parent resource Archives - Classical Education Books Conveniently Canadian Thu, 23 Jun 2022 23:40:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 parent resource Archives - Classical Education Books 32 32 The Lost Seeds of Learning: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric as Life-Giving Arts Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:43:02 +0000 The verbal arts of grammar, logic, and rhetoric are often referred to as tools of learning. But this analogy between words and tools too often relies on the common assumption that the verbal arts are merely neutral tools. Even reimagining the verbal arts as purposive tools that serve a good beyond themselves takes us only [...]

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“ If we lose the ability to imagine how words are like seeds, we risk presuming that language cannot serve any purpose greater than our own. If we cannot imagine how human words can communicate self-giving life, then we lose the ability to imagine how Christian faith is possible.”

The Lost Seeds of Learning invites readers to consider how our understanding of the learners, the teachers, the content, the forms, and the purposes of the verbal arts becomes transformed in light of Christian faith. Recovering the vision of how grammar, logic, and rhetoric can be like seeds and not merely neutral tools helps us remember why these arts are crucial to Christian formation. These arts have an intrinsic purpose not of human choosing and a particular purpose to communicate new life. Such life communicated is a divine gift and the form of such communication can be self-giving. Such verbal giving and receiving is a living knowledge that relies on the testimony of particular persons over time. By imagining words as seeds, Christian educators can cultivate attention, patience, and responsible action rather than distraction, impatience, and paralysis.

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Successful Homeschooling Made Easy Wed, 15 Sep 2021 19:30:51 +0000 A 20-year homeschooling veteran shares wisdom and advice in this easy-to-implement guide to setting up a homeschool that works for you and your family.

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At last! Stephanie Walmsley’s popular Successful Homeschooling Made Easy course is available in book form. This simple-to-follow, easy-to-understand book will guide you through the details of exactly what you need to do to start successfully homeschooling today.

Written by a homeschooling mother and qualified teacher, who has walked the talk and understands how to work with children at home, you will learn about the practicalities of homeschooling. Things like creating timetables, lesson plans, organisation, and scheduling are easy once you know-how. You’ll even learn how to run a sane and tidy household while homeschooling, how to choose the best curriculum for your children, how to make extracurricular activities work with your family, and so much more.

By working through this book you will be homeschooling successfully in no time, while also saving time and money as you learn how to avoid all the overwhelming information, unsuitable homeschooling curriculum, and events.

What people are saying about Successful Homeschooling Made Easy:

  • I now feel confident in my own ability to homeschool my children and to not get too stressed about doing it all right. – M S
  • I really liked the way you gently walked me through the process of establishing what suits our family and how we want to work. Planning and homeschooling are so enjoyable now. Thank you. – B S
  • I can’t explain how invaluable this has been and still is. In the everyday bustle of life it is easy to forget why you set out on this particular journey so now, every time I look at our Homeschool Goals, which is on our fridge, I am reminded why we are homeschooling and exactly what we want to achieve. It provides that hope and inspiration and excitement that we felt when we first decided to homeschool. It keeps us going when things get tough. I also love the variety of templates for lesson planning and scheduling. – A G
  • This has been a wonderful experience for me. I loved reading the stories and getting organization ideas. You have really got me thinking about my values and helped me to work out why I want to homeschool. Thanks. – H E

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The Liberal Arts Tradition (Third Edition) Mon, 30 Aug 2021 17:07:16 +0000 The Liberal Arts Tradition: A Philosophy of Christian Classical Education introduces readers to a paradigm for understanding a classical education that transcends the familiar 3-stage pattern of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Instead, this book describes the liberal arts as a central part of a larger and more robust paradigm of classical education that should consist of [...]

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Since the publication of the first edition of The Liberal Arts Tradition in 2014, this book has been read and circulated by thoughtful educators around the world who are interested in what great education once was and might be again. Assigned in college classes, read by school faculties, and studied in homeschooling communities, it has been widely reviewed and recommended by many scholars, bloggers, and experts. The authors thoroughly revised the text in 2019, expanding and deepening their presentation of the core elements of the liberal arts tradition, which include piety, music, gymnastic, liberal arts, philosophy, and theology. In this latest release, they have taken a step further, suggesting practical ways to begin implementing the educational philosophy discussed. This is a must-read for educators desiring practical ways to further the recovery of classical education.


The Liberal Arts Tradition: A Philosophy of Christian Classical Education introduces readers to a paradigm for understanding a classical education that transcends the familiar 3-stage pattern of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Instead, this book describes the liberal arts as a central part of a larger and more robust paradigm of classical education that should consist of piety, gymnastic, music, liberal arts, philosophy, and theology. The Liberal Arts Tradition also recovers the means by which classical educators developed more than just intellectual virtue (by means of the 7 liberal arts) but holistically cultivated the mind, body, will, and affections. This is a must-read for educators who want to take a second big step toward recovering the tradition of classical education.

What’s NEW in the Revised Edition

Now in hardcover, the revised edition of The Liberal Arts Tradition has been expanded and updated throughout to reflect the most recent understandings and philosophies of classical education. It also includes 40 percent new content, featuring:

  • Expanded Trivium pieces
  • Expanded “Moral Philosophy” piece, with more nuanced discussions of virtue and the role of the Church
  • Completely new “Calling, Culture, and Curriculum” section addressing (1) biblical foundations for classical Christian education, (2) the relationship of classical Christian education to the Church and other cultures, and (3) the relationship between the liberal, common, and fine arts
  • Revised “Natural Philosophy” piece
  • Updated paradigm of the liberal arts tradition
  • Glossary
  • New appendices, including one on reading and one entitled “A New Natural Philosophy”

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Socratic Conversation: Bringing the Dialogues of Plato and the Socratic Tradition into Today’s Classroom Wed, 09 Jun 2021 20:20:49 +0000 Socratic Conversation reveals the natural connection between great philosophical dialogues and the art of philosophic conversation that is in pursuit of the truth. In distinct yet complementary ways, the three parts of the book build a bridge between the philosophical dialogues of Plato, and others, and the contemporary practice of Socratic conversation as a pedagogical method.

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“Socrates: If you’re persuaded by me and give little thought to Socrates and much more to the truth, you must agree with me if I seem to you to say what’s true; and if I don’t, you must strain against me with every argument you’ve got, taking care that I don’t, out of eagerness, go off, having deceived both myself and you, like a bee that left its stinger behind.”
—Plato’s Phaedo

Examine the tradition of Socratic conversation to preserve its future!

Socratic Conversation reveals the natural connection between great philosophical dialogues and the art of philosophic conversation that is in pursuit of the truth. In distinct yet complementary ways, the three parts of the book build a bridge between the philosophical dialogues of Plato, and others, and the contemporary practice of Socratic conversation as a pedagogical method.

Part 1: To build this bridge, author Jeffrey Lehman examines some of Plato’s best-known and most-loved dialogues. Each chapter in part 1 focuses on those aspects of the dialogues that help one see the connection between the way Plato has crafted his philosophical dialogues and his hope that reading them will engender in his readers a desire to engage in philosophical conversation themselves.

Part 2: Join the author on a journey from Plato’s time to our own. Along the way, the author examines particularly striking examples of philosophical dialogue and shows how they continue the work Plato had started.

Part 3: The focus in the final section turns to Socratic conversation in our own time! Informed by the investigation of the examples of philosophical dialogues in the second section, the reader is in a better position to understand and appreciate the challenges and delights of Socratic conversation as a pedagogical method. Along the way, the author shows how remarkably fitting Socratic conversation is to classical education and considers some of the basic principles of effective Socratic conversation.

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Talking with Your Kids about Jesus Thu, 07 May 2020 22:33:56 +0000 You already know the world will challenge your child's faith in Jesus. But do you know specifically what those faith challenges are, how to effectively talk with your child about them, and what that means for you as a Christian parent on a day-to-day basis? If your answer is no, you're not alone. Many Christian parents [...]

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Talking with Your Kids about Jesus will give you the confidence you need to have the conversations that matter most in today’s skeptical world. In a friendly, parent-to-parent voice, Natasha Crain will walk you through essential topics on Jesus’s identity, teachings, death, and resurrection. Each chapter clearly explains what skeptics are saying and provides a concise, easy-to-understand response you can discuss with your child–one that can be tailored for any age.

Related Products:

Talking with Your Kids about God


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Talking with Your Kids about God Thu, 07 May 2020 22:24:41 +0000 You want to pass on your faith to your children. But in today's increasingly skeptical and hostile world, how can you prepare your kids for the challenges and doubts they will inevitably face?

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In a friendly, parent-to-parent voice, Natasha Crain brings clarity to this question by walking you through thirty essential conversations about God that parents and kids must have today, including discussions about:

· the existence of God
· science and God
· the nature of God
· believing in God
· the difference God makes

Organized so that each chapter builds upon the last, this book provides a cumulative learning experience appropriate for home, church classes, youth groups, small groups, and homeschools. Every chapter has a conversation guide, and content is adaptable for use with kids from elementary age through high school.

Related Products:

Talking with Your Kids About Jesus

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Laying Down the Rails for Yourself Mon, 04 Nov 2019 21:32:09 +0000 It’s never too late to cultivate good habits! Learn how to lay down some rails of good habits for yourself! This compelling combination of vivid word pictures and descriptions from Charlotte Mason, helpful insights from modern research, and practical ideas from life experience will show you how you can successfully instill habits in your own [...]

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Download a Free Sample

“Many adults face daily struggles because no one took the time and effort to help instill good habits in their lives when they were young. If you are one of those struggling adults, or if you simply want to keep growing by laying down new rails toward other good ends in your life, this book is for you.” — Sonya Shafer

Discover how habits are

  • like railroad tracks, making your days run smoother and easier.
  • a powerful lever, enabling you to do things you never thought you could.
  • like a well-trained horse, helping you overcome your natural tendencies.
  • the result of conflict, teaching you the secrets of strengthening your willpower.
  • a parent’s business, pointing out how habit-training yourself is different from habit-training your child.
  • little hammers, shaping and moulding who you are becoming.
  • a thing of now, encouraging you to start today!

Related Products:

Laying Down the Rails
Laying Down the Rails for Children
Laying Down the Rails Workshop Audio CD
Laying Down the Rails Workshop DVD


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Charlotte Mason’s Original Home Schooling Series Volume 6: A Philosophy of Education Mon, 14 Oct 2019 22:15:47 +0000 Download a Free Sample A Philosophy of Education reveals how curiosity is the pathway to creative learning. Written in two books, it explains the Charlotte Mason approach and cites results in students using her approach. In it, you will find solid principles and practical methods that make education simple yet effective. Discover: what it means [...]

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Charlotte Mason (1842–1923) was 100 years ahead of her time in developing an educational philosophy that stressed bringing broad and stimulating education to a child in a noncompetitive, Biblically-based way. Her timeless, practical insights and her emphasis on the responsibility of the home have made her a founding influence in the homeschooling movement.

Now you can read Charlotte Mason’s original writings with confidence. This study edition of the Original Home Schooling Series presents:

  • Authorized page replicas of the complete text as originally published, so you can be sure every word is authentic and accurate
  • Keeps the original page numbers, so you can easily look up favorite quotations and cited references—great for study groups
  • Enlarged text (28% larger), meticulously restored for ease of reading
  • Wide margins for note-taking, so you have plenty of room to document your growth as you study her rich and practical ideas
  • 8.5″ x 11″ page size, so your book will lie open more easily

“We all stir out minds into action the better if there is an implied ‘must’ in the background; for children in class the ‘must’ acts through the certainty that they will be required to narrate or write from what they have read with no opportunity of ‘looking up,’ or other devices of the idle.” —Charlotte Mason

“Teachers owe much to Charlotte Mason’s deep insight into child psychology and to the new principles in character building and mind training which she advocated. The gratitude of [those] who have profited by her counsel will be her enduring memorial.”—Elizabeth R., Her Majesty the Queen Mother of England

Companion Books in Series:

Original Home Schooling Series Volume 1: Home Education
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 2: Parents and Children 
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 3: School Education
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 4: Ourselves
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 5: Formation of Character

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Charlotte Mason’s Original Home Schooling Series Volume 5: Formation of Character Mon, 14 Oct 2019 22:12:32 +0000 Download a Free Sample Formation of Character delves into shaping the child’s personality through incidental, rather than structured, education and circumstances. In this collection of mainly living stories, you will gain wisdom for many areas of everyday life, including: dealing with temper tantrums helping a child learn to pay attention and focus curbing sulking and [...]

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Charlotte Mason (1842–1923) was 100 years ahead of her time in developing an educational philosophy that stressed bringing broad and stimulating education to a child in a noncompetitive, Biblically-based way. Her timeless, practical insights and her emphasis on the responsibility of the home have made her a founding influence in the homeschooling movement.

Now you can read Charlotte Mason’s original writings with confidence. This study edition of the Original Home Schooling Series presents:

  • Authorized page replicas of the complete text as originally published, so you can be sure every word is authentic and accurate
  • Keeps the original page numbers, so you can easily look up favorite quotations and cited references—great for study groups
  • Enlarged text (28% larger), meticulously restored for ease of reading
  • Wide margins for note-taking, so you have plenty of room to document your growth as you study her rich and practical ideas
  • 8.5″ x 11″ page size, so your book will lie open more easily

“Education in morals the young people must get at home, or not at all. The chief of their duties is the duty they owe to their parents: from this stem, all other duties, to kindred, commonwealth, and neighbours, branch out.” —Charlotte Mason

“Teachers owe much to Charlotte Mason’s deep insight into child psychology and to the new principles in character building and mind training which she advocated. The gratitude of [those] who have profited by her counsel will be her enduring memorial.”—Elizabeth R., Her Majesty the Queen Mother of England

Companion Books in Series:

Original Home Schooling Series Volume 1: Home Education
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 2: Parents and Children 
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 3: School Education
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 4: Ourselves
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 6: A Philosophy of Education

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Charlotte Mason’s Original Home Schooling Series Volume 4: Ourselves Mon, 14 Oct 2019 22:07:12 +0000 Download a Free Sample Ourselves encourages growth through improving character and conscience. Written for young people, it is divided into two books and gives vital guidance for self-knowledge and self-direction. Your older student will: learn about himself as he explores the inner workings of the Kingdom of Mansoul receive wise counsel regarding his body, mind, [...]

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Charlotte Mason (1842–1923) was 100 years ahead of her time in developing an educational philosophy that stressed bringing broad and stimulating education to a child in a noncompetitive, Biblically-based way. Her timeless, practical insights and her emphasis on the responsibility of the home have made her a founding influence in the homeschooling movement.

Now you can read Charlotte Mason’s original writings with confidence. This study edition of the Original Home Schooling Series presents:

  • Authorized page replicas of the complete text as originally published, so you can be sure every word is authentic and accurate
  • Keeps the original page numbers, so you can easily look up favorite quotations and cited references—great for study groups
  • Enlarged text (28% larger), meticulously restored for ease of reading
  • Wide margins for note-taking, so you have plenty of room to document your growth as you study her rich and practical ideas
  • 8.5″ x 11″ page size, so your book will lie open more easily

“Humility is perhaps one with Simplicity, and does not allow us to think of ourselves at all, ill or well. That is why a child is humble. The thought of self does not come to him at all; when it does, he falls from his child estate and becomes what we call self-conscious.”—Charlotte Mason

“Teachers owe much to Charlotte Mason’s deep insight into child psychology and to the new principles in character building and mind training which she advocated. The gratitude of [those] who have profited by her counsel will be her enduring memorial.”—Elizabeth R., Her Majesty the Queen Mother of England

Companion Books in Series:

Original Home Schooling Series Volume 1: Home Education
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 2: Parents and Children 
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 3: School Education
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 5: Formation of Character
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 6: A Philosophy of Education

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Charlotte Mason’s Original Home Schooling Series Volume 3: School Education Mon, 14 Oct 2019 22:00:15 +0000 Download a Free Sample School Education presents Charlotte’s ideas on developing a curriculum. In it you will explore how you can give your child the best education through: the atmosphere of your home, including how you handle your role as an authority your view of your child as a whole person intentional physical, intellectual, moral, [...]

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Charlotte Mason (1842–1923) was 100 years ahead of her time in developing an educational philosophy that stressed bringing broad and stimulating education to a child in a noncompetitive, Biblically-based way. Her timeless, practical insights and her emphasis on the responsibility of the home have made her a founding influence in the homeschooling movement.

Now you can read Charlotte Mason’s original writings with confidence. This study edition of the Original Home Schooling Series presents:

  • Authorized page replicas of the complete text as originally published, so you can be sure every word is authentic and accurate
  • Keeps the original page numbers, so you can easily look up favorite quotations and cited references—great for study groups
  • Enlarged text (28% larger), meticulously restored for ease of reading
  • Wide margins for note-taking, so you have plenty of room to document your growth as you study her rich and practical ideas
  • 8.5″ x 11″ page size, so your book will lie open more easily

“Let us try, however imperfectly, to make education a science of relationships . . . try in one subject or another to let the children work upon living ideas. In this field small efforts are honoured with great rewards.”—Charlotte Mason

“Teachers owe much to Charlotte Mason’s deep insight into child psychology and to the new principles in character building and mind training which she advocated. The gratitude of [those] who have profited by her counsel will be her enduring memorial.”—Elizabeth R., Her Majesty the Queen Mother of England

Companion Books in Series:

Original Home Schooling Series Volume 1: Home Education
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 2: Parents and Children 
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 4: Ourselves
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 5: Formation of Character
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 6: A Philosophy of Education

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Charlotte Mason’s Original Home Schooling Series Volume 2: Parents and Children Mon, 14 Oct 2019 21:43:03 +0000 Download a Free Sample Parents and Children explores the important role of the parent in the education of the child. In it, you will be reminded of the role of parents as: rulers, using your God-given authority to establish a secure family environment inspirers, nourishing your child’s mind and heart with ideas schoolmasters, equipping your [...]

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Charlotte Mason (1842–1923) was 100 years ahead of her time in developing an educational philosophy that stressed bringing broad and stimulating education to a child in a noncompetitive, Biblically-based way. Her timeless, practical insights and her emphasis on the responsibility of the home have made her a founding influence in the homeschooling movement.

Now you can read Charlotte Mason’s original writings with confidence. This study edition of the Original Home Schooling Series presents:

  • Authorized page replicas of the complete text as originally published, so you can be sure every word is authentic and accurate
  • Keeps the original page numbers, so you can easily look up favorite quotations and cited references—great for study groups
  • Enlarged text (28% larger), meticulously restored for ease of reading
  • Wide margins for note-taking, so you have plenty of room to document your growth as you study her rich and practical ideas
  • 8.5″ x 11″ page size, so your book will lie open more easily

“The child brings with him into the world, not character, but disposition. His character . . . is original disposition, modified, directed, expanded by education; by circumstances; later, by self-control and self-culture; above all, by the supreme agency of the Holy Ghost.”—Charlotte Mason

“Teachers owe much to Charlotte Mason’s deep insight into child psychology and to the new principles in character building and mind training which she advocated. The gratitude of [those] who have profited by her counsel will be her enduring memorial.”—Elizabeth R., Her Majesty the Queen Mother of England

Companion Books in Series:

Original Home Schooling Series Volume 1: Home Education
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 3: School Education
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 4: Ourselves
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 5: Formation of Character
Original Home Schooling Series Volume 6: A Philosophy of Education

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