Omnibus Archives - Classical Education Books Conveniently Canadian Fri, 05 Aug 2022 18:52:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Omnibus Archives - Classical Education Books 32 32 Veritas Press Literature Transition Course Package Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:47:03 +0000 Literature Transition is designed as a course to help students develop skills to understand great literature. Specific age-appropriate literature of varying genres will be read. The course focuses on looking at literature themes from a Christian worldview, laying the groundwork for the more intense Omnibus courses. Taking this class along with the History Survey and [...]

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Literature Transition is designed as a course to help students develop skills to understand great literature. Specific age-appropriate literature of varying genres will be read. The course focuses on looking at literature themes from a Christian worldview, laying the groundwork for the more intense Omnibus courses. Taking this class along with the History Survey and Transition class will assure the student is prepared for Omnibus Primary and Secondary classes, particularly those who are newer to Veritas’s academic standards.

The Veritas Approach to Literature

Reading great literature is an important part of a child’s education at Veritas. Reading literature that has endured the test of time, the classics, is important for many reasons:

  • Books create warm emotional bonds between adults and kids when they read books together.
  • Books help kids develop basic language skills and profoundly expand their vocabularies.
  • Books are interactive; they demand that kids think. Fiction and nonfiction books widen our consciousness.
  • Books develop critical thinking skills.
  • Books develop and nourish kids’ imaginations, expanding their worlds.
  • Books let kids try on the world before they have to go out into it.
  • Books help us to understand ourselves, to find out who we are.
  • Books help children and adults to open up, to move beyond self-absorption and connect to other people.
  • Books answer questions.
  • Books create questions.
  • Books provide the opportunity to share cultural experiences.
  • Books entertain and offer a great escape.
  • Books inspire us to dream.[1]

Children love learning from the rich stories of the past. At Veritas, they will learn to love language and expression, they will understand the art of storytelling. Children who are immersed in good literature as young children develop creative minds and an enjoyment of lifelong reading. Who doesn’t remember Charlotte’s Web, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Tom Sawyer, and The Chronicles of Narnia with great fondness?

Kindergarten and first grade start slowly and build as students mature. By second grade, they’ll read about 10 books a year. Most are children’s classic literature. Veritas’s comprehension guides are used to teach children how to read for comprehension, fluency, learn how to discern the plot, who the characters are, and much more. Most of all, literature courses inspire a love of reading. Fun, hands on projects are used to help inculcate such a love.

The literature program is enhanced by students’ accelerated mastery of language through studies in Latin and Grammar and Writing. These advantages translate into reading books earlier than many of their peers and before many educators think possible.

This benefit is further leveraged as they move beyond grammar school and into studying the Great Books through the Omnibus curriculum.

When you think about it, literature, even for the young student, is much more than just reading.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

[1]“Why Do Kids Need Books?” The National Children’s Book and Literacy Alliance, Accessed 6 Mar. 2019.

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Omnibus II: Student Text – Fourth Edition Sun, 06 Jun 2021 03:19:07 +0000 Omnibus is the classical Christian educational answer to history, theology, and literature. Completing Omnibus II will provide the student a full credit in Medieval History I, Doctrine and Theology II, and Medieval and Reformational Literature I. Combining these disciplines will have students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge, and all the material [...]

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Related Products:

Omnibus II: Student Text and Teacher CD – Fourth Edition 

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Omnibus II: Student Text and Teacher CD – Fourth Edition Fri, 04 Jun 2021 02:23:16 +0000 This the second in a series of six books that repeat a three-year cycle of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern history. Covering literature, history, and theology from a Reformed perspective, editors Douglas Wilson and G. Tyler Fischer weave their understanding of God's providence and sovereignty throughout history. The included Teacher's Guide eBook duplicates the student text and [...]

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Related Products:

Omnibus II: Student Text – Fourth Edition 

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The Apostolic Fathers Mon, 03 Feb 2020 21:55:45 +0000 The famous critical edition of the Apostolic Fathers edited by J. B. Lightfoot. Texts are presented in both Greek and English, each preceded by an introduction. A must for anyone interested in early Christian studies.

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A Distant Mirror Thu, 23 Jan 2020 23:35:37 +0000 Barbara W. Tuchman—the acclaimed author of the Pulitzer Prize–winning classic The Guns of August—once again marshals her gift for character, history, and sparkling prose to compose an astonishing portrait of medieval Europe.   The fourteenth century reflects two contradictory images: on the one hand, a glittering age of crusades, cathedrals, and chivalry; on the other, a [...]

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Aesop’s Fables Mon, 20 Jan 2020 23:36:15 +0000 The original Aesop Fables, introduced by award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick. Over two hundred familiar tales from 'Look Before You Leap' and 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' to much less familiar tales, each with its own sharply pointed moral. Puffin Classics come with additional end material including author profile, things to think about and do, a [...]

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Mein Kampf Mon, 16 Dec 2019 21:46:50 +0000 From Veritas Press:  Offers a look into the hateful mind of the century's most evil figure. One could be tempted to dismiss it as the musings of a madman, but civilized societies should pay attention to his words in order to be certain that they or ones like them aren't used to influence again.  

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6. Omnibus VI: Secondary Literature Package Thu, 21 Nov 2019 22:31:19 +0000 Omnibus VI Secondary includes works from and about the modern world and other important works. Students read and learn to appreciate the Great Books in light of the truth of Scripture. The course naturally complements the primary books course or stands alone as a lighter workload than the primary course. This is a secondary set to [...]

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Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all encompassing.” Completing Omnibus VI will provide the student a full credit in Modern U.S. and British History II, Doctrine and Theology VI, and Modern U.S. and British Literature II. An additional feature is the inclusion of six essays in each year (18 total in Omnibus IV, V &VI) exposing students to various other disciplines to consider for courses of study in college and careers. Combining these disciplines will have students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge, and all the material is taught through a biblical worldview.

Books Covered

Common Sense
On Christian Doctrine
Fifty Great Short Stories
T.S. Eliot: Collected Poems, 1909-1962
The Guns of August
The Interpretation of Dreams
Self-Reliance & Other Essays
The Jungle
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Red Badge of Courage
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Walden and Civil Disobedience
Leaves of Grass
Heart of Darkness
John Adams
Out of the Silent Planet
That Hideous Strength


Teaching children to think biblically about everything is one of the hardest jobs parents and teachers have. Learning from the past to live in the present might be second hardest. By tapping some of the greatest thinkers alive, Veritas produced the Omnibus, a Great Books curriculum for grades 7-12 that grounds students in their faith. Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Each year of the Omnibus curriculum combines history, theology, and literature to help students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge.

The Omnibus includes six years with two simultaneous courses per year. The Primary books course focuses closely on primary-source historical works and events from the time period covered. The Secondary course offers balance and a lighter workload, with a greater focus on literature and theology. Taken together, students will earn three credits: one each in history, theology, and literature. For example: As part of Omnibus I Primary, students delve into the works of Plato, dealing with the Socratic Method. In Omnibus I Secondary, some reading includes modern works by Peter Kreeft, presenting fictional conversations between Socrates, abortionists, and university professors. This integrated, classical approach equips students with both an in-depth knowledge of history and the Great Books, while training them in the skills needed to process and articulate the meaning of this knowledge through the prism of a Christian worldview. Students completing all six years of Omnibus Primary and Secondary courses will have the added benefit of the in-depth study of all 66 books of the Bible.

When first learning about the Omnibus some are concerned with difficulty and enjoyability. We take particular care to fit the stage of the learner. The readings for the Omnibus can seem overwhelming. Students should be encouraged to learn to skim some sections—Herodotus’s Histories is an example—and to enjoy the richness of others—Homer’s Odyssey, for example. Class types and exercises are varied enough to capture all imaginations.

Omnibus covers three historical time periods, cycling through them twice, as follows:


Time Period

Omnibus I Ancient
Omnibus II Medieval
Omnibus III Modern
Omnibus IV Ancient
Omnibus V Medieval
Omnibus VI Modern

Click HERE to see how credits are best recorded on transcripts.

Many ask, “Can we do only a year or a few years, or only primary, or only secondary courses?” Our answer is the same: Any study of the Great Books to learn to think biblically about everything will be of great value.

Whether you plan to do all twelve classes over six years or only one, students will benefit for the rest of their lives by joining the “Great Conversation.” Learning can happen in all three formats: You Teach, Self-Paced, and Live Online.


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6. Omnibus VI: Primary Literature Package Thu, 21 Nov 2019 22:30:40 +0000 Omnibus is a Latin term meaning "all encompassing." Completing Omnibus VI will provide the student a full credit in Modern U.S. and British History II, Doctrine and Theology VI, and Modern U.S. and British Literature II. An additional feature is the inclusion of six essays in each year (18 total in Omnibus IV, V &VI) [...]

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Omnibus VI Primary focuses on great works beginning just after the Reformation and covers significant works of modern Western culture. Students read and learn to appreciate the Great Books in light of the truth of Scripture. In addition to studies on history, theology, and literature, students will be introduced to and learn to think biblically about psychology, engineering, business, sport and recreation, sociology, and media. The Omnibus courses are the best way we know to engage with the great works of Western Civilization and learn to think biblically about everything. Learning can happen in two formats: You Teach and Live Online. Self-Paced is not available.

Books Covered

All Quiet on the Western Front
Battle Cry of Freedom **coming soon
Beyond Good and Evil
Brave New World
Citizen Soldiers
Democracy in America
Huckleberry Finn
I Have a Dream & Letter from Birmingham Jail **coming soon
Moby Dick
Notes from Underground
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Origin and Principles of American Revolution **coming soon
Paradise Lost
Portable Enlightenment Reader
Robinson Crusoe
The Stranger
The Sun Also Rises
The Wealth of Nations
1 & 2 Timothy and Titus


Teaching children to think biblically about everything is one of the hardest jobs parents and teachers have. Learning from the past to live in the present might be second hardest. By tapping some of the greatest thinkers alive, Veritas produced the Omnibus, a Great Books curriculum for grades 7-12 that grounds students in their faith. Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Each year of the Omnibus curriculum combines history, theology, and literature to help students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge.

The Omnibus includes six years with two simultaneous courses per year. The Primary books course focuses closely on primary-source historical works and events from the time period covered. The Secondary course offers balance and a lighter workload, with a greater focus on literature and theology. Taken together, students will earn three credits: one each in history, theology, and literature. For example: As part of Omnibus I Primary, students delve into the works of Plato, dealing with the Socratic Method. In Omnibus I Secondary, some reading includes modern works by Peter Kreeft, presenting fictional conversations between Socrates, abortionists, and university professors. This integrated, classical approach equips students with both an in-depth knowledge of history and the Great Books, while training them in the skills needed to process and articulate the meaning of this knowledge through the prism of a Christian worldview. Students completing all six years of Omnibus Primary and Secondary courses will have the added benefit of the in-depth study of all 66 books of the Bible.

When first learning about the Omnibus some are concerned with difficulty and enjoyability. We take particular care to fit the stage of the learner. The readings for the Omnibus can seem overwhelming. Students should be encouraged to learn to skim some sections—Herodotus’s Histories is an example—and to enjoy the richness of others—Homer’s Odyssey, for example. Class types and exercises are varied enough to capture all imaginations.

Omnibus covers three historical time periods, cycling through them twice, as follows:


Time Period

Omnibus I Ancient
Omnibus II Medieval
Omnibus III Modern
Omnibus IV Ancient
Omnibus V Medieval
Omnibus VI Modern

Click HERE to see how credits are best recorded on transcripts.

Many ask, “Can we do only a year or a few years, or only primary, or only secondary courses?” Our answer is the same: Any study of the Great Books to learn to think biblically about everything will be of great value.

Whether you plan to do all twelve classes over six years or only one, students will benefit for the rest of their lives by joining the “Great Conversation.” Learning can happen in all three formats: You Teach, Self-Paced, and Live Online.


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5. Omnibus V: Secondary Literature Package Thu, 21 Nov 2019 22:28:49 +0000 Omnibus V Secondary includes works from and about the medieval world and other important works. Students read and learn to appreciate the great books in light of the truth of Scripture. The course naturally complements the primary books course or stands alone as a lighter workload than the primary course. Learning can happen in two formats: [...]

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Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all encompassing.” Completing Omnibus V will provide the student a full credit in A Medieval History II, Doctrine and Theology V, and Medieval and Reformational Literature II. An additional feature is the inclusion of six essays in each year (18 total in Omnibus IV, V and VI) exposing students to various other disciplines to consider for courses of study in college and careers. Combining these disciplines will have students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge, and all the material is taught through a biblical worldview.


Teaching children to think biblically about everything is one of the hardest jobs parents and teachers have. Learning from the past to live in the present might be second hardest. By tapping some of the greatest thinkers alive, Veritas produced the Omnibus, a Great Books curriculum for grades 7-12 that grounds students in their faith. Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Each year of the Omnibus curriculum combines history, theology, and literature to help students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge.

The Omnibus includes six years with two simultaneous courses per year. The Primary books course focuses closely on primary-source historical works and events from the time period covered. The Secondary course offers balance and a lighter workload, with a greater focus on literature and theology. Taken together, students will earn three credits: one each in history, theology, and literature. For example: As part of Omnibus I Primary, students delve into the works of Plato, dealing with the Socratic Method. In Omnibus I Secondary, some reading includes modern works by Peter Kreeft, presenting fictional conversations between Socrates, abortionists, and university professors. This integrated, classical approach equips students with both an in-depth knowledge of history and the Great Books, while training them in the skills needed to process and articulate the meaning of this knowledge through the prism of a Christian worldview. Students completing all six years of Omnibus Primary and Secondary courses will have the added benefit of the in-depth study of all 66 books of the Bible.

When first learning about the Omnibus some are concerned with difficulty and enjoyability. We take particular care to fit the stage of the learner. The readings for the Omnibus can seem overwhelming. Students should be encouraged to learn to skim some sections—Herodotus’s Histories is an example—and to enjoy the richness of others—Homer’s Odyssey, for example. Class types and exercises are varied enough to capture all imaginations.

Omnibus covers three historical time periods, cycling through them twice, as follows:


Time Period

Omnibus I Ancient
Omnibus II Medieval
Omnibus III Modern
Omnibus IV Ancient
Omnibus V Medieval
Omnibus VI Modern

Click HERE to see how credits are best recorded on transcripts.

Many ask, “Can we do only a year or a few years, or only primary, or only secondary courses?” Our answer is the same: Any study of the Great Books to learn to think biblically about everything will be of great value.

Whether you plan to do all twelve classes over six years or only one, students will benefit for the rest of their lives by joining the “Great Conversation.” Learning can happen in all three formats: You Teach, Self-Paced, and Live Online.


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5. Omnibus V: Primary Literature Package Thu, 21 Nov 2019 22:28:02 +0000 Omnibus is a Latin term meaning "all encompassing." Completing Omnibus V will provide the student a full credit in A Medieval History II, Doctrine and Theology V, and Medieval and Reformational Literature II. An additional feature is the inclusion of six essays in each year (18 total in Omnibus IV, V and VI) exposing students [...]

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Omnibus V Primary focuses on great works of theology, history, and literature of the medieval world, beginning with the works of St. Augustine and ending in the Reformation era. In addition to studies on history, theology, and literature, students will be introduced to and learn to think biblically about architecture, music, the dramatic arts, the natural sciences, economics, and mathematics. Students read and learn to appreciate the Great Books in light of the truth of Scripture. The Omnibus courses are the best way we know to engage with the great works of Western Civilization and learn to think biblically about everything.

Books Covered


Teaching children to think biblically about everything is one of the hardest jobs parents and teachers have. Learning from the past to live in the present might be second hardest. By tapping some of the greatest thinkers alive, Veritas produced the Omnibus, a Great Books curriculum for grades 7-12 that grounds students in their faith. Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Each year of the Omnibus curriculum combines history, theology, and literature to help students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge.

The Omnibus includes six years with two simultaneous courses per year. The Primary books course focuses closely on primary-source historical works and events from the time period covered. The Secondary course offers balance and a lighter workload, with a greater focus on literature and theology. Taken together, students will earn three credits: one each in history, theology, and literature. For example: As part of Omnibus I Primary, students delve into the works of Plato, dealing with the Socratic Method. In Omnibus I Secondary, some reading includes modern works by Peter Kreeft, presenting fictional conversations between Socrates, abortionists, and university professors. This integrated, classical approach equips students with both an in-depth knowledge of history and the Great Books, while training them in the skills needed to process and articulate the meaning of this knowledge through the prism of a Christian worldview. Students completing all six years of Omnibus Primary and Secondary courses will have the added benefit of the in-depth study of all 66 books of the Bible.

When first learning about the Omnibus some are concerned with difficulty and enjoyability. We take particular care to fit the stage of the learner. The readings for the Omnibus can seem overwhelming. Students should be encouraged to learn to skim some sections—Herodotus’s Histories is an example—and to enjoy the richness of others—Homer’s Odyssey, for example. Class types and exercises are varied enough to capture all imaginations.

Omnibus covers three historical time periods, cycling through them twice, as follows:


Time Period

Omnibus I Ancient
Omnibus II Medieval
Omnibus III Modern
Omnibus IV Ancient
Omnibus V Medieval
Omnibus VI Modern

Click HERE to see how credits are best recorded on transcripts.

Many ask, “Can we do only a year or a few years, or only primary, or only secondary courses?” Our answer is the same: Any study of the Great Books to learn to think biblically about everything will be of great value.

Whether you plan to do all twelve classes over six years or only one, students will benefit for the rest of their lives by joining the “Great Conversation.” Learning can happen in all three formats: You Teach, Self-Paced, and Live Online.


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4. Omnibus IV: Secondary Literature Package Thu, 21 Nov 2019 22:26:33 +0000 Omnibus IV Secondary includes works of theology, history, and literature of the ancient world, culminating in the first century. The course naturally complements the primary books course or stands alone as a lighter workload than the primary course. Students read and learn to appreciate additional literature from the ancient world in light of the truth of [...]

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Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all encompassing. Completing Omnibus IV will provide the student a full credit in Ancient World History II, Doctrine and Theology IV, and Ancient Literature II. An additional feature is the inclusion of six essays in each year (18 total in Omnibus IV, V and VI) exposing students to various other disciplines to consider for courses of study in college and careers. Combining these disciplines will have students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge, and all the material is taught through a biblical worldview.

Books Covered

Aesop’s Fables
Antony and Cleopatra
Art and the Bible
Augustus Caesar’s World
Death on the Nile
Desiring God
Knowing God
The Lost World
Plutarch’s Lives Volume 2
Troilus and Cressida
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
Joshua, Judges, Ruth
1 & 2 Chronicles


Teaching children to think biblically about everything is one of the hardest jobs parents and teachers have. Learning from the past to live in the present might be second hardest. By tapping some of the greatest thinkers alive, Veritas produced the Omnibus, a Great Books curriculum for grades 7-12 that grounds students in their faith. Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Each year of the Omnibus curriculum combines history, theology, and literature to help students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge.

The Omnibus includes six years with two simultaneous courses per year. The Primary books course focuses closely on primary-source historical works and events from the time period covered. The Secondary course offers balance and a lighter workload, with a greater focus on literature and theology. Taken together, students will earn three credits: one each in history, theology, and literature. For example: As part of Omnibus I Primary, students delve into the works of Plato, dealing with the Socratic Method. In Omnibus I Secondary, some reading includes modern works by Peter Kreeft, presenting fictional conversations between Socrates, abortionists, and university professors. This integrated, classical approach equips students with both an in-depth knowledge of history and the Great Books, while training them in the skills needed to process and articulate the meaning of this knowledge through the prism of a Christian worldview. Students completing all six years of Omnibus Primary and Secondary courses will have the added benefit of the in-depth study of all 66 books of the Bible.

When first learning about the Omnibus some are concerned with difficulty and enjoyability. We take particular care to fit the stage of the learner. The readings for the Omnibus can seem overwhelming. Students should be encouraged to learn to skim some sections—Herodotus’s Histories is an example—and to enjoy the richness of others—Homer’s Odyssey, for example. Class types and exercises are varied enough to capture all imaginations.

Omnibus covers three historical time periods, cycling through them twice, as follows:


Time Period

Omnibus I Ancient
Omnibus II Medieval
Omnibus III Modern
Omnibus IV Ancient
Omnibus V Medieval
Omnibus VI Modern

Click HERE to see how credits are best recorded on transcripts.

Many ask, “Can we do only a year or a few years, or only primary, or only secondary courses?” Our answer is the same: Any study of the Great Books to learn to think biblically about everything will be of great value.

Whether you plan to do all twelve classes over six years or only one, students will benefit for the rest of their lives by joining the “Great Conversation.” Learning can happen in all three formats: You Teach, Self-Paced, and Live Online.


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