inventions Archives - Classical Education Books Conveniently Canadian Tue, 01 Nov 2022 21:43:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 inventions Archives - Classical Education Books 32 32 The Picture History of Great Inventors Tue, 13 Sep 2022 23:02:40 +0000 Here is an entertaining and fact-packed introduction to the great inventors of the world and their inventions.  

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From the Publisher:

Have you ever wondered who invented the calculator? Or what the first ever map of the world was made of? Or how a computer works?

Follow the lives and work of over 50 major innovators as you set off on a journey from the earliest inventions in recorded history to the most recent developments in science and technology. Colourful, decade-by-decade catalog of the world’s greatest inventors.

Illustrated with 800+ drawings, and bursting with facts, Great Inventors celebrates ingenuity of people throughout the ages. Fascinating read for those curious about the notable, and not so notable, technical achievements that have shaped our lives.

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Men on Iron Horses (Dyslexia Series) Wed, 17 Aug 2022 17:15:52 +0000 The stories in this series explore the evolution of the locomotive and the development of the railroad in America—and the men who made it happen—revolutionizing the economy and ushering in an era of unity across the country.

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In the early 1830s, people in America began building the first locomotives and laying railroad tracks across the country. Mail, goods, and passengers all needed a way to traverse the nation, and the iron horse seemed the best way to do it. For the next forty years, the railroad slowly snaked westward to the edges of the frontier, then crossed great expanses of untamed wilderness to get to California, connecting East with West in a way that had not been possible before.

The work was not easy, nor was it without problems. Someone had to invent the first locomotive. Someone had to make it work well. Someone had to figure out how to keep passengers from being choked by smoke and burned by falling sparks from the locomotive’s smokestack. Someone had to recognize that the entire system of trains and tracks needed to be standardized so that a train in New York could travel on a track in Boston. Someone had to finance the building of more tracks, cut through prairies and forests, bore through mountains, build bridges over valleys and rivers. None of it was easy. In fact, much of it was dangerous.

The iron horses changed fundamentally how united the people of the United States actually felt, and it also radically revolutionized the economies of not just the many small cities along the railroad but also the country as a whole. But men had to make it work, and the books in this series tell those stories.

These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.

The Men on Iron Horses Dyslexia Series offers a way for children with reading difficulties to enjoy reading and American history in a rare and wonderfully accessible combination that they will treasure for years to come.

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General Dodge and Charlie Crocker Meet in the Middle Wed, 17 Aug 2022 17:07:19 +0000 General Dodge was in charge of building the Union Pacific Railroad west from Omaha, Nebraska. Charlie Crocker was in charge of building the Central Pacific Railroad east from California. The railroad tracks were supposed to meet in the middle.

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Each man and his crew were determined to get as far as they could as fast as they could. It was a race, and when it was over, the railroad would stretch across the entire United States for the first time ever.

These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.

Titles in Series:

Peter Cooper’s Horse and a Half 
William Brown Rides the Dewitt Clinton 
Captain Ayres and the Jumping Stick
William Ogden’s Iron Pioneer
Ad Clark’s Record Run to the Pony Express
General Dodge and Charlie Crocker Meet in the Middle 

Men on Iron Horses (Dyslexia Series) Set

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Ad Clark’s Record Run to the Pony Express Wed, 17 Aug 2022 17:03:57 +0000 The first Pony Express ride was a race against time, but the mail had to come from New York before the rider could start out.

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There was a delay, and the train waiting at Hannibal, Missouri, to carry the mail across the state to St. Joseph, where the Pony Express rider waited, couldn’t start on time. The train’s engineer, Ad Clark, had already been told to try to set a speed record, but now he’d have to do better than ever. Just how fast could he push his locomotive?

These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.


Titles in Series:

Peter Cooper’s Horse and a Half 
William Brown Rides the Dewitt Clinton 
Captain Ayres and the Jumping Stick
William Ogden’s Iron Pioneer
Ad Clark’s Record Run to the Pony Express
General Dodge and Charlie Crocker Meet in the Middle 

Men on Iron Horses (Dyslexia Series) Set

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William Ogden’s Iron Pioneer Wed, 17 Aug 2022 17:00:00 +0000 William Ogden bought himself a used locomotive and some train cars and had a few miles of railroad tracks built from Chicago going west, all despite the citizens of Chicago telling him that he was wasting his time.

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Mr. Ogden knew that the country could be crossed by rail easier than by horse or wagon, and he went ahead with his plan. It wasn’t long at all before the little locomotive proved its worth.

These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.


Titles in Series:

Peter Cooper’s Horse and a Half 
William Brown Rides the Dewitt Clinton 
Captain Ayres and the Jumping Stick
William Ogden’s Iron Pioneer
Ad Clark’s Record Run to the Pony Express
General Dodge and Charlie Crocker Meet in the Middle 

Men on Iron Horses (Dyslexia Series) Set

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Captain Ayres and the Jumping Stick Wed, 17 Aug 2022 16:56:09 +0000 In the early days of the locomotive, there were no rules about how the trains were to be run or even who was in charge.

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Captain Ayres found himself frustrated with the engineer on his train, a stubborn man name Mr. Hamil who seemed determined to have his way, no matter the cost to the train or its passengers. So Captain Ayres devised a way to work with Mr. Hamil, but he soon found out that he would have to work things out the hard way.

These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.


Titles in Series:

Peter Cooper’s Horse and a Half 
William Brown Rides the Dewitt Clinton 
Captain Ayres and the Jumping Stick
William Ogden’s Iron Pioneer
Ad Clark’s Record Run to the Pony Express
General Dodge and Charlie Crocker Meet in the Middle 

Men on Iron Horses (Dyslexia Series) Set

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William Brown Rides the DeWitt Clinton Wed, 17 Aug 2022 16:52:23 +0000 In the early 1830s, iron horses were being built all along the East Coast, and whenever they arrived in a new town, people were excited to ride them for the first time.

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The first locomotives had some problems that needed to be worked out before they would become popular as passenger vehicles. An artist named William Brown took his first ride on the new train in New York, and it was one he would never forget. And because he was an artist, he made sure that no one else would forget either.

These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.


Titles in Series:

Peter Cooper’s Horse and a Half 
William Brown Rides the Dewitt Clinton 
Captain Ayres and the Jumping Stick
William Ogden’s Iron Pioneer
Ad Clark’s Record Run to the Pony Express
General Dodge and Charlie Crocker Meet in the Middle 

Men on Iron Horses (Dyslexia Series) Set

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Peter Cooper’s Horse and a Half Wed, 17 Aug 2022 16:48:17 +0000 Peter Cooper knew for certain about his homemade little steam engine. All he had to do was show people what his new iron horse could do.

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First, he knew that it wasn’t big enough or strong enough to carry more than a few passengers from place to place. And second, he knew that the problems he had with it weren’t nearly as important as what it would mean for the future, when locomotives could be made by people who could build them bigger and better than he could.

These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.

Titles in Series:

Peter Cooper’s Horse and a Half 
William Brown Rides the Dewitt Clinton 
Captain Ayres and the Jumping Stick
William Ogden’s Iron Pioneer
Ad Clark’s Record Run to the Pony Express
General Dodge and Charlie Crocker Meet in the Middle 

Men on Iron Horses (Dyslexia Series) Set

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The Wright Brothers Wed, 04 Oct 2017 01:43:43 +0000 The Wright airplane is one of the most amazing–and life-changing–inventions in American History!

The post The Wright Brothers appeared first on Classical Education Books.

From the Publisher:

“Young Orville and Wilbur Wright loved building things. From the fastest sled in town to the highest-flying kite, the Wright brothers’ creations were always a step ahead of everyone else’s.

They grew up learning all about mechanics from fixing bicycles and studied math and physics. On December 17, 1903, Orville took off in the world’s first flying machine!”

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