socratic method Archives - Classical Education Books Conveniently Canadian Tue, 02 Aug 2022 19:12:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 socratic method Archives - Classical Education Books 32 32 The Lost Seeds of Learning: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric as Life-Giving Arts Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:43:02 +0000 The verbal arts of grammar, logic, and rhetoric are often referred to as tools of learning. But this analogy between words and tools too often relies on the common assumption that the verbal arts are merely neutral tools. Even reimagining the verbal arts as purposive tools that serve a good beyond themselves takes us only [...]

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“ If we lose the ability to imagine how words are like seeds, we risk presuming that language cannot serve any purpose greater than our own. If we cannot imagine how human words can communicate self-giving life, then we lose the ability to imagine how Christian faith is possible.”

The Lost Seeds of Learning invites readers to consider how our understanding of the learners, the teachers, the content, the forms, and the purposes of the verbal arts becomes transformed in light of Christian faith. Recovering the vision of how grammar, logic, and rhetoric can be like seeds and not merely neutral tools helps us remember why these arts are crucial to Christian formation. These arts have an intrinsic purpose not of human choosing and a particular purpose to communicate new life. Such life communicated is a divine gift and the form of such communication can be self-giving. Such verbal giving and receiving is a living knowledge that relies on the testimony of particular persons over time. By imagining words as seeds, Christian educators can cultivate attention, patience, and responsible action rather than distraction, impatience, and paralysis.

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Socratic Conversation: Bringing the Dialogues of Plato and the Socratic Tradition into Today’s Classroom Wed, 09 Jun 2021 20:20:49 +0000 Socratic Conversation reveals the natural connection between great philosophical dialogues and the art of philosophic conversation that is in pursuit of the truth. In distinct yet complementary ways, the three parts of the book build a bridge between the philosophical dialogues of Plato, and others, and the contemporary practice of Socratic conversation as a pedagogical method.

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“Socrates: If you’re persuaded by me and give little thought to Socrates and much more to the truth, you must agree with me if I seem to you to say what’s true; and if I don’t, you must strain against me with every argument you’ve got, taking care that I don’t, out of eagerness, go off, having deceived both myself and you, like a bee that left its stinger behind.”
—Plato’s Phaedo

Examine the tradition of Socratic conversation to preserve its future!

Socratic Conversation reveals the natural connection between great philosophical dialogues and the art of philosophic conversation that is in pursuit of the truth. In distinct yet complementary ways, the three parts of the book build a bridge between the philosophical dialogues of Plato, and others, and the contemporary practice of Socratic conversation as a pedagogical method.

Part 1: To build this bridge, author Jeffrey Lehman examines some of Plato’s best-known and most-loved dialogues. Each chapter in part 1 focuses on those aspects of the dialogues that help one see the connection between the way Plato has crafted his philosophical dialogues and his hope that reading them will engender in his readers a desire to engage in philosophical conversation themselves.

Part 2: Join the author on a journey from Plato’s time to our own. Along the way, the author examines particularly striking examples of philosophical dialogue and shows how they continue the work Plato had started.

Part 3: The focus in the final section turns to Socratic conversation in our own time! Informed by the investigation of the examples of philosophical dialogues in the second section, the reader is in a better position to understand and appreciate the challenges and delights of Socratic conversation as a pedagogical method. Along the way, the author shows how remarkably fitting Socratic conversation is to classical education and considers some of the basic principles of effective Socratic conversation.

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Ready Readers: Children’s Literature Package Fri, 26 Feb 2021 04:19:23 +0000 Each volume in the Ready Readers series provides complete discussion notes for a collection of classic stories, including questions from the Socratic List on all major structural and stylistic elements:  Conflict, Plot, Characters, Setting, Theme, Context and Literary Devices. Each question is answered in full with references to the text. Ready Readers also provides completed story charts and a [...]

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Ready Readers is based on the Teaching the Classics approach to reading, which involves working with stories at or below a student’s reading level.  While the volumes in this series are appropriate to the reading level of a specific age group, they can be applied to grades at their reading level and up.

Many parents and teachers asked for a set of example lessons to help them apply the Teaching the Classics model in their classes.

Ready Readers: Children’s Literature fills this need with complete discussion notes for 10 classic picture books.  Each lesson includes a full set of Socratic discussion questions with comprehensive answers keyed to the text.  Questions cover Conflict, Plot, Setting, Characters, Theme, Literary Devices, and Context. In addition, a completed Story Chart graphically outlines the major structural and thematic elements of each story.

This exciting resource is appropriate for use with students of all ages, depending on their needs:


Ready Readers helps develop good reading comprehension in the very youngest students.  It encourages them to ponder well-designed questions about structure, style, context, and theme in every story they read.


Though the books discussed here were written for children, they provide excellent examples of the structural elements common to all stories.  They are therefore useful even in discussions with older students, who read at a higher level but may be new to the techniques of literary analysis.

The first volume in the Ready Readers series provides a discussion of ten children’s picture books. Although the content is primarily useful as a tool for teaching K-3 students the basics of literary structure and style, it is also helpful for introducing older students to literary analysis at a more approachable level.

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Teaching the Classics – Workbook Wed, 10 Aug 2016 17:09:15 +0000 Teaching the Classics will revolutionize the way you and your students read books. By using short stories as the models and the Socratic approach as the method, the authors systematically prepare you to teach character, plot, theme, and other elements of fiction and literary analysis. You can quickly equip your children with literary study tools [...]

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Inspiring lectures and demonstrations by Adam Andrews include live readings of Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, Leo Tolstoy, Beatrix Potter, and more.  The syllabus notebook included with the course contains everything a teacher needs to conduct powerful literary discussions, including our exclusive Socratic List – a set of 173 graded discussion questions that can be used with any story in the world. Questions on the list are arranged in order of difficulty: from elementary questions which ask for the mere facts of a story to advanced questions which require discussion of transcendent themes. Properly employed, this list can help teachers engage their classes in important discussions of ideas, and also provide a rich resource for essay assignments.


Related Products:

Teaching the Classics – DVD and Workbook

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Teaching the Classics – DVD and Workbook Wed, 10 Aug 2016 17:02:45 +0000 Teaching the Classics is an eight-hour seminar that shows parents and teachers a powerful method for discussing literature.  This method can be applied to any book at any grade level, regardless of the teacher's experience. It is Center For Lit's flagship product, and the foundation of all their work. The seminar builds on the idea that [...]

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Inspiring lectures and demonstrations by Adam Andrews include live readings of Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, Leo Tolstoy, Beatrix Potter, and more.  The syllabus notebook included with the course contains everything a teacher needs to conduct powerful literary discussions, including our exclusive Socratic List – a set of 173 graded discussion questions that can be used with any story in the world. Questions on the list are arranged in order of difficulty: from elementary questions which ask for the mere facts of a story to advanced questions which require discussion of transcendent themes. Properly employed, this list can help teachers engage their classes in important discussions of ideas, and also provide a rich resource for essay assignments.

The complete set includes:

  • Eight one-hour DVD presentations by Adam Andrews
  • A 120-page syllabus notebook with complete teacher resources
  • Full texts of all stories used in the seminar
  • Our exclusive Socratic list of 173 discussion questions applicable to any story
  • In-depth essays on Conflict, Plot, Setting, Characters, Theme, and Context
  • Annotated readings lists for students of all ages
  • Reproducible story charts for classroom use
  • Scope and sequence models
  • Daily lesson plans
  • Glossary of literary devices
  • Suggestions for writing assignments
  • Video FAQ session with Adam Andrews

Running time: 7 hours 38 minutes
Syllabus page count: 120


CenterForLit re-filmed Teaching the Classics in 2016 using high quality video and audio.  We also redesigned, revised, and expanded the syllabus notebook. The second edition now includes the following features:

  • Eight one-hour DVD sessions featuring 2+ hours of additional content:
    • Line-by-line explanations of each question on the Socratic List
    • Extended discussions of teaching philosophy and techniques
    • Additional tips for teachers on lesson planning and scope & sequence development
    • A live “FAQ” discussion addressing common teacher questions
    • Live readings of classic stories with first edition illustrations by the original artists
    • Music from Mozart’s Piano Concerto in D Minor
  • A 120-page syllabus notebook featuring 25 pages of additional content:
    • Expanded discussion notes for each DVD session
    • A reorganized Socratic List of discussion questions
    • A revised bibliography of recommended books for students of all ages
    • Expanded lists of literary devices, terms, and definitions
    • Links to new supplemental resources designed for the Teaching the Classics method

IMPORTANT NOTE: Teaching the Classics, Second Edition (2017) presents the same tried and true method for reading and discussing literature that has been helping parents and teachers since 2004.  Though the presentation has been significantly updated, seminar alumni investigating the new edition will find the essential techniques unchanged.

Click here for extra workbooks.

For lesson plans to get you started using Teaching the Classics, click here.


Related Product:

Teaching the Classics – Workbook

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