classical education Archives - Classical Education Books Conveniently Canadian Thu, 14 Jul 2022 00:30:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 classical education Archives - Classical Education Books 32 32 A Reader’s Greek New Testament: Third Edition Fri, 22 Apr 2022 04:10:14 +0000 A Reader’s Greek New Testament: Third Edition saves time and effort in studying the Greek New Testament. Definitions for Greek words that appear 30 times or less appear in footnotes, as an aid when encountering less common vocabulary. Other features include maps, a mini-lexicon, and notes comparing the Greek text underlying the NIV with NA28.

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A Reader’s Greek New Testament: Third Edition saves time and effort in studying the Greek New Testament. If a Greek word appears in the New Testament fewer than 30 times, then a definition is provided. This serves as an aid when you encounter less common vocabulary, allowing you to focus on reading, comprehension, parsing, and grammatical issues. You no longer have to interrupt your reading, searching through a lexicon! Featuring a handsome Italian Duo-Tone™ binding, A Reader’s Greek New Testament: Third Edition is a practical, attractive, and surprisingly affordable resource.

Features of this third edition include: footnoted definitions of all words occurring 30 times or less; mini-lexicon of all words occurring more than 30 times; Greek text underlying the New International Version; footnotes comparing the Greek text with the critical text of UBS5/NA28; 4 pages of full-color maps; marker ribbon; and easy-to-read Greek fonts.

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The Lost Seeds of Learning: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric as Life-Giving Arts Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:43:02 +0000 The verbal arts of grammar, logic, and rhetoric are often referred to as tools of learning. But this analogy between words and tools too often relies on the common assumption that the verbal arts are merely neutral tools. Even reimagining the verbal arts as purposive tools that serve a good beyond themselves takes us only [...]

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“ If we lose the ability to imagine how words are like seeds, we risk presuming that language cannot serve any purpose greater than our own. If we cannot imagine how human words can communicate self-giving life, then we lose the ability to imagine how Christian faith is possible.”

The Lost Seeds of Learning invites readers to consider how our understanding of the learners, the teachers, the content, the forms, and the purposes of the verbal arts becomes transformed in light of Christian faith. Recovering the vision of how grammar, logic, and rhetoric can be like seeds and not merely neutral tools helps us remember why these arts are crucial to Christian formation. These arts have an intrinsic purpose not of human choosing and a particular purpose to communicate new life. Such life communicated is a divine gift and the form of such communication can be self-giving. Such verbal giving and receiving is a living knowledge that relies on the testimony of particular persons over time. By imagining words as seeds, Christian educators can cultivate attention, patience, and responsible action rather than distraction, impatience, and paralysis.

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Ancients Bundle Mon, 01 Nov 2021 20:43:28 +0000 A Classical Charlotte Mason education is motivated by God’s glory and utilizes beautiful and true material within the Trivium-based method. Its goal is the formation and equipping of the whole person made in God’s image, who can learn, reason, and persuade people to the enduring truths of God and act virtuously toward their neighbor.  

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Audio Sample

The ICP guides are written for grammar level students (K-5th grade) and are organized around the four major eras of world history (ancients, middle ages/renaissance, early modern, modern). There will also be a fifth guide that focuses on American or Canadian history and geography, as well as national artists, writers, and musicians.

Each memory guide consists of 30 weeks of core memory work including history catechisms, geography locations, science and math facts, English grammar, Greek (in the Ancients guide), and Latin and French grammar and vocabulary.

Additionally, each memory guide includes three hand-drawn then digitized maps per week that correlate to the history catechism. There is one colored/labeled, one colored/blank, and one black and white/blank.

Finally, each memory guide includes 30 weeks of Pulchre Tempore (Beautiful Time) that focuses on a morning basket of hymns, poetry or scripture, catechisms, and various lists, as well as picture study, music selections, and read aloud suggestions that are all integrated with the memory work.

How does it work?

‍All core memory work is on the front page of each week. The facts can be chanted, sung, written out (for penmanship practice), dictated, paraphrased, narrated back, cut-up word by word, phrase by phrase, or sentence by sentence, scrambled, and then put back together in order, orally answered, drawn, acted out (with costumes!), recorded for play-back later, diagramed – there are many ways to approach it! It should be a varied, pleasurable and joy-filled time! You can bring the memory work alive and into context through living books, nature studies, conversations, field trips, and fun. The memory work is a jumping off point for further studies and, in general, is not intended to be learned in isolation. Further, we highly recommend integration of subjects as much as possible, as well as plenty of opportunities for narration.

Here is an example:

For example If your student is memorizing a history catechism about the Israelites, their history and Bible reading for the week should relate to the Israelites; the history should inform the geography and map work studied. Additionally, read-alouds and picture studies should touch upon them in some way, and, where possible, even the music listened to should center around the culture. Will this always be possible? No, and there is never any reason to stress out about it, but if the goal of integration is in the back of the teacher’s mind, then it will happen, even in very small ways. In the beginning it may seem forced, but as integration becomes more familiar, it will happen organically.


Memory Work Guide (plus maps packet and audio of core memory work)
Science Guide: Biology
Fine Arts Guide

Related Resources

Picture Study

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Ancients Picture Study Mon, 01 Nov 2021 20:35:32 +0000 A Classical Charlotte Mason education is motivated by God’s glory and utilizes beautiful and true material within the Trivium-based method. Its goal is the formation and equipping of the whole person made in God’s image, who can learn, reason, and persuade people to the enduring truths of God and act virtuously toward their neighbor. The [...]

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Related Resources

Ancients Memory Work Guide
Ancients Fine Arts Guide
Ancients Science Guide: Biology
Ancients Guide Bundle

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Ancients Science Guide: Biology Mon, 01 Nov 2021 20:29:41 +0000 A Classical Charlotte Mason education is motivated by God’s glory and utilizes beautiful and true material within the Trivium-based method. Its goal is the formation and equipping of the whole person made in God’s image, who can learn, reason, and persuade people to the enduring truths of God and act virtuously toward their neighbor. The [...]

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6 lessons of Nature Study (the Five Kingdoms of Living Things)
6 lessons of Biology (Plant Systems).

Every lesson includes a picture study and original charts.

Related Resources

Ancients Memory Work Guide
Ancients Fine Arts Guide
Picture Study
Ancients Guide Bundle

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Ancients Fine Arts Guide Mon, 01 Nov 2021 20:16:55 +0000 A Classical Charlotte Mason education is motivated by God’s glory and utilizes beautiful and true material within the Trivium-based method. Its goal is the formation and equipping of the whole person made in God’s image, who can learn, reason, and persuade people to the enduring truths of God and act virtuously toward their neighbor. This [...]

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Ancient Art Projects (6 lessons)
Ancient Music Appreciation (6 lessons)
Ancient Art Appreciation (6 lessons)

All fine arts lessons correlate with the ICP Ancients Memory Work Guide.

Related Resources

Ancients Memory Work Guide
Ancients Science Guide: Biology
Picture Study
Ancients Guide Bundle

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Ancients Memory Work Guide Mon, 01 Nov 2021 20:01:12 +0000 A Classical Charlotte Mason education is motivated by God’s glory and utilizes beautiful and true material within the Trivium-based method. Its goal is the formation and equipping of the whole person made in God’s image, who can learn, reason, and persuade people to the enduring truths of God and act virtuously toward their neighbor. This [...]

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Audio Sample

Memory Work Guide includes:

-30 weeks of core memory work (history, geography, math, science, grammar, language, poetry, bible)
-weekly presentation ideas
-read aloud booklist
-picture and music study suggestions
-maps packet (colored/labeled, colored/unlabeled, and B&W/unlabeled)

Related Resources

Ancients Fine Arts Guide
Ancients Science Guide: Biology
Picture Study
Ancients Guide Bundle

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Socratic Conversation: Bringing the Dialogues of Plato and the Socratic Tradition into Today’s Classroom Wed, 09 Jun 2021 20:20:49 +0000 Socratic Conversation reveals the natural connection between great philosophical dialogues and the art of philosophic conversation that is in pursuit of the truth. In distinct yet complementary ways, the three parts of the book build a bridge between the philosophical dialogues of Plato, and others, and the contemporary practice of Socratic conversation as a pedagogical method.

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“Socrates: If you’re persuaded by me and give little thought to Socrates and much more to the truth, you must agree with me if I seem to you to say what’s true; and if I don’t, you must strain against me with every argument you’ve got, taking care that I don’t, out of eagerness, go off, having deceived both myself and you, like a bee that left its stinger behind.”
—Plato’s Phaedo

Examine the tradition of Socratic conversation to preserve its future!

Socratic Conversation reveals the natural connection between great philosophical dialogues and the art of philosophic conversation that is in pursuit of the truth. In distinct yet complementary ways, the three parts of the book build a bridge between the philosophical dialogues of Plato, and others, and the contemporary practice of Socratic conversation as a pedagogical method.

Part 1: To build this bridge, author Jeffrey Lehman examines some of Plato’s best-known and most-loved dialogues. Each chapter in part 1 focuses on those aspects of the dialogues that help one see the connection between the way Plato has crafted his philosophical dialogues and his hope that reading them will engender in his readers a desire to engage in philosophical conversation themselves.

Part 2: Join the author on a journey from Plato’s time to our own. Along the way, the author examines particularly striking examples of philosophical dialogue and shows how they continue the work Plato had started.

Part 3: The focus in the final section turns to Socratic conversation in our own time! Informed by the investigation of the examples of philosophical dialogues in the second section, the reader is in a better position to understand and appreciate the challenges and delights of Socratic conversation as a pedagogical method. Along the way, the author shows how remarkably fitting Socratic conversation is to classical education and considers some of the basic principles of effective Socratic conversation.

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Omnibus II: Student Text – Fourth Edition Sun, 06 Jun 2021 03:19:07 +0000 Omnibus is the classical Christian educational answer to history, theology, and literature. Completing Omnibus II will provide the student a full credit in Medieval History I, Doctrine and Theology II, and Medieval and Reformational Literature I. Combining these disciplines will have students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge, and all the material [...]

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Related Products:

Omnibus II: Student Text and Teacher CD – Fourth Edition 

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Climbing Parnassus: A New Apologia for Greek and Latin Sat, 16 Mar 2019 19:59:33 +0000 In Climbing Parnassus, winner of the 2005 Paideia Prize, Tracy Lee Simmons presents a defense and vindication of the formative power of Greek and Latin. His persuasive witness to the unique, now all-but-forgotten advantages of study in and of the classical languages constitutes a bracing reminder of the genuine aims of a truly liberal education. Tracy [...]

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Consider This Wed, 25 Oct 2017 01:12:49 +0000 Amongst both school and home educators, Charlotte Mason’s methods and Classical Education have long been considered two different things.  In fact, they should not be.  Charlotte Mason deliberately looked back to classical educators such as Plato, Plutarch, Comenius, and Milton for her inspiration.  She drew her ideas from the past and presented them to her [...]

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The Study Guide is available for free from the publisher.

Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition takes a look at the most vital ideas that influenced the classical educators and shows how Charlotte Mason’s principles reflect the same ideas and values.  Reading Consider This will make her methods more attractive than ever, not only because they are effective, but because they are exactly the right way to prepare our young learners to engage with the culture they have to live in.  Classical Education is not dusty and old—it is alive and vibrant, and Charlotte Mason’s ideas about how to implement it are like an invitation to join the party.

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Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child (Second Edition) Wed, 27 Sep 2017 23:15:56 +0000 The second edition of this revolutionary book guides parents, teachers, and schools in implementing the beauty of a classical education with all children. Cheryl is an advocate of classical Christian education for students with special needs. The love of history, music, literature and Latin instilled in her children has created in Cheryl the desire to share [...]

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♦ Increase your child’s academic success
♦ Restore your child’s love of learning
♦ Regain confidence to teach any child
♦ Renew your vision of hope for your child with special needs
♦ Receive help navigating the daunting process of receiving a diagnosis
♦ Learn how to modify existing resources for your child’s needs
♦ Find simple strategies any parent or teacher can implement immediately
♦ Appreciate a spiritual context for bringing truth, goodness, and beauty to any child

New features in this updated and expanded edition:

  •  updated resources
  •  more stories of real children
  •  specific classroom and school strategies
  •  additional words of encouragement
  •  expanded references for school and home

Who Will Benefit From This Book?

  • Parents of children with special needs. Whether the needs are mild and common, or more severe and complex. Some may not have heard of Classical Education, but they want the best possible education for their children. Others may be well-versed in Classical Education, but wonder whether their children with special needs can benefit from it. This book was written especially for you.
  • Anyone interested in a straightforward explanation of Classical Christian EducationSimply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child offers an accessible description of Classical Education and its implementation.
  • Teachers of special-needs students. Whether in a tutorial setting, classroom, cottage school setting, or homeschool, teachers of students with special needs will find encouragement, strategies, and resources in this book.
  • Families who wish to homeschool their children with special needsSimply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child offers support and recommendations from toddlerhood through high school.
  • Parents who wonder whether a specific child might need further assessment. You will receive suggestions on informal and formal evaluations with screenings, charts, and tips for navigating the diagnostic process.
  • Classical school headmasters and teachers who know they are not meeting the educational needs of some struggling students. Find support in these pages for bringing classical education to students with special needs, rather than ask such students not to return. Schools may wish to better integrate these students into classical classrooms or design a “school within a school” in which smaller classrooms (perhaps K-3 and 4-8) provide a much slower pace overall. With improved strategies and methods, struggling students can continue to receive a classical education.
  • Anyone already engaged in the excellent pursuit of bringing classical Christian education to any child. This book is intended to encourage, inspire, and assist classroom teachers, homeschoolers, university professors, classical publishers, headmasters, and more.

Related Products:

Simply Classical Curriculum

Words From Readers

“I have met Cheryl’s daughter and indeed she is the recipient of a beautiful education, however unlikely. She surprises and delights with a knowledge and sensitivity one might never expect. Simply Classical gifts the reader with both wisdom and practical application, but perhaps more than anything cultivates a genuine hope for any parent of a special needs child—even those with serious challenges.”
– Andrew Pudewa, Institute for Excellence in Writing, international speaker on the topic of home education and special needs

“Cheryl Swope ostensibly writes about special education, but she also makes one of the clearest and most compelling cases for classical education in print. I commend this book to parents and teachers of special-needs children, but also to anyone who desires a greater understanding of classical Christian education….If a child cannot accommodate the amount or depth of knowledge of most children, it is not less but more important that what he learns to be of the highest quality. She implicitly understands St. Thomas Aquinas’ principle that the slightest knowledge of the greatest things is greater than the greatest knowledge of the slightest things.”
– Martin Cothran

“A classical education is like climbing a mountain, each child benefiting from whatever vistas he or she attains in that upward journey. Cheryl Swope shows us that the special-needs child needs and benefits from the uplifting vision of a classical education as much if not more than those without learning challenges. Simply Classical gives encouragement and real help for all parents who do not want to settle for second best for their special-needs child. In doing so she has advanced the cause of classical Christian education by confounding its critics who claim it is only for the elite.”
– Cheryl Lowe

“The author of this book put heart and soul and real experience into this beautifully written explanation that every child deserves a quality classical education, whether they have learning disabilities or are advanced learners…”

“This is the best book I have ever read on homeschooling a special needs child. I have two such children and the tips and suggestions for curriculum are wonderful. I felt as if a dear friend took me by hand, sat down to tea with me and let me know that yes I can do this. She has given me hope for my children’s education. Thank you thank you!”

“I have three mildly to moderately special needs boys ages 5, 12, and 13. This upcoming year with all three of them in school has been looming over my head in an overwhelming manner. This book has helped change my outlook from near despair to hopefulness. There are many ideas for incorporating schooling into all those times when doctor and therapy appointments interrupt the day, which has always been a stumbling point for me. There are also ideas of how to incorporate the therapy homework with schoolwork in such practical and easy ways that make it seem both possible and amazing that I had never thought of them before (the best ideas always seem to be like that). The examples from her children, who face vastly greater challenges than my own, and yet have had access to this great store of classical education are so inspirational. The points that she makes about looking beyond the purely practical nature of a subject that tends toward limiting the education of a special needs student to only things deemed to be life skills toward what will strengthen the mind and expand the horizons of that child are something I have never encountered in any educational literature before–especially in things targeted to special needs students. Yet, it feels so right. This book articulates the things that I have always wanted for my children, and blazes a trail toward those goals.”

“Cheryl Swope’s Simply Classical is inspiring, touching, delightful, well-written, useful, and very informative. It is a book you will not only enjoy reading but will want to keep for all the special-needs resources in the back of the book. It will inspire and give hope to parents and teachers of any child.”
-Iris Hatfield, author of New American Cursive


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