Rabbit Room Press Archives - Classical Education Books https://classic.powertactics.com/product-category/curriculum/publishers/rabbit-room-press/ Conveniently Canadian Thu, 09 Feb 2023 14:31:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://classic.powertactics.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/favicon-32x32.png Rabbit Room Press Archives - Classical Education Books https://classic.powertactics.com/product-category/curriculum/publishers/rabbit-room-press/ 32 32 Seeds of America Trilogy https://classic.powertactics.com/product/seeds-of-america-trilogy/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/seeds-of-america-trilogy/#respond Mon, 12 Sep 2022 22:17:32 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=52253 What would you risk to be free? It’s 1776 and Isabel, Curzon, and Ruth have only ever known life as slaves. But now the young country of America is in turmoil—there are whisperings, then cries, of freedom from England spreading like fire, and with it is a whole new type of danger. For freedom being [...]

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The God of the Garden https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-god-of-the-garden/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-god-of-the-garden/#respond Wed, 05 May 2021 22:40:17 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=31053 There’s a strong biblical connection between people and trees. They both come from dirt. They’re both told to bear fruit. In fact, arboreal language is so often applied to humans that it’s easy to miss, whether we're talking about family trees, passing along our seed, cutting someone off like a branch, being rooted to a [...]

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There’s a strong biblical connection between people and trees. They both come from dirt. They’re both told to bear fruit. In fact, arboreal language is so often applied to humans that it’s easy to miss, whether we’re talking about family trees, passing along our seed, cutting someone off like a branch, being rooted to a place, or bearing the fruit of the Spirit. It’s hard to deny that trees mean something, theologically speaking.

This book is in many ways a memoir, but it’s also an attempt to wake up the reader to the glory of God shining through his creation. One of his first commands to Adam and Eve was to “work and keep” the garden (Genesis 2:15). Award-winning author and songwriter Andrew Peterson, being as honest as possible, seeks to give glory to God by spreading out his roots and raising his branches, trusting that by reading his story, you’ll encounter yours.

Hopefully, you’ll see that the God of the Garden is and has always been present, working and keeping what he loves. Sometimes he plants, sometimes he prunes, but in his goodness he intends to reap a harvest of righteousness.

About the Author:

Andrew Peterson is an award-winning singer-songwriter and author. The second book in his Wingfeather Saga, North! Or Be Eaten (2009) won the Christy Award for Young Adult Fiction, and the fourth, The Warden and the Wolf King (2014) won World Magazine’s Children’s Book of the Year in 2015.

In 2008, driven by a desire to cultivate a strong Christian arts community, Andrew founded a ministry called The Rabbit Room, which led to a yearly conference, countless concerts and symposiums, and Rabbit Room Press, which has published thirty books to date.

He’s been married for 24 years to his wife Jamie, with whom they have three children. His eldest is an animation student at Lipscomb University, his second son is a touring drummer and record producer, and his daughter recently released her first album. In his spare time Andrew keeps bees, builds dry stack stone walls, gardens, draws, and sleeps.


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Wingfeather Saga Set https://classic.powertactics.com/product/wingfeather-saga-set/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/wingfeather-saga-set/#respond Thu, 11 Mar 2021 22:34:56 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=28588 Janner Igiby, his brother, Tink, and their disabled sister, Leeli, are gifted children as all children are, loved well by a noble mother and ex-pirate grandfather. But they will need all their gifts and all that they love to survive the evil pursuit of the venomous Fangs of Dang, who have crossed the dark sea [...]

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Andrew Peterson’s sweeping saga is full of characters rich in heart, smarts, and courage. It is a tale that children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers’ groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning. Each book features interior illustrations from Joe Sutphin, funny footnotes, a map of the fantastical world, inventive appendices, and fanciful line art.

This collection of Andrew Peterson’s Wingfeather Saga includes all four novels in hardcover:

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
North! Or Be Eaten
The Monster in the Hollows
The Warden and the Wolf King

Companions to the Series

Wingfeather Tales
Pembrick’s Creaturepedia


About the Author:

Andrew Peterson is an award-winning singer-songwriter and author. The second book in his Wingfeather Saga, North! Or Be Eaten (2009) won the Christy Award for Young Adult Fiction, and the fourth, The Warden and the Wolf King (2014) won World Magazine’s Children’s Book of the Year in 2015.

In 2008, driven by a desire to cultivate a strong Christian arts community, Andrew founded a ministry called The Rabbit Room, which led to a yearly conference, countless concerts and symposiums, and Rabbit Room Press, which has published thirty books to date.

He’s been married for 24 years to his wife Jamie, with whom they have three children. His eldest is an animation student at Lipscomb University, his second son is a touring drummer and record producer, and his daughter recently released her first album. In his spare time Andrew keeps bees, builds dry stack stone walls, gardens, draws, and sleeps.

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Pembrick’s Creaturepedia https://classic.powertactics.com/product/pembricks-creaturepedia/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/pembricks-creaturepedia/#respond Thu, 11 Mar 2021 22:27:36 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=28586 Sketcher, adventurer, disguiser, and sneaker Ollister B. Pembrick roamed all of Skree with a sketchbook and pen, searching behind every tree stump and under every stone, in every river and on every hill, to discover and document the endless living wonders of the Maker's world. He risked life and limb--quite literally--to compile sketches and details [...]

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This detailed companion is essential to all who travel to the lands of Skree, and a must-have for all Wingfeather Saga fans. Now with all-new illustrations!

Refer to this carefully documented Creaturepedia before traversing through the Stony Mountains or harvesting fartichokes within a fortnight after a sandstorm. The drawings and field notes about squeeblins, toothy cows, oiples, and more will surely save any explorer’s life and will definitely keep them–and their appendages–from being gobbled. Tread carefully, young adventurer. The creatures within are not to be trifled with.

Wingfeather Saga Series

North! Or Be Eaten
The Monster in the Hollows
The Warden and The Wolf King
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness

Companions to Series

Wingfeather Tales
Pembrick’s Creaturepedia

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Wingfeather Tales (Hardcover) https://classic.powertactics.com/product/wingfeather-tales-hardcover/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/wingfeather-tales-hardcover/#respond Thu, 11 Mar 2021 22:17:39 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=28584 In hardcover at last, featuring new illustrations and the first-ever Wingfeather comic, now in print for the first time! Return to the world of the Wingfeather Saga with Andrew Peterson and his all-star author friends. Immerse yourself in a land of bomnubbles and quarreling cousins, sea dragons and book publishers, thieves and Fangs and secret [...]

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 Explore the inner walls of Yorsha Doon, just West of the Woes of Shreve, on the edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, from the eyes of young Safiki in “The Prince of Yorsha Doon” from the creator of Aewiar, Andrew Peterson.
  Jennifer Trafton’s warm and whimsical writing brings to life a publishing nightmare populated by the many beasts of Skree in “The Wooing of Sophelia Stupe.”
  Learn the origins of Ollister Pebmrick’s mysterious entry in the Creaturepedia about his encounter with a raggant in “Willow Worlds” by N. D. Wilson.
  Travel with young Podo Helmer on an epic hunt for sea dragons in “From the Deeps of the Dragon King” from A. S. Peterson.
  Jonathan Rogers presents “The Ballard of Lanric and Rube,” sung by Armulyn the Bard, tale-spinner of the imaginary Shining Isle of Anniera, in On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness.
  Discover what life was like for Maraly and Gammon in post-war Skree in “Shadowblade and the Florid Sword”—the first-ever Wingfeather comic—by Andrew Peterson.
  Douglas McKelvey’s epic, heartbreakingly hopeful novella “The Places Beyond the Maps” recounts a father’s journey to redemption.

You’ll also find delightful illustrations by Justin Gerard, Hein Zaayman, Cory Godbey, John Hendrix, Nicholas Kole, Aedan Peterson, Joe Sutphin, Jay Myers, and Doug TenNapel.

Enter a rich, imaginative world that becomes more real, more mysterious, more dangerous, and more beautiful with each story’s telling.


Companions to Series

North! Or Be Eaten
The Monster in the Hollows
The Warden and The Wolf King
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness

Pembrick’s Creaturepedia


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Prayers For Life Cards https://classic.powertactics.com/product/prayers-for-life-cards/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/prayers-for-life-cards/#respond Fri, 20 Nov 2020 20:37:32 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=26107 This collection of illuminated prayer cards is intended to help us to pray through all of life’s circumstances: our mornings and our evenings, our work and our worship, our families and our communities, our hopes for justice and healing, our experiences of joy and sorrow.

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All 15 prayers in this collection, written by David Taylor, follow the pattern of a Collect Prayer. An ancient form of prayer, dating back to the 5th century of the church, a Collect Prayer hews to a basic biblical pattern of prayer that “collects” the heart’s desires in an offering of prayer to God. It is a form of prayer that frees us to offer all the parts of our lives to God in faithful devotion.

Each prayer card includes an original watercolor painting by Phaedra Taylor that embellishes the front.

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Open and Unafraid Prayer Cards https://classic.powertactics.com/product/open-and-unafraid-prayer-cards/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/open-and-unafraid-prayer-cards/#respond Fri, 20 Nov 2020 20:16:14 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=26104 These Psalms Prayer Cards are designed to provide help to individuals, families, small groups and communities who wish to pray in light of the Book of Psalms.

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Each 4×6 card includes an image on one side, corresponding to a specific chapter in the book, Open and Unafraid: The Psalms as a Guide to Life (Thomas Nelson: 2020), and text on the other: a passage from the psalms, three questions for reflection, and a prayer.

Each original watercolor illustration corresponds to a specific theme in the psalms and the text on the back offers an opportunity to reflect on one’s life in the light of the good news that we discover in the psalms.

Each pack includes 15 cards (4×6) with artwork by Phaedra Taylor.


Related Products

Open and Unafraid

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Every Moment Holy: Volume 2 https://classic.powertactics.com/product/every-moment-holy-volume-2/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/every-moment-holy-volume-2/#respond Fri, 23 Oct 2020 20:41:52 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=25522 From the Publisher: EVERY MOMENT HOLY, Vol. 2: Death, Grief, and Hope, is a book of liturgies for seasons of dying and grieving--liturgies such as "A Liturgy for the Scattering of Ashes" or "A Liturgy for the Loss of a Spouse" or "A Liturgy for the Wake of a National Tragedy." These are ways of [...]

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-over 100 liturgies
-beautiful leather-bound hardcover
-illustrations by Ned Bustard
-silk bookmark
-gilded edges
Sample Liturgies:
For Long-Term Care Givers
For Caregivers in Need of Rest
For the Living of Last Things
Praise for This Day of Life
For Releasing Ambitions & Embracing Christ
For Preparing the Heart to Return to God What Is His
Seeking Amendment & Reconciliation
To Stir Courage in a Child Facing Death
For a Child Contemplating the New Creation
For Those Who Will Gather to Grieve For Me
For the Dying and Their Friends
For Those Who Tend the Sick or Dying
A Lesson We May Learn from Death
Giving Voice to the Costly Confession
For Moments When Dying Feels Unfair
For Lamenting the Passing of a Public Figure
For the Wake of a National Tragedy
For the Loss of a Close Sibling
For the Loss of a Loving Parent
For the Loss of a Spouse
For Those Who Have Suffered a Stillbirth or Miscarriage
For the Loss of a Child
For Grieving the Loss of One Whose Relationship to Their Creator Was Unknown
Before Mourning with Those Who Mourn
For the Morning of a Funeral I
For the Morning of a Funeral II
A Lament for a Loss
For the Forgiving of Unintended Wounds
For Those Who Feel Abandoned By One Who Chose Suicide


Purchase Prints (this will take you to a new page)


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Wingfeather Saga Book IV: The Warden and the Wolf King (hardcover) https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-warden-and-the-wolf-king-hardcover/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-warden-and-the-wolf-king-hardcover/#respond Tue, 18 Aug 2020 16:41:57 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=23785 Our intrepid heroes are caught in the middle of an epic showdown between good and evil in the fourth and final novel of the Wingfeather Saga. All winter long, people in the Green Hollows have prepared for a final battle with Gnag the Nameless and the Fangs of Dang. Janner, Kalmar, and Leeli are ready [...]

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Full of characters rich in heart, smarts, and courage, The Warden and the Wolf King is a tale children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers’ groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning. Extra features include new interior illustrations from Joe Sutphin, funny footnotes, a map of the fantastical world, inventive appendices, and fanciful line art in the tradition of the original Frank L. Baum Wizard of Oz storybooks.

Wingfeather Saga Series

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
North! Or Be Eaten
The Monster in the Hollows
The Warden and The Wolf King

Companions to Series

Wingfeather Tales
Pembrick’s Creaturepedia


About the Author:

Andrew Peterson is an award-winning singer-songwriter and author. The second book in his Wingfeather Saga, North! Or Be Eaten (2009) won the Christy Award for Young Adult Fiction, and the fourth, The Warden and the Wolf King (2014) won World Magazine’s Children’s Book of the Year in 2015.

In 2008, driven by a desire to cultivate a strong Christian arts community, Andrew founded a ministry called The Rabbit Room, which led to a yearly conference, countless concerts and symposiums, and Rabbit Room Press, which has published thirty books to date.

He’s been married for 24 years to his wife Jamie, with whom they have three children. His eldest is an animation student at Lipscomb University, his second son is a touring drummer and record producer, and his daughter recently released her first album. In his spare time Andrew keeps bees, builds dry stack stone walls, gardens, draws, and sleeps.

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Wingfeather Saga Book III: The Monster in the Hollows (hardcover) https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-monster-in-the-hollows-hardcover/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-monster-in-the-hollows-hardcover/#respond Tue, 18 Aug 2020 16:36:44 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=23783 Things are about to go from bad to wolf in the howlingly entertaining third book of the Wingfeather Saga. Janner, Tink, and Leeli Igiby, the Lost Jewels of Anniera, are hiding from Gnag the Nameless in the Green Hollows, one of the few places in the land of Aerwiar not overrun by the Fangs of [...]

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Full of characters rich in heart, smarts, and courage, The Monster in the Hollows is a tale children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers’ groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning. Extra features include new interior illustrations from Joe Sutphin, funny footnotes, a map of the fantastical world, inventive appendices, and fanciful line art in the tradition of the original Frank L. Baum Wizard of Oz storybooks.

Wingfeather Saga Series

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
North! Or Be Eaten
The Monster in the Hollows
The Warden and The Wolf King

Companions to Series

Wingfeather Tales
Pembrick’s Creaturepedia


About the Author:

Andrew Peterson is an award-winning singer-songwriter and author. The second book in his Wingfeather Saga, North! Or Be Eaten (2009) won the Christy Award for Young Adult Fiction, and the fourth, The Warden and the Wolf King (2014) won World Magazine’s Children’s Book of the Year in 2015.

In 2008, driven by a desire to cultivate a strong Christian arts community, Andrew founded a ministry called The Rabbit Room, which led to a yearly conference, countless concerts and symposiums, and Rabbit Room Press, which has published thirty books to date.

He’s been married for 24 years to his wife Jamie, with whom they have three children. His eldest is an animation student at Lipscomb University, his second son is a touring drummer and record producer, and his daughter recently released her first album. In his spare time Andrew keeps bees, builds dry stack stone walls, gardens, draws, and sleeps.

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Wingfeather Saga Book II: North! Or Be Eaten (hardcover) https://classic.powertactics.com/product/north-or-be-eaten-hardcover/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/north-or-be-eaten-hardcover/#respond Thu, 16 Apr 2020 22:10:41 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=21755 First they found themselves On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness. Now they must make their way North! Or Be Eaten . . . Janner, Tink, and Leeli Igiby thought they were normal children with normal lives and a normal past. But now they know they're really the Lost Jewels of Anniera, heirs to [...]

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Full of characters rich in heart, smarts, and courage, North! Or Be Eaten is a tale children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers’ groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning. Extra features include new interior illustrations from Joe Sutphin, funny footnotes, a map of the fantastical world, inventive appendices, and fanciful line art in the tradition of the original Frank L. Baum Wizard of Oz storybooks.

Wingfeather Saga Series

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
North! Or Be Eaten
The Monster in the Hollows
The Warden and The Wolf King

Companions to Series

Wingfeather Tales
Pembrick’s Creaturepedia


About the Author:

Andrew Peterson is an award-winning singer-songwriter and author. The second book in his Wingfeather Saga, North! Or Be Eaten (2009) won the Christy Award for Young Adult Fiction, and the fourth, The Warden and the Wolf King (2014) won World Magazine’s Children’s Book of the Year in 2015.

In 2008, driven by a desire to cultivate a strong Christian arts community, Andrew founded a ministry called The Rabbit Room, which led to a yearly conference, countless concerts and symposiums, and Rabbit Room Press, which has published thirty books to date.

He’s been married for 24 years to his wife Jamie, with whom they have three children. His eldest is an animation student at Lipscomb University, his second son is a touring drummer and record producer, and his daughter recently released her first album. In his spare time Andrew keeps bees, builds dry stack stone walls, gardens, draws, and sleeps.

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Wingfeather Saga Book I: On The Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness (hardcover) https://classic.powertactics.com/product/on-the-edge-of-the-dark-sea-of-darkness-hardcove/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/on-the-edge-of-the-dark-sea-of-darkness-hardcove/#respond Thu, 16 Apr 2020 21:12:49 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=21752 Once, in a cottage above the cliffs on the Dark Sea of Darkness, there lived three children and their trusty dog, Nugget. Janner Igiby, his brother, Tink, and their disabled sister, Leeli, are gifted children as all children are, loved well by a noble mother and ex-pirate grandfather. But they will need all their gifts [...]

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Full of characters rich in heart, smarts, and courage, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness is a tale children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers’ groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning. Extra features include new interior illustrations from Joe Sutphin, funny footnotes, a map of the fantastical world, inventive appendices, and fanciful line art in the tradition of the original Frank L. Baum Wizard of Oz storybooks.

Wingfeather Saga Series

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
North! Or Be Eaten
The Monster in the Hollows
The Warden and The Wolf King

Companions to Series

Wingfeather Tales
Pembrick’s Creaturepedia


About the Author:

Andrew Peterson is an award-winning singer-songwriter and author. The second book in his Wingfeather Saga, North! Or Be Eaten (2009) won the Christy Award for Young Adult Fiction, and the fourth, The Warden and the Wolf King (2014) won World Magazine’s Children’s Book of the Year in 2015.

In 2008, driven by a desire to cultivate a strong Christian arts community, Andrew founded a ministry called The Rabbit Room, which led to a yearly conference, countless concerts and symposiums, and Rabbit Room Press, which has published thirty books to date.

He’s been married for 24 years to his wife Jamie, with whom they have three children. His eldest is an animation student at Lipscomb University, his second son is a touring drummer and record producer, and his daughter recently released her first album. In his spare time Andrew keeps bees, builds dry stack stone walls, gardens, draws, and sleeps.

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