Canadian Heritage Archives - Classical Education Books Conveniently Canadian Tue, 13 Sep 2022 21:45:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Canadian Heritage Archives - Classical Education Books 32 32 Legend of the North Mon, 12 Sep 2022 22:31:49 +0000 Amitok is the smallest pup born to the white wolf family. His brother Skal is strong, but Skal’s foolishness leads to a battle with a snow bear, after which Amitok finds himself drifting alone on the ice. The spirit of his father’s father leads him to safety, but now Amitok must make his way home [...]

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Amitok is the smallest and the weakest of the pups born to the white wolf family. His brother Skal is strong, and he quickly emerges as the natural leader who will one day take over the job of their father, old Tuluk, to lead the wolf pack. But Amitok is swift and smart, and Skal is proud and reckless, and it is Skal’s foolishness that leads to the brothers’ terrifying encounter with a snow bear. When the battle is over, Amitok finds himself alone on the ice. He drifts for days, until the spirit of his father’s father, Kivvik, appears to lead him to safety.

It was a white man’s gun that killed Kivvik. The man took the hide from his body. Later it was the wolverine who ate the flesh and broke the bones to suck out the marrow. But they did not take the spirit of Kivvik, the great white wolf. Kivvik’s spirit gives strength and direction to Amitok, and Amitok grows from a timid pup into a great wolf able to follow Kivvik. Now far from his family and the land he knows, Amitok must use that strength to make his way home across the great Arctic tundra, a journey that will change him forever. But it is when Amitok and Kivvik come to interact with the men who inhabit their barren land that their story becomes a legend of the north.

This is a mighty fable, a legend of the Inuit that Sullivan portrays artfully.


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Keewatin Mon, 12 Sep 2022 22:23:49 +0000 Jake’s plane went down in the vast tundra of Keewatin, a region of the Arctic named for the brutal north wind that blows across it. Now he must walk thirty miles to the nearest settlement, and a massive snow bear is following him. If the bear doesn’t get him, the wolves might, or hunger, fatigue, [...]

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The massive snow bear has been following Jake for days, but that’s not the only thing Jake is worried about. His plane went down in the vast tundra of Keewatin, a region of the Arctic named for the brutal north wind that blows across it, and now he must walk to the nearest settlement, about thirty miles away. If the bear doesn’t get him, the wolves might, or perhaps hunger and fatigue, or—most likely—the bitter cold that comes on the north wind. He managed to save his rifle, but he only has two cartridges, and he doesn’t want to use them unless he has to.

If only his friend Max were with him! Max would know what to do. Max was taught by an old Inuit hunter named Koluc, and from him Max learned to understand the land, to respect it and the creatures that live upon it. Jake never put much stock in the old Inuit myths, but now the bear, the wolves, the land, and the wind itself are teaching him that he has only a limited understanding of any of it and that he may have been wrong about all of it. Time and again his journey to the settlement is delayed, rerouted, called into question entirely. Jake faces the very real possibility that he will not make it. And always behind him is the bear.



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The Unforgiving Land Mon, 12 Sep 2022 22:19:42 +0000 The Inuit take only what they need from the land, and the land provides for them well. But when a white trader comes to the village seeking furs, the people begin taking too much. Sixty years later, Matthew Hewitt sets off to try to find out what happened to the Inuit village that disappeared, but [...]

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As a boy, Inatukk has a vision, and in it he makes a promise to the animals of the Arctic that his people will take only what they need and no more, and in return, the fox, caribou, and seal will be plentiful on the land and will provide for the people well. By the time Inatukk becomes the leader of the people, that agreement has proven a good one. The spirits are happy, and the Inuit are strong and healthy. But then a ship comes to their village, and it brings a trader named Briggs, who gives the people rifles and traps and sends them out to get furs in exchange for the trading goods he’s brought with him. Inatukk worries because the people begin taking too much from the land. The next year, the ship comes back, this time leaving behind the Reverend Joshua Hewitt, an enthusiastic missionary who believes that it is his calling to bring God to the Inuit. And again Inatukk worries.

Sixty years later, Matthew Hewitt sets off on a journey above the Arctic Circle, headed toward a place called Hewitt Sound, named for his late uncle, Joshua Hewitt. He has never been north before, has never even been outdoors much, but he has Joshua’s old letters to Matthew’s father describing the Inuit village and the people and the trader named Briggs. Joshua had written about old Inatukk and his daughter, the beautiful and gentle Utea, as well as his deep respect and regard for the people. Unfortunately, he vanished sometime after that, and so did Briggs, and so did the village, and no one knows what happened to them. Matthew is determined to find out the truth—the ending to Joshua’s story. But the Arctic is far more savage than he expected, and even with the help of an old Inuit hunter named Iudaak to take him north, the risk of simply disappearing, just like Joshua did, is frighteningly high. Matthew must find a strength that he is not sure he has in order to learn the truth of what happened.

This novel is told in a double narrative, following both Inatukk and his daughter Utea and their people on the one hand and Matthew’s journey to Hewitt Sound with Iudaak on the other. It is a revealing look at the Inuit people and their intimate way of life with one another and with the land, and it exposes the harm that white people caused when they came to interrupt that. And yet the characters—nearly all of them—change their opinions about one another, learning and understanding and growing to find a mutual empathy that is at the heart of both stories. The book is about love and loss and human frailty and greed and human strength and endurance. It is about respect, both for the unforgiving land that is the Arctic and for the people who live upon it.


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Asia Picture Book Bundle Wed, 24 Aug 2022 02:09:31 +0000 Quality picture books are powerful and engaging teaching resources.  This set will take you throughout Asia, visiting Japan, Vietnam, India, Thailand, and China. Price varies depending on the books you choose. You will need to choose a minimum of 5 books to receive the discount.

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La Salle’s Dream of a New Settlement Tue, 09 Aug 2022 17:14:45 +0000 This is the story of LaSalle creating a development for the French.

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The French were moving rapidly across America, claiming the land as theirs, when Robert La Salle first explored the Mississippi River delta. On his return trip to drive the Spanish out and establish a settlement there, he unknowingly passed the mouth of the river as his crew sailed the Gulf of Mexico, landing in Texas instead. Bad luck plagued them, and the people who had come to colonize the area grew angry and discontented. But La Salle pushed forward to try to realize his dream of a settlement for the French.

These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.

Titles in Series:

Cabeza de Vaca Crosses America
La Salle’s Dream of a New Settlement
The Austins Come to Texas 
Heroes of the Lone Star Republic

Brave Men of Early Texas (Dsylexia Series) Set

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The Half Moon on the Hudson (Dyslexic Font) Wed, 27 Jul 2022 18:16:45 +0000 Henry Hudson, though English, was captain of a Dutch ship called the Half Moon that he was tasked with sailing north around Canada to China. It was, of course, an impossible request. Henry gave up that effort and tried to find a passageway through the great continent instead, but he ran into trouble time and again. He [...]

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These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.

The Explorers in a New World Dyslexia Series offers a way for children with reading difficulties to enjoy reading and American history in a rare and wonderfully accessible combination that they will treasure for years to come.

Titles in Series:

Explorers in a New World
The Search for the Seven Cities of Gold 
De Soto and the River in the Wilderness 
Jacques Cartier Explores Lands for France 
Champlain’s Search for the Northwest Passage
The Half Moon on the Hudson
Lewis and Clark Travel Up the Missouri River 
Jed Smith and the Search for the Buenaventura 
John Fremont and Kit Carson Map the Westward Trails

Explorers in a New World (Dyslexia Series) Set

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Champlain’s Search for the Northwest Passage (Dyslexic Font) Wed, 27 Jul 2022 18:12:44 +0000 Samuel Champlain went to the New World, first to report on what he saw and later to start a fur-trading center in what is now Canada. But he also wanted to go up the Ottawa River to see if it was the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. He did not know that such a [...]

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These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.

The Explorers in a New World Dyslexia Series offers a way for children with reading difficulties to enjoy reading and American history in a rare and wonderfully accessible combination that they will treasure for years to come.

Titles in Series:

Explorers in a New World
The Search for the Seven Cities of Gold 
De Soto and the River in the Wilderness 
Jacques Cartier Explores Lands for France 
Champlain’s Search for the Northwest Passage
The Half Moon on the Hudson
Lewis and Clark Travel Up the Missouri River 
Jed Smith and the Search for the Buenaventura 
John Fremont and Kit Carson Map the Westward Trails

Explorers in a New World (Dyslexia Series) Set

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Jacques Cartier Explores Lands for France (Dyslexic Font) Wed, 27 Jul 2022 18:09:58 +0000 When Jacques Cartier sailed into the St. Lawrence River in what is now Canada, he believed that he might have found a passage through North America to the China Sea. He went back two more times to try to prove the existence of the Northwest Passage, but he had to abandon both journeys before he [...]

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These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.

The Explorers in a New World Dyslexia Series offers a way for children with reading difficulties to enjoy reading and American history in a rare and wonderfully accessible combination that they will treasure for years to come.

Titles in Series:

Explorers in a New World
The Search for the Seven Cities of Gold 
De Soto and the River in the Wilderness 
Jacques Cartier Explores Lands for France 
Champlain’s Search for the Northwest Passage
The Half Moon on the Hudson
Lewis and Clark Travel Up the Missouri River 
Jed Smith and the Search for the Buenaventura 
John Fremont and Kit Carson Map the Westward Trails

Explorers in a New World (Dyslexia Series) Set

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The Seal Hunters Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:07:07 +0000 When thirteen-year-old Inuluk gets too close to a seal-hunting ship, he is injured by a crewman and taken on board. By the time he recovers, the ship has sailed far from the land he knows, and he witnesses the horrifying carnage of the white man’s hunt. When at last he gets back on land, he [...]

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This novel is set in the early 1900s at the Earth’s frozen edge: the Arctic Circle. The native people there, the Inuit, depend on their traditional skills in hunting seals and caribou for food, clothing, and other necessary materials. Always aware of the fragility of their existence, they are mindful to thank the animals after the kill and to acknowledge the spirits that rule the universe. This way of life and respect for nature could not be more different from that of the Canadian commercial seal hunters.

Thirteen-year-old Inuluk first sees the steam-and-sail ship the Grendel while he is on a hunting expedition with his father Eetuk, a great hunter and a shaman of their Inuit tribe. Eetuk warns his son that the ship is evil; it is filled with men who are slaughtering seals, leaving the carcasses on the ice and taking only the skins and oil. Inuluk sees the ship again while he is out with his best friend Kotuk, and Kotuk is too curious not to get closer. When Inuluk follows him out of fear for his safety, everything goes wrong, and Inuluk is clubbed by a hot-headed crewman of the ship while Kotuk runs for safety. Rather than leave the boy injured on the ice, the captain orders Inuluk brought aboard, effectively capturing him. By the time Inuluk recovers, the ship has sailed far from the land he knows.

The captain finds work on board the ship for Inuluk, but the language barrier is significant. It is nothing, however, compared to the cultural barrier that exists between Inuluk and the white men of the crew. Inuluk sees his first seal hunt by the crewmen, and he is horrified and sickened by the carnage. He spends an entire hunting season on board the Grendel. When at last it nears land, the captain has Inuluk rowed to a settlement on shore, but the boy is hundreds of miles from his tribe. No matter the distance, Inuluk is determined to return to his people—and to a life of harmony with and reverence for nature.

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Democracy in Canada Sat, 18 Jun 2022 02:11:47 +0000 Canada's representative democracy is confronting important challenges. At the top of the list is the growing inability of the national government to perform its most important roles: namely mapping out collective actions that resonate in all regions as well as enforcing these measures. Others include Parliament's failure to carry out important responsibilities, an activist judiciary, [...]

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Arguing that Canadians must reconsider the origins of their country in order to understand why change is difficult and why they continue to embrace regional identities, Democracy in Canada explains how Canada’s national institutions were shaped by British historical experiences, and why there was little effort to bring Canadian realities into the mix. As a result, the scope and size of government and Canadian federalism have taken on new forms largely outside the Constitution. Parliament and now even Cabinet have been pushed aside so that policy makers can design and manage the modern state. This also accounts for the average citizen’s belief that national institutions cater to economic elites, to these institutions’ own members, and to interest groups at citizens’ own expense. A masterwork analysis, Democracy in Canada investigates the forces shaping the workings of Canadian federalism and the country’s national political and bureaucratic institutions.

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The Complete Tales of Uncle Remus Thu, 14 Apr 2022 19:13:52 +0000 This new edition of a classic work will delight fans of all ages. Preserved for generations to come, the spirited antics of the wily Brer Rabbit and his woodland friends come to life in this comprehensive volume - a continuing testament to the lasting power of the folktale within the American literary scene.

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Simon Brute and the Western Adventure Mon, 28 Mar 2022 17:28:28 +0000 During France’s days of turmoil in the 1790s, thirteen-year-old Simon Bruté, helping hide priests from the guillotine, little imagines the path his ardent soul will travel. When the Reign of Terror calms down, Bruté goes to Paris; he wins honors at the College of Medicine. But now responding to a deeper hunger, the young man [...]

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