume bestseller that has gone through more than thirty printings [...]

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The Journey Through the Night Series

Into the Darkness
The Darkness Deepens
Dawn’s Early Light
A New Day

Journey Through the Night, All Four Stories

The post Journey Through the Night, All Four Stories appeared first on Classical Education Books.

A Bloom of Friendship Thu, 12 Nov 2020 22:39:09 +0000 A Bloom of Friendship is the true story of a princess whose birth in Canada heralded a long-lasting friendship between the Netherlands and Canada. During the Second World War, Canadian troops played a key role in liberating the Netherlands from Nazi occupation. Early in the war, when Dutch Crown Princess Juliana and her family had to [...]

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The post A Bloom of Friendship appeared first on Classical Education Books.

The Borrowed House Thu, 24 Sep 2020 21:44:00 +0000 During World War II a young German girl, who has been indoctrinated into the Hitler Youth, travels to occupied Amsterdam to rejoin her parents then comes to realize the truth about the war. New introduction by the author’s son, John Tepper Marlin. “So, you’re falsifying papers?” said Janna. “You belong to the Dutch Resistance.” She [...]

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The post The Borrowed House appeared first on Classical Education Books.

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