Old Western Culture Archives - Classical Education Books https://classic.powertactics.com/product-category/curriculum/series-sets/old-western-culture/ Conveniently Canadian Thu, 15 Sep 2022 17:23:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://classic.powertactics.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/favicon-32x32.png Old Western Culture Archives - Classical Education Books https://classic.powertactics.com/product-category/curriculum/series-sets/old-western-culture/ 32 32 The Iliad https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-iliad-3/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-iliad-3/#respond Mon, 21 Jun 2021 22:44:52 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=33883 The great war epic of Western literature, translated by acclaimed classicist Robert Fagles, and featured in the Netflix series The OA A Penguin Classic Dating to the ninth century B.C., Homer’s timeless poem still vividly conveys the horror and heroism of men and gods wrestling with towering emotions and battling amidst devastation and destruction, as it [...]

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The post The Iliad appeared first on Classical Education Books.

https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-iliad-3/feed/ 0
Early Moderns: Complete Course https://classic.powertactics.com/product/early-moderns-complete-set-dvds-readers-workbooks/ Thu, 28 Jan 2021 06:20:53 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=27488 Old Western Culture: Early Moderns, is a full-year literature and history curriculum for high school students (and above). Learn about the greatest and most influential works from the early modern period. Study the poetry, theology, novels, and political treatises of this period from a Christian perspective. Includes 4 DVDs, 4 Readers, 4 Workbooks for a [...]

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Poetry and Politics

Lecture – 1 Introduction to Enlightenment
Lecture – 2 Alexander Pope I
Lecture – 3 Alexander Pope II
Lecture – 4 Edmund Burke I
Lecture – 5 Edmund Burke II
Lecture – 6 Romantic Poetry I
Lecture – 7 Romantic Poetry II
Lecture – 8 Victorian Poetry and Democracy in America
Lecture – 9 Edgar Allen Poe
Lecture – 10 Victorian Poetry I
Lecture – 11 Victorian Poetry II
Lecture – 12 Victorian Poetry III


  • Alexander Pope Essay on Criticism, The Iliad (exerpt), and Ode on Solitude, Essay on Man
  • C. S. Lewis, De Descriptione Temporum
  • Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, and Selected Letters and Speeches
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge,  Selected Poems
  • William Wordsworth, Intimations of Immortality
  • Lord Byron, Selected Poems
  • John Keats, On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer
  • Percy Shelley, Ode to the West Wind
  • Alexis de Toqueville, Democracy in America (selections)
  • Edgar Allan Poe, Selected Poems
  • Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Selected Poems
  • Roberts Browning, Selected Poems
  • Matthew Arnold, Dover Beach
  • Christina Rosetti, Selected Poems
  • Gerard Manley Hopkins, Selected Poems

Rise of England

Lecture – 1 Introduction to Early Moderns (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 2 Introduction to Shakespeare (Peter Leithart)
Lecture – 3 Shakespeare’s Sonnets (Peter Leithart)
Lecture – 4 Shakespeare’s King Lear (Peter Leithart)
Lecture – 5 Shakespeare’s Richard III (Peter Leithart)
Lecture – 6 Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice (Peter Leithart)
Lecture – 7 Metaphysical Poets: John Donne (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 8 Metaphysical Poets: George Herbert and Marvell (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 9 Introduction to Milton (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 10 Paradise Lost I (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 11 Paradise Lost II (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 12 Paradise Lost III (Wesley Callihan)


  • William Shakespeare
    • Sonnet 3, 55, 60, 73, 103, & 106
    • King Lear
    • Richard III
    • Merchant of Venice
  • John Donne
    • A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
    • Holy Sonnet X
    • Holy Sonnet XIV
    • Meditation XVII
  • Geroge Herbert
    • Redemption
    • The Collar
    • Love III
  • Andrew Marvell
    • To His Coy Mistress
  • John Milton
    • On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity
    • The Hymn
    • On His Blindness
    • On the Late Massacre in Piedmont
    • Paradise Lost

The Novels

Lecture – 1 Introduction to The Novels
Lecture – 2 Jane Austen I
Lecture – 3 Jane Austen II
Lecture – 4 Charles Dickens
Lecture – 5 Fyodor Dostoevsky
Lecture – 6 Russian Short Stories
Lecture – 7 J. R. R. Tolkien I: Fairy-Stories and The Lord of the Rings
Lecture – 8 J. R. R. Tolkien II: Escape, Consolation, and Eucatastrophe
Lecture – 9 J. R. R. Tolkien III: Themes in The Lord of the Ring
Lecture – 10 C. S. Lewis I
Lecture – 11 C. S. Lewis II
Lecture – 12 Overview of Old Western Culture and the 20th Century


  • The Brothers Karamazov (selections) by Dostoevsky
  • The Bet by Chekhov
  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  • The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • A Christmas Carol by Dickens
  • Selected Essays by C. S. Lewis

The Enlightenment

Lecture 1 – Introduction: What Is the Enlightenment?
Lecture 2 – The Scientific Revolution: An Overview
Lecture 3 – Galileo Moves the Earth
Lecture 4 – The Galileo Affair
Lecture 5 -Descartes & Skepticism
Lecture 6 – Descartes’ Search for Certainty
Lecture 7 – Did Descartes Succeed?
Lecture 8 – Descartes & the Scientific Revolution
Lecture 9 – Isaac Newton Takes the Throne
Lecture 10 – Hume: Taking Skepticism Seriously
Lecture 11 – Kant’s Answer to Hume
Lecture 12 – Thomas Reid & Genuine Enlightenment


  • Emmanuel Kant, What is Enlightenment?
  • Galileo Galilei, The Sidereal Messenger, Letter to Benedetto Castelli, Letter to Duchess Christiana of Tuscany
  • René Descartes, Discourse on Method, Meditations on First Philosophy
  • Sir Isaac Newton, Principia – Laws of Motion and Gravity, Principia – General Scholium (Selection), Opticks – Query 28 & 31 (Selections)
  • David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (Sections IV, V, XII)
  • Thomas Reid, An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense (selections)

WHAT is “Old Western Culture”?

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the United States.

– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.

– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.

– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.

– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.

We bring a master-teacher into your home and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.


HOW does Old Western Culture work?

Old Western Culture is a video course. It is built around a master teacher, Wes Callihan. With decades of teaching experience, he guides students through the story of Western civilization. The Historians contains 12 video lessons (approx 30-40 min each).

Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings and answer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook.


WHY do people love Wes Callihan?

Wes Callihan is a master story teller! With a remarkable ability to communicate a passion for history and literature, he makes profound ideas accessible, relevant, and interesting. Also known for his distinctive “rabbit trailers,” forays into funny and obscure historical anecdotes, which have a way of showing up at the dinner table. (After all, rabbit trails are “hooks for the imagination and memory.”) Wes Callihan is a true classical scholar, fluent in both Latin and Greek. He lectures only from the notes in the margins of his worn copies of the Great Books. “Meet him” through THIS VIDEO TOUR of his personal library, which doubled as a mini-lecture!



Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.



This a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Wesley Callihan will coach your student on how to approach the reading in the video. The average daily reading load is 30-40 pages. As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


Related Products

Early Moderns: The Complete Course
Early Moderns: Paperback Reader Set
Early Moderns: Workbook Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England Set
Early Moderns: Rise of England DVD
Early Moderns: Rise of England Workbook
Early Moderns: Rise of England Reader

Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Set
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics DVD
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Workbook
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Reader

Early Moderns: The Novels Set
Early Moderns: The Novels DVD
Early Moderns: The Novels Workbook
Early Moderns: The Novels Reader

Early Moderns: The Enlightenment DVD
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Workbook
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Reader

The post Early Moderns: Complete Course appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Early Moderns: Readers Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/early-moderns-readers-set/ Thu, 28 Jan 2021 06:16:19 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=27487 This set includes all the readers needed to complete the Early Moderns: The Complete Course.

The post Early Moderns: Readers Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Set Includes

Early Moderns: Rise of England Reader
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Reader
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Reader
Early Moderns: The Novels Reader


WHAT is “Old Western Culture”?

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the United States.

– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.

– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.

– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.

– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.

We bring a master-teacher into your home and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.


HOW does Old Western Culture work?

Old Western Culture is a video course. It is built around a master teacher, Wes Callihan. With decades of teaching experience, he guides students through the story of Western civilization. The Historians contains 12 video lessons (approx 30-40 min each).

Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings and answer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook.


WHY do people love Wes Callihan?

Wes Callihan is a master story teller! With a remarkable ability to communicate a passion for history and literature, he makes profound ideas accessible, relevant, and interesting. Also known for his distinctive “rabbit trailers,” forays into funny and obscure historical anecdotes, which have a way of showing up at the dinner table. (After all, rabbit trails are “hooks for the imagination and memory.”) Wes Callihan is a true classical scholar, fluent in both Latin and Greek. He lectures only from the notes in the margins of his worn copies of the Great Books. “Meet him” through THIS VIDEO TOUR of his personal library, which doubled as a mini-lecture!



Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.



This a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Wesley Callihan will coach your student on how to approach the reading in the video. The average daily reading load is 30-40 pages. As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


Related Products

Early Moderns: The Complete Course

Early Moderns: Rise of England Set
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Set
Early Moderns: The Novels Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England DVD
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics DVD
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment DVD
Early Moderns: The Novels DVD

Early Moderns: Rise of England Workbook
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Workbook
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Workbook
Early Moderns: The Novels Workbook
Early Moderns: Workbook Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England Reader
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Reader
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Reader
Early Moderns: The Novels Reader
Early Moderns: Paperback Reader Set

The post Early Moderns: Readers Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Early Moderns: Workbook Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/early-moderns-the-enlightenment/ Thu, 28 Jan 2021 06:06:04 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=27485 THE WORKBOOK The workbook gives the student questions to answer for every reading assignment and lecture, discussion questions to think about, and a host of further resources for the student that wants to go further (or study for a paper!). The Answer Key at the back of the textbook will give the recommended answer to [...]

The post Early Moderns: Workbook Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

WHAT is “Old Western Culture”?

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the United States.

– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.

– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.

– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.

– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.

We bring a master-teacher into your home and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.


HOW does Old Western Culture work?

Old Western Culture is a video course. It is built around a master teacher, Wes Callihan. With decades of teaching experience, he guides students through the story of Western civilization. The Historians contains 12 video lessons (approx 30-40 min each).

Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings and answer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook.


WHY do people love Wes Callihan?

Wes Callihan is a master story teller! With a remarkable ability to communicate a passion for history and literature, he makes profound ideas accessible, relevant, and interesting. Also known for his distinctive “rabbit trailers,” forays into funny and obscure historical anecdotes, which have a way of showing up at the dinner table. (After all, rabbit trails are “hooks for the imagination and memory.”) Wes Callihan is a true classical scholar, fluent in both Latin and Greek. He lectures only from the notes in the margins of his worn copies of the Great Books. “Meet him” through THIS VIDEO TOUR of his personal library, which doubled as a mini-lecture!



Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.



This a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Wesley Callihan will coach your student on how to approach the reading in the video. The average daily reading load is 30-40 pages. As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


Related Products

Early Moderns: The Complete Course

Early Moderns: Rise of England Set
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Set
Early Moderns: The Novels Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England DVD
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics DVD
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment DVD
Early Moderns: The Novels DVD

Early Moderns: Rise of England Workbook
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Workbook
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Workbook
Early Moderns: The Novels Workbook
Early Moderns: Workbook Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England Reader
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Reader
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Reader
Early Moderns: The Novels Reader
Early Moderns: Paperback Reader Set

The post Early Moderns: Workbook Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/early-moderns-poetry-and-politics-set/ Thu, 28 Jan 2021 06:01:48 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=27484 From the Publisher: Poetry and Politics guides students through a tumultuous period of significant change in Western civilization. Nations and individuals grapple with questions of identity, what it means to be free, and what it means to be human. Enjoy the poetry of Pope, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Byron, Keats, Shelley, Tennyson, Browing, Arnold, Rossetti, Hopkins, and [...]

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Lecture List for Poetry and Politics

Lecture – 1 Introduction to Enlightenment
Lecture – 2 Alexander Pope I
Lecture – 3 Alexander Pope II
Lecture – 4 Edmund Burke I
Lecture – 5 Edmund Burke II
Lecture – 6 Romantic Poetry I
Lecture – 7 Romantic Poetry II
Lecture – 8 Victorian Poetry and Democracy in America
Lecture – 9 Edgar Allen Poe
Lecture – 10 Victorian Poetry I
Lecture – 11 Victorian Poetry II
Lecture – 12 Victorian Poetry III


  • Alexander Pope Essay on Criticism, The Iliad (exerpt), and Ode on Solitude, Essay on Man
  • C. S. Lewis, De Descriptione Temporum
  • Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, and Selected Letters and Speeches
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge,  Selected Poems
  • William Wordsworth, Intimations of Immortality
  • Lord Byron, Selected Poems
  • John Keats, On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer
  • Percy Shelley, Ode to the West Wind
  • Alexis de Toqueville, Democracy in America (selections)
  • Edgar Allan Poe, Selected Poems
  • Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Selected Poems
  • Roberts Browning, Selected Poems
  • Matthew Arnold, Dover Beach
  • Christina Rosetti, Selected Poems
  • Gerard Manley Hopkins, Selected Poems

WHAT is “Old Western Culture”?

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the United States.

– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.

– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.

– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.

– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.

We bring a master-teacher into your home and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.


HOW does Old Western Culture work?

Old Western Culture is a video course. It is built around a master teacher, Wes Callihan. With decades of teaching experience, he guides students through the story of Western civilization. The Historians contains 12 video lessons (approx 30-40 min each).

Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings and answer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook.


WHY do people love Wes Callihan?

Wes Callihan is a master story teller! With a remarkable ability to communicate a passion for history and literature, he makes profound ideas accessible, relevant, and interesting. Also known for his distinctive “rabbit trailers,” forays into funny and obscure historical anecdotes, which have a way of showing up at the dinner table. (After all, rabbit trails are “hooks for the imagination and memory.”) Wes Callihan is a true classical scholar, fluent in both Latin and Greek. He lectures only from the notes in the margins of his worn copies of the Great Books. “Meet him” through THIS VIDEO TOUR of his personal library, which doubled as a mini-lecture!



Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.



This a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Wesley Callihan will coach your student on how to approach the reading in the video. The average daily reading load is 30-40 pages. As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


Related Products

Early Moderns: The Complete Course

Early Moderns: Rise of England Set
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Set
Early Moderns: The Novels Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England DVD
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics DVD
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment DVD
Early Moderns: The Novels DVD

Early Moderns: Rise of England Workbook
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Workbook
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Workbook
Early Moderns: The Novels Workbook
Early Moderns: Workbook Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England Reader
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Reader
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Reader
Early Moderns: The Novels Reader
Early Moderns: Paperback Reader Set

The post Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Early Moderns: Rise of England Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/early-moderns-rise-of-england/ Thu, 28 Jan 2021 05:57:39 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=27483 From the Publisher: RISE OF ENGLAND introduces students to some of the greatest poetry composed in the English language. Dr. Peter Leithart guides students through the three major play types by looking at the tragedy of King Lear, the history of Richard III, and the comedy of The Merchant of Venice, as well as six of [...]

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Lecture List for Rise of England:

Average lesson length: 30-40 min

Lecture – 1 Introduction to Early Moderns (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 2 Introduction to Shakespeare (Peter Leithart)
Lecture – 3 Shakespeare’s Sonnets (Peter Leithart)
Lecture – 4 Shakespeare’s King Lear (Peter Leithart)
Lecture – 5 Shakespeare’s Richard III (Peter Leithart)
Lecture – 6 Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice (Peter Leithart)
Lecture – 7 Metaphysical Poets: John Donne (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 8 Metaphysical Poets: George Herbert and Marvell (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 9 Introduction to Milton (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 10 Paradise Lost I (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 11 Paradise Lost II (Wesley Callihan)
Lecture – 12 Paradise Lost III (Wesley Callihan)


  • William Shakespeare
    • Sonnet 3, 55, 60, 73, 103, & 106
    • King Lear
    • Richard III
    • Merchant of Venice
  • John Donne
    • A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
    • Holy Sonnet X
    • Holy Sonnet XIV
    • Meditation XVII
  • Geroge Herbert
    • Redemption
    • The Collar
    • Love III
  • Andrew Marvell
    • To His Coy Mistress
  • John Milton
    • On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity
    • The Hymn
    • On His Blindness
    • On the Late Massacre in Piedmont
    • Paradise Lost

WHAT is “Old Western Culture”?

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the United States.

– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.

– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.

– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.

– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.

We bring a master-teacher into your home and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.


HOW does Old Western Culture work?

Old Western Culture is a video course. It is built around a master teacher, Wes Callihan. With decades of teaching experience, he guides students through the story of Western civilization. The Historians contains 12 video lessons (approx 30-40 min each).

Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings and answer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook.


WHY do people love Wes Callihan?

Wes Callihan is a master story teller! With a remarkable ability to communicate a passion for history and literature, he makes profound ideas accessible, relevant, and interesting. Also known for his distinctive “rabbit trailers,” forays into funny and obscure historical anecdotes, which have a way of showing up at the dinner table. (After all, rabbit trails are “hooks for the imagination and memory.”) Wes Callihan is a true classical scholar, fluent in both Latin and Greek. He lectures only from the notes in the margins of his worn copies of the Great Books. “Meet him” through THIS VIDEO TOUR of his personal library, which doubled as a mini-lecture!



Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.



This a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Wesley Callihan will coach your student on how to approach the reading in the video. The average daily reading load is 30-40 pages. As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


Related Products

Early Moderns: The Complete Course

Early Moderns: Rise of England Set
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Set
Early Moderns: The Novels Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England DVD
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics DVD
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment DVD
Early Moderns: The Novels DVD

Early Moderns: Rise of England Workbook
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Workbook
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Workbook
Early Moderns: The Novels Workbook
Early Moderns: Workbook Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England Reader
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Reader
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Reader
Early Moderns: The Novels Reader
Early Moderns: Paperback Reader Set

The post Early Moderns: Rise of England Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Early Moderns: The Novels Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/early-moderns-the-novels-set/ Thu, 28 Jan 2021 05:51:52 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=27482 From the Publisher: Old Western Culture: The Novels wraps up the series of the great books with a study of some of the great novels of the 19th century, Wesley Callihan guides students through Dickens’s heartwarming A Christmas Carol, and then turns to Dostoevsky’s darker Russian tale, The Brothers Karamozov, as well as Chekhov’s The Bet. A study of [...]

The post Early Moderns: The Novels Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

The Novels Lecture List

Lecture – 1 Introduction to The Novels
Lecture – 2 Jane Austen I
Lecture – 3 Jane Austen II
Lecture – 4 Charles Dickens
Lecture – 5 Fyodor Dostoevsky
Lecture – 6 Russian Short Stories
Lecture – 7 J. R. R. Tolkien I: Fairy-Stories and The Lord of the Rings
Lecture – 8 J. R. R. Tolkien II: Escape, Consolation, and Eucatastrophe
Lecture – 9 J. R. R. Tolkien III: Themes in The Lord of the Ring
Lecture – 10 C. S. Lewis I
Lecture – 11 C. S. Lewis II
Lecture – 12 Overview of Old Western Culture and the 20th Century


  • The Brothers Karamazov (selections) by Dostoevsky
  • The Bet by Chekhov
  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  • The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • A Christmas Carol by Dickens
  • Selected Essays by C. S. Lewis

WHAT is “Old Western Culture”?

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the United States.

– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.

– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.

– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.

– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.

We bring a master-teacher into your home and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.


HOW does Old Western Culture work?

Old Western Culture is a video course. It is built around a master teacher, Wes Callihan. With decades of teaching experience, he guides students through the story of Western civilization. The Historians contains 12 video lessons (approx 30-40 min each).

Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings and answer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook.


WHY do people love Wes Callihan?

Wes Callihan is a master story teller! With a remarkable ability to communicate a passion for history and literature, he makes profound ideas accessible, relevant, and interesting. Also known for his distinctive “rabbit trailers,” forays into funny and obscure historical anecdotes, which have a way of showing up at the dinner table. (After all, rabbit trails are “hooks for the imagination and memory.”) Wes Callihan is a true classical scholar, fluent in both Latin and Greek. He lectures only from the notes in the margins of his worn copies of the Great Books. “Meet him” through THIS VIDEO TOUR of his personal library, which doubled as a mini-lecture!



Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.



This a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Wesley Callihan will coach your student on how to approach the reading in the video. The average daily reading load is 30-40 pages. As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


Related Products

Early Moderns: The Complete Course

Early Moderns: Rise of England Set
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Set
Early Moderns: The Novels Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England DVD
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics DVD
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment DVD
Early Moderns: The Novels DVD

Early Moderns: Rise of England Workbook
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Workbook
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Workbook
Early Moderns: The Novels Workbook
Early Moderns: Workbook Set

Early Moderns: Rise of England Reader
Early Moderns: Poetry and Politics Reader
Early Moderns: The Enlightenment Reader
Early Moderns: The Novels Reader
Early Moderns: Paperback Reader Set

The post Early Moderns: The Novels Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

The Iliad of Homer https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-iliad-of-homer/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-iliad-of-homer/#respond Mon, 03 Feb 2020 22:28:40 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=20840 "Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus’ son Achilleus / and its devastation." For sixty years, that’s how Homer has begun the Iliad in English, in Richmond Lattimore’s faithful translation—the gold standard for generations of students and general readers. This long-awaited new edition of Lattimore’s Iliad is designed to bring the book into the twenty-first century—while leaving the poem as firmly rooted [...]

The post The Iliad of Homer appeared first on Classical Education Books.

The post The Iliad of Homer appeared first on Classical Education Books.

https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-iliad-of-homer/feed/ 0
Christendom: The Reformation Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/christendom-the-reformation-set/ Fri, 28 Dec 2018 22:08:25 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=15118 Christendom: The Reformation: Post Tenebras Lux, introduces students to the great minds of the Reformation: John Calvin, Martin Luther, Thomas Cranmer, and Erasmus. But a study of this tumultuous period of history would be sorely lacking without a thorough understanding of the historical setting of the Reformation. Wesley Callihan and Dr. Chris Schlect team up to [...]

The post Christendom: The Reformation Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Set Includes

Christendom: The Reformation DVD
Christendom: The Reformation Reader
Christendom: The Reformation Workbook

Lecture list for The Reformation

Lecture 1: Introduction to Renaissance and Reformation
Lecture 2: Canterbury Tales 1
Lecture 3: Canterbury Tales 2
Lecture 4: Canterbury Tales 3
Lecture 5: From Premodern to Modern Times
Lecture 6: Predecessors to the Reformation
Lecture 7: Luther and 16th Century Reform
Lecture 8: International Calvinism
Lecture 9: The Reformation in England
Lecture 10: Spenser 1
Lecture 11: Spenser 2
Lecture 12: Spenser 3

Table of Contents

Depending on the assigned reading from the course Christendom: The Reformation, this reader includes either selections or entire works.

  • The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer
  • Clericis Laicos & Unam Sanctam, by Boniface VIII
  • Defensor Pacis, by Marsilius of Padua
  • Sacrosancta & Frequens, by The Council of Constance
  • Julius Exclusus, by Erasmus of Rotterdam
  • Ninety-Five Theses, Letter to the Christian
  • Nobility, Babylonian Captivity of the Church, & The Freedom of the Christian, by Martin Luther
  • Exsurge Domine, by Leo X
  • The Schleitheim Articles, by Machael Sattler
  • Apology of the Augsburg Confession, by Philip Melanchthon
  • Institutes of the Christian Religion, by John Calvin
  • The Decree of Trent, by The Council of Trent
  • Spiritual Exercises, by Ignatius of Loyola
  • Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, by Zacharias Ursinus
  • Book of Common Prayer, by Church of England
  • Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, by John Foxe
  • An Admonition to Parliment, by Field and Wilcox
  • The Laws of Ecclesastical Politie, by Richard Hooker
  • The Faerie Queene, Amoretti, Epithalimion, by Edmund Spenser

WHAT is “Old Western Culture”?

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the United States.

– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.

– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.

– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.

– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.

We bring a master-teacher into your home and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.


HOW does Old Western Culture work?

Old Western Culture is a video course. It is built around a master teacher, Wes Callihan. With decades of teaching experience, he guides students through the story of Western civilization. The Historians contains 12 video lessons (approx 30-40 min each).

Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings and answer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook.


WHY do people love Wes Callihan?

Wes Callihan is a master story teller! With a remarkable ability to communicate a passion for history and literature, he makes profound ideas accessible, relevant, and interesting. Also known for his distinctive “rabbit trailers,” forays into funny and obscure historical anecdotes, which have a way of showing up at the dinner table. (After all, rabbit trails are “hooks for the imagination and memory.”) Wes Callihan is a true classical scholar, fluent in both Latin and Greek. He lectures only from the notes in the margins of his worn copies of the Great Books. “Meet him” through THIS VIDEO TOUR of his personal library, which doubled as a mini-lecture!



Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.



This a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Wesley Callihan will coach your student on how to approach the reading in the video. The average daily reading load is 30-40 pages. As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


Related Products

Christendom: The Complete Set

Christendom: Early Medievals – Set
Christendom: Early Medievals – DVD
Christendom: Early Medievals – Reader
Christendom: Early Medievals – Workbook

Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Set
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – DVD
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Reader
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Workbook

Christendom: Medieval Mind – Set
Christendom: Medieval Mind – DVD
Christendom: Medieval Mind – Reader
Christendom: Medieval Mind – Workbook

Christendom: The Reformation – Set
Christendom: The Reformation – DVD
Christendom: The Reformation – Reader
Christendom: The Reformation – Workbook


The post Christendom: The Reformation Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Christendom: Medieval Mind Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/christendom-medieval-mind-set/ Fri, 28 Dec 2018 21:53:05 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=15116 Christendom: The Medieval Mind begins by guiding students through the basics of Thomas Aquinas' Compendium, introducing students to the medieval mindset which greatly influenced later theologians and philosophers. With this foundation, students embark on a journey through Dante's conception of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise in The Divine Comedy, exploring medieval concepts of guilt, atonement, beauty, and the cosmos. Meet many [...]

The post Christendom: Medieval Mind Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Set Includes

Christendom: Medieval Mind DVD
Christendom: Medieval Mind Reader
Christendom: Medieval Mind Workbook

Lecture list for Medieval Mind

Lecture 1 – Introduction to The Medieval Mind
Lecture 2 – Aquinas’ Compendium I
Lecture 3 – Aquinas’ Compendium II
Lecture 4 – Aquinas’ Compendium III
Lecture 5 – Introduction to Dante
Lecture 6 – The Inferno I
Lecture 7 – The Inferno II
Lecture 8 – Purgatorio I
Lecture 9 – Purgatorio II
Lecture 10 – Paradiso I
Lecture 11 – Paradiso II
Lecture 12 – Conclusion


  • Compendium, by Thomas Aquinas
    • Chapters 1–15, 72–83, 103–107, 114–117, 127–184, 241–246.


  • The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
    • Inferno
    • Purgatorio
    • Paradiso


WHAT is “Old Western Culture”?

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the United States.

– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.

– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.

– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.

– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.

We bring a master-teacher into your home and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.


HOW does Old Western Culture work?

Old Western Culture is a video course. It is built around a master teacher, Wes Callihan. With decades of teaching experience, he guides students through the story of Western civilization. The Historians contains 12 video lessons (approx 30-40 min each).

Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings and answer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook.


WHY do people love Wes Callihan?

Wes Callihan is a master story teller! With a remarkable ability to communicate a passion for history and literature, he makes profound ideas accessible, relevant, and interesting. Also known for his distinctive “rabbit trailers,” forays into funny and obscure historical anecdotes, which have a way of showing up at the dinner table. (After all, rabbit trails are “hooks for the imagination and memory.”) Wes Callihan is a true classical scholar, fluent in both Latin and Greek. He lectures only from the notes in the margins of his worn copies of the Great Books. “Meet him” through THIS VIDEO TOUR of his personal library, which doubled as a mini-lecture!



Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.



This a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Wesley Callihan will coach your student on how to approach the reading in the video. The average daily reading load is 30-40 pages. As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


Related Products

Christendom: The Complete Set

Christendom: Early Medievals – Set
Christendom: Early Medievals – DVD
Christendom: Early Medievals – Reader
Christendom: Early Medievals – Workbook

Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Set
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – DVD
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Reader
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Workbook

Christendom: Medieval Mind – Set
Christendom: Medieval Mind – DVD
Christendom: Medieval Mind – Reader
Christendom: Medieval Mind – Workbook

Christendom: The Reformation – Set
Christendom: The Reformation – DVD
Christendom: The Reformation – Reader
Christendom: The Reformation – Workbook

The post Christendom: Medieval Mind Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Christendom: Defense of the Faith Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/christendom-defense-of-the-faith-set/ Sat, 22 Dec 2018 01:23:46 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=15111 Christendom: Defense of the Faith, Scholasticism in the High Middle Ages, immerses students into one of the most misunderstood periods of history. Start by learning about Anselm's theological defense of the faith as he explains his ontological argument for the existence of God. Through Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain, learn about the background to the [...]

The post Christendom: Defense of the Faith Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Depending on the assigned reading from the course Christendom: Defense of the Faith, this reader includes either selections or entire works.

  • Proslogium, by Anselm of Canterbury
  • Monologium, by Anselm of Canterbury
  • History of the Kings of Britain, by Geoffrey of Monmouth
  • The Golden Legend, by Jacobus de Voragine
  • The Conquest of Constantinople, by Geoffrey de Villehardouin
  • The Life of St. Louis, by Jean de Joinville


WHAT is “Old Western Culture”?

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the United States.

– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.

– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.

– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.

– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.

We bring a master-teacher into your home and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.

HOW does Old Western Culture work?

Old Western Culture is a video course. It is built around a master teacher, Wes Callihan. With decades of teaching experience, he guides students through the story of Western civilization. The Historians contains 12 video lessons (approx 30-40 min each).

Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings and answer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook. 

WHY do people love Wes Callihan?

Wes Callihan is a master story teller! With a remarkable ability to communicate a passion for history and literature, he makes profound ideas accessible, relevant, and interesting. Also known for his distinctive “rabbit trailers,” forays into funny and obscure historical anecdotes, which have a way of showing up at the dinner table. (After all, rabbit trails are “hooks for the imagination and memory.”) Wes Callihan is a true classical scholar, fluent in both Latin and Greek. He lectures only from the notes in the margins of his worn copies of the Great Books. “Meet him” through THIS VIDEO TOUR of his personal library, which doubled as a mini-lecture!


Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.


This is a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Wesley Callihan will coach your student on how to approach the reading in the video. The average daily reading load is 30-40 pages. As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


Related Resources:

Christendom: The Complete Set

Christendom: Early Medievals – Set
Christendom: Early Medievals – DVD
Christendom: Early Medievals – Reader
Christendom: Early Medievals – Workbook

Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Set
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – DVD
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Reader
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Workbook

Christendom: Medieval Mind – Set
Christendom: Medieval Mind – DVD
Christendom: Medieval Mind – Reader
Christendom: Medieval Mind – Workbook

Christendom: The Reformation – Set
Christendom: The Reformation – DVD
Christendom: The Reformation – Reader
Christendom: The Reformation – Workbook

The post Christendom: Defense of the Faith Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Christendom: Early Medievals Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/christendom-early-medievals-set/ Sat, 22 Dec 2018 01:14:32 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=15110 Christendom: Early Medievals, The Growth of European Christianity, introduces students to life in the Middle Ages from a Christian perspective. Students will read about the military exploits of the Eastern Roman Empire under the emperor Justinian as chronicled by Procopius, the last great historian of the Roman world. Learn how the development of monasticism preserved learning [...]

The post Christendom: Early Medievals Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Set Includes

Christendom: Early Medievals DVD
Christendom: Early Medievals Reader
Christendom: Early Medievals Workbook


Lecture list for Early Medievals

Lecture 1 – Historical Overview of Christendom
Lecture 2 – Benedict’s Rule and Monasticism
Lecture 3 – Transition to the Middle Ages
Lecture 4 – Procopius and Gregory
Lecture 5 -Maximus the Confessor
Lecture 6 – Celtic Christians
Lecture 7 – Beowulf
Lecture 8 – Bede I: Early History of England
Lecture 9 – Bede II: The Coming of Christianity
Lecture 10 – Bede III: The Confirming of Christianity
Lecture 11 – Lives of Charlemagne and Alfred
Lecture 12 – John of Damascus


The Rule of Saint Benedict
Procopius’ Wars of Justinian 1.24, 4.9
Gregory of Tours’ History of the Franks 1.36-48, 2.27-43, 6.46
Gregory the Great’s Dialogues Book 2
Gregory the Great’s Book of Pastoral Rule Book 1, 2
Confessions of St PatrickLetter to the Soldiers of Coroticus
Adomnan of Iona’s Life of St Columba
The Voyage of Brendan
Selections from Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People Book 1, 2, 4, 5
Eihard’s Life of Charlemagne Introduction and Section 9-29
Asser’s Life of Alfred
John of Damascus’ The Fount of Knowledge Preface; On Heresies Section 101; On the Orthodox Faith 1.8, 2.2-6, 3.2-6, 4.11-13, 15-17


WHAT is “Old Western Culture”?

“Old Western Culture” is a literature curriculum named after a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe the fabric of ideas that shaped Western Civilization. For centuries, a “Great Books” education lay at the heart of what it meant to be educated. It was the education of the Church Fathers, of the Medieval Church, of the Reformers, and of all the Founding Fathers of the United States.

– It is a CLASSICAL EDUCATION, based on the great books of western civilization.

– It is a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, which sees the history and literature of the West through the eyes of the Bible and historic Christianity.

– It is an INTEGRATED HUMANITIES CURRICULUM, bringing together literature, history, philosophy, doctrine, geography, and art.

– It is a HOMESCHOOL oriented curriculum, made by homeschoolers with the needs of homeschooled in mind, including flexibility, affordability, and ease-of-use.

We bring a master-teacher into your home and encourage parents to gain an overview of Western Civilization themselves by watching the video lessons with their children.

HOW does Old Western Culture work?

Old Western Culture is a video course. It is built around a master teacher, Wes Callihan. With decades of teaching experience, he guides students through the story of Western civilization. The Historians contains 12 video lessons (approx 30-40 min each).

Each lesson begins with a brief review before jumping into summary, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the works covered. After each lesson, students complete the assigned readings and answer comprehension questions in the Student Workbook or online workbook. 

WHY do people love Wes Callihan?

Wes Callihan is a master story teller! With a remarkable ability to communicate a passion for history and literature, he makes profound ideas accessible, relevant, and interesting. Also known for his distinctive “rabbit trailers,” forays into funny and obscure historical anecdotes, which have a way of showing up at the dinner table. (After all, rabbit trails are “hooks for the imagination and memory.”) Wes Callihan is a true classical scholar, fluent in both Latin and Greek. He lectures only from the notes in the margins of his worn copies of the Great Books. “Meet him” through THIS VIDEO TOUR of his personal library, which doubled as a mini-lecture!


Old Western Culture is intended for mature and discerning students. We recommend this course for ages 14 and up. The course will deal with mature themes such as paganism, sexual immorality, battle scenes (mostly in actual reading), and classical paintings. Old Western Culture is meant to equip your child with a Biblical lens from which to process these themes. We assume your child has a working knowledge of the Bible and basic Christian doctrine.


This is a robust course academically, and requires a fair bit of reading. Wesley Callihan will coach your student on how to approach the reading in the video. The average daily reading load is 30-40 pages. As an “integrated humanities” course, Old Western Culture will constantly be incorporating history, literature, theology, philosophy, art, and art history, all through the eyes of the Great Books.


Related Resources:

Christendom: The Complete Set

Christendom: Early Medievals – Set
Christendom: Early Medievals – DVD
Christendom: Early Medievals – Reader
Christendom: Early Medievals – Workbook

Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Set
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – DVD
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Reader
Christendom: Defense of the Faith – Workbook

Christendom: Medieval Mind – Set
Christendom: Medieval Mind – DVD
Christendom: Medieval Mind – Reader
Christendom: Medieval Mind – Workbook

Christendom: The Reformation – Set
Christendom: The Reformation – DVD
Christendom: The Reformation – Reader
Christendom: The Reformation – Workbook

The post Christendom: Early Medievals Set appeared first on Classical Education Books.
