History Archives - Classical Education Books https://classic.powertactics.com/product-category/curriculum/series-sets/veritas-press-by-program/history-2/ Conveniently Canadian Wed, 10 Aug 2022 20:35:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://classic.powertactics.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/favicon-32x32.png History Archives - Classical Education Books https://classic.powertactics.com/product-category/curriculum/series-sets/veritas-press-by-program/history-2/ 32 32 Veritas Press Literature Transition Course Package https://classic.powertactics.com/product/veritas-press-literature-transition-course-package/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/veritas-press-literature-transition-course-package/#respond Tue, 19 Apr 2022 03:47:03 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=46687 Literature Transition is designed as a course to help students develop skills to understand great literature. Specific age-appropriate literature of varying genres will be read. The course focuses on looking at literature themes from a Christian worldview, laying the groundwork for the more intense Omnibus courses. Taking this class along with the History Survey and [...]

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Literature Transition is designed as a course to help students develop skills to understand great literature. Specific age-appropriate literature of varying genres will be read. The course focuses on looking at literature themes from a Christian worldview, laying the groundwork for the more intense Omnibus courses. Taking this class along with the History Survey and Transition class will assure the student is prepared for Omnibus Primary and Secondary classes, particularly those who are newer to Veritas’s academic standards.

The Veritas Approach to Literature

Reading great literature is an important part of a child’s education at Veritas. Reading literature that has endured the test of time, the classics, is important for many reasons:

  • Books create warm emotional bonds between adults and kids when they read books together.
  • Books help kids develop basic language skills and profoundly expand their vocabularies.
  • Books are interactive; they demand that kids think. Fiction and nonfiction books widen our consciousness.
  • Books develop critical thinking skills.
  • Books develop and nourish kids’ imaginations, expanding their worlds.
  • Books let kids try on the world before they have to go out into it.
  • Books help us to understand ourselves, to find out who we are.
  • Books help children and adults to open up, to move beyond self-absorption and connect to other people.
  • Books answer questions.
  • Books create questions.
  • Books provide the opportunity to share cultural experiences.
  • Books entertain and offer a great escape.
  • Books inspire us to dream.[1]

Children love learning from the rich stories of the past. At Veritas, they will learn to love language and expression, they will understand the art of storytelling. Children who are immersed in good literature as young children develop creative minds and an enjoyment of lifelong reading. Who doesn’t remember Charlotte’s Web, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Tom Sawyer, and The Chronicles of Narnia with great fondness?

Kindergarten and first grade start slowly and build as students mature. By second grade, they’ll read about 10 books a year. Most are children’s classic literature. Veritas’s comprehension guides are used to teach children how to read for comprehension, fluency, learn how to discern the plot, who the characters are, and much more. Most of all, literature courses inspire a love of reading. Fun, hands on projects are used to help inculcate such a love.

The literature program is enhanced by students’ accelerated mastery of language through studies in Latin and Grammar and Writing. These advantages translate into reading books earlier than many of their peers and before many educators think possible.

This benefit is further leveraged as they move beyond grammar school and into studying the Great Books through the Omnibus curriculum.

When you think about it, literature, even for the young student, is much more than just reading.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

[1]“Why Do Kids Need Books?” The National Children’s Book and Literacy Alliance, http://thencbla.org/advocacy/why-do-kids-need-books/. Accessed 6 Mar. 2019.

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2.0 New Testament, Greece and Rome: Curriculum and Literature Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/2-0-new-testament-greece-and-rome-literature-set/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/2-0-new-testament-greece-and-rome-literature-set/#respond Tue, 12 Apr 2022 03:26:51 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=46308 New Testament, Greece, and Rome students will cover 32 events. Learning history chronologically has proven invaluable in the lives of many children. By memorizing names, dates, places and events, children gain a valuable tool for understanding how God is working today and what He has done during many past events. The value of integrating learning biblically [...]

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New Testament, Greece, and Rome students will cover 32 events. Learning history chronologically has proven invaluable in the lives of many children. By memorizing names, dates, places and events, children gain a valuable tool for understanding how God is working today and what He has done during many past events. The value of integrating learning biblically and non-biblically recorded events and their dates cannot be overestimated. Furthermore, they are following classical methodology by memorizing this material which is presented in a variety of ways that makes the memory work quite enjoyable. We’ve heard countless examples of how students who have used this curriculum were able to routinely contextualize more in-depth study in later years—and that is exactly what needs to happen. Knowing a chronological sequence or time line of history is a crucial part of anyone’s education. Recommended for 3rd grade, works well 2nd – 6th grades. Kits for students will vary based on grade level. Second and 3rd grade use Level 1, 4th–6th grade use Level 2. A kit combining Levels 1 & 2 that eliminates duplicates is available. Learning can happen in You Teach and Self-Paced formats.

The Veritas Approach to History

A history program was how Veritas began. After reading Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning, our interest in classical education from a Christian worldview was piqued. While building a classical school and looking for curriculum, we realized the value of teaching young children a comprehensive timeline of history. We wanted to connect it to learning the content of the Bible, as well. (Learn more about that at the Bible Course Options pages.)

Children in 2nd grade are ready to start learning a timeline. Before that, some groundwork should be done. In Kindergarten, family histories and holidays can orient children to the basics of a timeline. In 1st grade, students are taught a simplified version of American history to take advantage of their growing understanding of place and time.

Beginning in 2nd grade, students are ready for a formal study of history. We begin in the beginning, from creation. Each year from 2nd to 6th grades, students will study 32 events. In those five years, they’ll have learned 160 events. Our approach has students regularly reviewing what they’ve learned, too. This works remarkably well because, as classical educators point out, it’s how they are wired. At this time in their development, they love learning through memorization.

The five-year history cycle is described in the chart below:


Grade Series
2nd Old Testament and Ancient Egypt
3rd New Testament, Greece, and Rome
4th Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation
5th Explorers to 1815
6th 1815 to the Present


After five years, students know dates and crucial facts about 160 events. Some programs fail to teach more than key events’ dates. Students may learn that the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 buried Pompeii. Without more details, though, they may not realize its connection to the New Testament. Similarly, students may learn that World War I raged from 1914 to 1918 and World War II from 1939 to 1945. Without more details, students will miss learning basic differences of how the wars were fought (their aircraft and weapons, for example). Missing those kinds of details, students won’t see how the wars’ key features fit into a larger historical context. Laurie and I will never forget visiting the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum when our oldest son was 12. He quickly recognized which aircraft belonged to which war.

While ideal to start at the beginning, it’s not necessary. In a homeschool with two or more children, you might consider teaching everyone at the same level. Integrated learning for art projects, field trips, etc. can be more effective this way. If younger children start after the first year, they can simply circle back to the beginning later. Children who have less than five years to complete the cycle can complete it in a condensed form. They can move through more than one series per year. They spend less time learning details, but they commit the core timeline to memory. We also have an option, called History Transition that condenses all five years into one.

Our approach to history in grammar school has served many students well. Maybe that’s why it’s one of the most awarded programs around.

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3.0 Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation: Curriculum and Literature Kit https://classic.powertactics.com/product/3-12-middle-ages-renaissance-and-reformation-self-paced-level-1-2-2/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/3-12-middle-ages-renaissance-and-reformation-self-paced-level-1-2-2/#respond Mon, 19 Jul 2021 20:07:54 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=34835 This package, inspired by Veritas Press, includes the books from  Middle Ages, Renaissance & Reformation Self-Paced Levels 1 + 2. The course kit includes all the materials for the teacher and students in both the level 1 (grades 2 &3) and the level 2 (grades 4-6) for teaching our Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation course. [...]

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The post 3.0 Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation: Curriculum and Literature Kit appeared first on Classical Education Books.

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Canadian History Package (Norse) https://classic.powertactics.com/product/canadian-history-package-norse/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/canadian-history-package-norse/#respond Mon, 11 May 2020 21:46:19 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=22109 Using Bonnie Landry's Homeschooling Simplified: Canadian History guide, we present to you a package full of Canadian history about the Norse people. These living books tell the stories, myths, and adventures some of the first explorers from afar who touched Canadian soil, landing in Newfoundland in the 11th century from well-known authors like  D'Aulaire, Colum, [...]

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The post Canadian History Package (Norse) appeared first on Classical Education Books.

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History Transition Guide Volume Two https://classic.powertactics.com/product/history-transition-guide-2/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/history-transition-guide-2/#respond Thu, 27 Jun 2019 21:21:49 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=16989 This guide is a tool to provide an overview study of the last two of five Veritas history series, Explorers to 1815 and 1815 to the Present. Volume II covers material from Pages of History Volume II.

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Related Products:

Pages of History Volume 2: Blazing New Trails
History Transition Guide Volume One

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History Transition Guide Volume One https://classic.powertactics.com/product/history-transition-guide-1/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/history-transition-guide-1/#respond Thu, 27 Jun 2019 20:59:24 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=16987 This guide is a tool to provide an overview study of the first three Veritas history series: Old Testament and Ancient Egypt; New testament, Greece and Rome; and Middle Ages, Reniassance, and Reformation.  Volume I covers material from Pages of History Volume I.

The post History Transition Guide Volume One appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Related Products:

Pages of History Volume 1: Secrets of the Ancients
Pages of History Volume 2: Blazing New Trails
History Transition Guide Volume Two

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History Survey and Transition Course by Veritas Press https://classic.powertactics.com/product/history-survey-and-transition-course-by-veritas-press/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/history-survey-and-transition-course-by-veritas-press/#respond Wed, 26 Jun 2019 21:04:03 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=16975 This history package includes all of Veritas Press' recommended resources for their transition history course. Book versions may differ.

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History Survey and Transition is a “crash course” for children who would benefit from a basic timeline of history. It is a transitional step from the Grammar school program to the more challenging Omnibus. Using our Veritas Press history cards, students are provided a historical, chronological overview from Creation to the present, while using historical fiction to aid in the connections of these events to a variety of related ideas today. Subject matter is selected to facilitate mature thinking appropriate to this developmental level, preparing students for more challenging academics to come. Taking this course in tandem with our Literature Transition course will assure sufficient preparation for the rigors of Omnibus Primary and Secondary courses in students who may not have come up through the Veritas system in earlier years. History Survey and Transition is offered in both You Teach and Live Online formats.

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5.0 1815 to Present: Curriculum and Literature Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/1815-to-present-literature-kit-level-1-and-2/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/1815-to-present-literature-kit-level-1-and-2/#respond Thu, 24 May 2018 02:08:22 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=12940 1815 to Present students will cover 32 events. Learning history chronologically has proven invaluable in the lives of many children. By memorizing names, dates, places and events, children gain a valuable tool for understanding how God is working today and what He has done during many past events. Furthermore, they are following classical methodology by memorizing [...]

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1815 to Present students will cover 32 events. Learning history chronologically has proven invaluable in the lives of many children. By memorizing names, dates, places and events, children gain a valuable tool for understanding how God is working today and what He has done during many past events. Furthermore, they are following classical methodology by memorizing this material which is presented in a variety of ways that makes the memory work quite enjoyable. We’ve heard countless examples of how students who have used this curriculum were able to routinely contextualize more in-depth study in later years—and that is exactly what needs to happen. Knowing a chronological sequence or time line of history is a crucial part of anyone’s education. Recommended for 6th grade, works well 2nd – 6th grades. Kits for students will vary based on grade level. Second and 3rd grade use Level 1, 4th–6th grade use Level 2. A kit combining Levels 1 & 2 that eliminates duplicates is available. Learning can happen in You Teach and Self-Paced formats.

The Veritas Approach to History

A history program was how Veritas began. After reading Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning, our interest in classical education from a Christian worldview was piqued. While building a classical school and looking for curriculum, we realized the value of teaching young children a comprehensive timeline of history. We wanted to connect it to learning the content of the Bible, as well. (Learn more about that at the Bible Course Options pages.)

Children in 2nd grade are ready to start learning a timeline. Before that, some groundwork should be done. In Kindergarten, family histories and holidays can orient children to the basics of a timeline. In 1st grade, students are taught a simplified version of American history to take advantage of their growing understanding of place and time.

Beginning in 2nd grade, students are ready for a formal study of history. We begin in the beginning, from creation. Each year from 2nd to 6th grades, students will study 32 events. In those five years, they’ll have learned 160 events. Our approach has students regularly reviewing what they’ve learned, too. This works remarkably well because, as classical educators point out, it’s how they are wired. At this time in their development, they love learning through memorization.

The five-year history cycle is described in the chart below:

Grade Series
2nd Old Testament and Ancient Egypt
3rd New Testament, Greece, and Rome
4th Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation
5th Explorers to 1815
6th 1815 to the Present


After five years, students know dates and crucial facts about 160 events. Some programs fail to teach more than key events’ dates. Students may learn that the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 buried Pompeii. Without more details, though, they may not realize its connection to the New Testament. Similarly, students may learn that World War I raged from 1914 to 1918 and World War II from 1939 to 1945. Without more details, students will miss learning basic differences of how the wars were fought (their aircraft and weapons, for example). Missing those kinds of details, students won’t see how the wars’ key features fit into a larger historical context. Laurie and I will never forget visiting the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum when our oldest son was 12. He quickly recognized which aircraft belonged to which war.

While ideal to start at the beginning, it’s not necessary. In a homeschool with two or more children, you might consider teaching everyone at the same level. Integrated learning for art projects, field trips, etc. can be more effective this way. If younger children start after the first year, they can simply circle back to the beginning later. Children who have less than five years to complete the cycle can complete it in a condensed form. They can move through more than one series per year. They spend less time learning details, but they commit the core timeline to memory. We also have an option, called History Transition that condenses all five years into one.

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https://classic.powertactics.com/product/1815-to-present-literature-kit-level-1-and-2/feed/ 0
4.0 Explorers to 1815: Curriculum and Literature Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/4-explorers-to-1815-complete-literature-kit/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/4-explorers-to-1815-complete-literature-kit/#respond Sat, 19 May 2018 14:43:18 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=12858 This package, inspired by Veritas Press, includes the books from Explorers to 1815, Literature Kit Level 2. These books will take your students on exciting adventures set during the historical events. This set pairs with the Veritas Press history course, Explorers to 1815, or it is an excellent stand alone literature package for those who [...]

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Explorers to 1815 students will cover 32 events. Learning history chronologically has proven invaluable in the lives of many children. By memorizing names, dates, places and events, children gain a valuable tool for understanding how God is working today and what He has done during many past events. Furthermore, they are following classical methodology in memorizing this material which is presented in a variety of ways to make the memory work quite enjoyable. We’ve heard countless examples of how students who have used this curriculum were able to routinely contextualize more in-depth study in later years—and that is exactly what needs to happen. Knowing a chronological sequence or time line of history is a crucial part of anyone’s education. Recommended for 5th grade, works well 2nd – 6th grades. Kits for students will vary based on grade level. Second and 3rd grade use Level 1, 4th–6th grade use Level 2. A kit combining Levels 1 & 2 that eliminates duplicates is available. Learning can happen in You Teach and Self-Paced formats.

The Veritas Approach to History

A history program was how Veritas began. After reading Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning, our interest in classical education from a Christian worldview was piqued. While building a classical school and looking for curriculum, we realized the value of teaching young children a comprehensive timeline of history. We wanted to connect it to learning the content of the Bible, as well. (Learn more about that at the Bible Course Options pages.)

Children in 2nd grade are ready to start learning a timeline. Before that, some groundwork should be done. In Kindergarten, family histories and holidays can orient children to the basics of a timeline. In 1st grade, students are taught a simplified version of American history to take advantage of their growing understanding of place and time.

Beginning in 2nd grade, students are ready for a formal study of history. We begin in the beginning, from creation. Each year from 2nd to 6th grades, students will study 32 events. In those five years, they’ll have learned 160 events. Our approach has students regularly reviewing what they’ve learned, too. This works remarkably well because, as classical educators point out, it’s how they are wired. At this time in their development, they love learning through memorization.

The five-year history cycle is described in the chart below:


Grade Series
2nd Old Testament and Ancient Egypt
3rd New Testament, Greece, and Rome
4th Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation
5th Explorers to 1815
6th 1815 to the Present


After five years, students know dates and crucial facts about 160 events. Some programs fail to teach more than key events’ dates. Students may learn that the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 buried Pompeii. Without more details, though, they may not realize its connection to the New Testament. Similarly, students may learn that World War I raged from 1914 to 1918 and World War II from 1939 to 1945. Without more details, students will miss learning basic differences of how the wars were fought (their aircraft and weapons, for example). Missing those kinds of details, students won’t see how the wars’ key features fit into a larger historical context. Laurie and I will never forget visiting the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum when our oldest son was 12. He quickly recognized which aircraft belonged to which war.

While ideal to start at the beginning, it’s not necessary. In a homeschool with two or more children, you might consider teaching everyone at the same level. Integrated learning for art projects, field trips, etc. can be more effective this way. If younger children start after the first year, they can simply circle back to the beginning later. Children who have less than five years to complete the cycle can complete it in a condensed form. They can move through more than one series per year. They spend less time learning details, but they commit the core timeline to memory. We also have an option, called History Transition that condenses all five years into one.

Our approach to history in grammar school has served many students well. Maybe that’s why it’s one of the most awarded programs around.

The post 4.0 Explorers to 1815: Curriculum and Literature Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

https://classic.powertactics.com/product/4-explorers-to-1815-complete-literature-kit/feed/ 0
1.0 Old Testament and Ancient Egypt: Curriculum and Literature Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/veritas-press-old-testament-ancient-egypt-literature-kit-levels-1-and-2/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/veritas-press-old-testament-ancient-egypt-literature-kit-levels-1-and-2/#respond Sat, 29 Jul 2017 02:28:12 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=7786 This is a customizable package! Make your selection and see your own unique price appear. The final price will depend on your selections.  This package, inspired by Veritas Press,  includes the books from Old Testament, Greece & Rome Literature Kit. These books will take your students on exciting adventures set during the historical events. This set [...]

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Old Testament Ancient Egypt students will cover 32 events. Learning history chronologically has proven invaluable in the lives of many children. By memorizing names, dates, places and events, children gain a valuable tool for understanding how God is working today and what He has done during many past events. The value of integrating learning biblically and non-biblically recorded events and their dates cannot be overestimated. Furthermore, they are following classical methodology by memorizing this material which is presented in a variety of ways that makes the memory work quite enjoyable. We’ve heard countless examples of how students who have used this curriculum were able to routinely contextualize more in-depth study in later years—and that is exactly what needs to happen. Knowing a chronological sequence or time line of history is a crucial part of anyone’s education. Recommended for 2nd grade, works well 2nd – 6th grades. Kits for students will vary based on grade level. Second and 3rd grade use Level 1, 4th–6th grade use Level 2. A kit combining Levels 1 & 2 that eliminates duplicates is available. Learning can happen in You Teach and Self-Paced formats.

The Veritas Approach to History

A history program was how Veritas began. After reading Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning, our interest in classical education from a Christian worldview was piqued. While building a classical school and looking for curriculum, we realized the value of teaching young children a comprehensive timeline of history. We wanted to connect it to learning the content of the Bible, as well. (Learn more about that at the Bible Course Options pages.)

Children in 2nd grade are ready to start learning a timeline. Before that, some groundwork should be done. In Kindergarten, family histories and holidays can orient children to the basics of a timeline. In 1st grade, students are taught a simplified version of American history to take advantage of their growing understanding of place and time.

Beginning in 2nd grade, students are ready for a formal study of history. We begin in the beginning, from creation. Each year from 2nd to 6th grades, students will study 32 events. In those five years, they’ll have learned 160 events. Our approach has students regularly reviewing what they’ve learned, too. This works remarkably well because, as classical educators point out, it’s how they are wired. At this time in their development, they love learning through memorization.

The five-year history cycle is described in the chart below:


Grade Series
2nd Old Testament and Ancient Egypt
3rd New Testament, Greece, and Rome
4th Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation
5th Explorers to 1815
6th 1815 to the Present

After five years, students know dates and crucial facts about 160 events. Some programs fail to teach more than key events’ dates. Students may learn that the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 buried Pompeii. Without more details, though, they may not realize its connection to the New Testament. Similarly, students may learn that World War I raged from 1914 to 1918 and World War II from 1939 to 1945. Without more details, students will miss learning basic differences of how the wars were fought (their aircraft and weapons, for example). Missing those kinds of details, students won’t see how the wars’ key features fit into a larger historical context. Laurie and I will never forget visiting the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum when our oldest son was 12. He quickly recognized which aircraft belonged to which war.

While ideal to start at the beginning, it’s not necessary. In a homeschool with two or more children, you might consider teaching everyone at the same level. Integrated learning for art projects, field trips, etc. can be more effective this way. If younger children start after the first year, they can simply circle back to the beginning later. Children who have less than five years to complete the cycle can complete it in a condensed form. They can move through more than one series per year. They spend less time learning details, but they commit the core timeline to memory. We also have an option, called History Transition that condenses all five years into one.

Our approach to history in grammar school has served many students well. Maybe that’s why it’s one of the most awarded programs around.

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https://classic.powertactics.com/product/veritas-press-old-testament-ancient-egypt-literature-kit-levels-1-and-2/feed/ 0
5.0 1815 to Present: Teacher’s Manual https://classic.powertactics.com/product/1815-to-present-teacher-manual-homeschool-version/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/1815-to-present-teacher-manual-homeschool-version/#respond Wed, 19 Apr 2017 19:04:49 +0000 http://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=6187 This is the fifth and final series in the history curriculum. This covers early America to modern America. The 1815 to Present Teacher's Manual includes student projects and worksheets that align with the cards and memory CD (not included). Projects include background information and accounts to read, along with fun projects.  

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Worksheets provide reinforcement for remembering dates, names, and places. Tests provide an opportunity for assessment and feature short-answer questions. Answers to all assignments are included in the back (line-listed format), including the writing exercises for cards. The appendix features a variety of reproducible blackline masters, history-based sentences in which students identify the different parts of speech, report forms, games, and more.

This comprehensive manual is designed for a 36-week school year, with one week at the end of each quarter designated for review and testing; parents are encouraged to adapt to their own students, as this manual contains more information and projects than could be completed by one student in a year.

Related Products:

1815 to Present: Teacher’s Manual – Homeschool Version
1815 to Present: Teacher’s Manual – Enhanced CD
1815 to Present: Flashcards
1815 to Present: Memory Song CD

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https://classic.powertactics.com/product/1815-to-present-teacher-manual-homeschool-version/feed/ 0
5.0 1815 to Present: Memory Song CD https://classic.powertactics.com/product/1815-to-present-memory-song-cd/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/1815-to-present-memory-song-cd/#respond Wed, 19 Apr 2017 19:03:03 +0000 http://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=6185 The 1815 to the Present Memory Song CD contains a chronological timeline song that covers thirty-two major historical events and important figures chronologically starting with the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 to Modern America. This song is designed to be used alongside the corresponding flashcards and teacher’s manual.

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Related Products:

1815 to Present: Teacher’s Manual – Homeschool Version
1815 to Present: Teacher’s Manual – Enhanced CD
1815 to Present: Flashcards
1815 to Present: Memory Song CD

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