Inheritance Publications Archives - Classical Education Books Conveniently Canadian Sat, 22 Jan 2022 03:14:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Inheritance Publications Archives - Classical Education Books 32 32 The Tartan Pimpernel Sun, 11 Apr 2021 20:28:11 +0000 A Story of France in World War II The Rev. Dr. Donald Currie Caskie (1902-1983) was a minister in the Church of Scotland, best known for his exploits in France during World War II, during which he helped an estimated 2,000 Allied sailors, soldiers, and airmen to escape from occupied France (mainly through Spain).

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WWII Memorial Series

They Looked for a City
No Price for Freedom 
Tartan Pimpernel
In This Hour


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The Story of a Poor Scholar Sun, 11 Apr 2021 20:23:24 +0000 A Story about Germany and Bohemia “Indeed?” said the old man, his face lighting up with sympathy and interest. “We have heard of the people who are called Brethren of the Unity, or United Brethren, and we own them as brethren indeed, in Christ Jesus our Lord — whose Gospel they knew and honoured, and [...]

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Young Burning Heart Series Titles 

The Story of a Poor Scholar
The Martyr of Kolin 
Robert Musgrave’s Adventure
Sunset in Provence
The Cloak in Pledge 
Archie’s Chances
Truth Stranger Than Fiction 
Etchings From History 
Strangers in the Valley 

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A Stranger in a Strange Land Sun, 11 Apr 2021 20:16:56 +0000 [This book] tells the story of H.P. Scholte, a preacher in The Netherlands, who being persecuted for his faith in his own country, emigrated to the U.S.A., and there established a settlement in Pella, Iowa, in the midst of the vast undeveloped prairie. . . The greater part of the book is taken up in [...]

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The post A Stranger in a Strange Land appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Stand By, Boys! Sun, 11 Apr 2021 20:11:09 +0000 Zeeland, a province in the Netherlands which lies lower than the sea, is the scene. The indomitable Zeelanders, joined to the sea in an endless struggle, are the characters of this true story of the recent tragedy in Holland. On February 1, 1953, the North Sea, furiously storming and rising with the tide, broke through [...]

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The post Stand By, Boys! appeared first on Classical Education Books.

The Carpenter of Zerbst Sun, 11 Apr 2021 20:06:30 +0000 Johan Tetzel, the indulgence pedlar, was coming to the town of Zerbst. However, Otto Maehler was forbidden to join the procession to meet this distorter of God’s truth. Father Maehler called Tetzel a blasphemer and after going to the church to tell the people so, he lost favour with the town magistrates. Despite the fury [...]

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The post The Carpenter of Zerbst appeared first on Classical Education Books.

The Farrier of Buda Sun, 11 Apr 2021 20:03:17 +0000 Based on a story about the Reformation in Hungary Kapotsky Andreas is the court farrier to the King. He helps to have one of the most famous Reformers thrown into prison, but soon after the arrest the Lord lets their paths cross again, with remarkable consequences.

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The post The Farrier of Buda appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Bobby’s Friends Sun, 11 Apr 2021 19:58:16 +0000 “Lights!” Jessie announced loudly. Suddenly everyone was awake. Karachi appeared beneath them on the left hand side. At first they saw only a narrow strip of tiny lights, but soon it broadened. The plane swung sideways as it turned, gliding above the sea of city lights. The children hadn’t paid much attention to the other [...]

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The post Bobby’s Friends appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Life in the Eagle’s Nest; A Story of Afghanistan Sun, 11 Apr 2021 19:54:37 +0000 A Tale of Afghanistan Go with Walter Gurney, the seventeen-year-old orphan son of a British missionary in India, who, after meeting handsome, boastful Dermot Denis, joined him on a trip into Afghanistan. Negating the danger of such a perilous trip, Walter eased his conscience with the thought of evangelizing. Infected with the exultation of his [...]

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The post Life in the Eagle’s Nest; A Story of Afghanistan appeared first on Classical Education Books.

William III and Gustavus Adolphus II Thu, 08 Apr 2021 22:57:02 +0000 Two Historical Essays The two biographies make excellent reading, and the times the essays describe are of considerable interest and importance in the history of our civilization. Moreover, although Bowen obviously is not one in faith with Gustavus Adolphus and William of Orange, her essays relate incidents that are testimonials to God's mercies in preserving [...]

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The post William III and Gustavus Adolphus II appeared first on Classical Education Books.

The Crown of Honour Thu, 08 Apr 2021 22:48:32 +0000 This book is about an illegitimate girl whose mother died when she was born, and no one knows who her father is. She grows up in an orphanage, and she goes through many hardships and is treated poorly because she is illegitimate. The few people she loves are taken away from her. Because of all [...]

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The post The Crown of Honour appeared first on Classical Education Books.

Tekko Returns Thu, 08 Apr 2021 22:43:25 +0000 While Tekko was talking, one man stole quietly away without anyone noticing. Kroesoto didn't want to have any part of the story telling. He went to his hut and sat down on his haunches. His eyes burned with hatred. A menacing growl came out of his throat. Ha! a story instead of dancing! The spirits [...]

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The Tekko Series

Tekko and the White Man 
Tekko the Fugitive
Tekko Returns 

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Tekko the Fugitive Thu, 08 Apr 2021 22:38:37 +0000 Tekko didn't' see much of his surroundings. He was thinking about everything that had happened in his village. It was a long time since the white man and Ano had returned to their own village. That was too bad because Tekko loved to listen to the beautiful stories the white man told about the Lord [...]

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The Tekko Series

Tekko and the White Man 
Tekko the Fugitive
Tekko Returns 

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