Biography (4-7) Archives - Classical Education Books Conveniently Canadian Fri, 21 Oct 2022 04:06:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Biography (4-7) Archives - Classical Education Books 32 32 Alice Waters Cooks Up a Food Revolution Tue, 09 Aug 2022 16:12:06 +0000 This is a delicious nonfiction picture book biography about pioneering chef Alice Waters who kickstarted the organic food movement.

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Whenever young Alice Waters tasted something delicious, like the sun-warmed berries from her family’s garden or a crisp, ripe apple picked straight from the tree, she would remember it for the rest of her life. Later, as she tasted many more wonderful foods, she realized what made them so good—they were fresh and ripe, grown or made the old-fashioned way.

When Alice grew up, she opened a restaurant called Chez Panisse. As part of her quest to make delicious food, Alice sought out small, local farmers to provide the meat, dairy, and produce. The restaurant made her famous, but it did much more than that—it started a food revolution.

Today, home cooks and chefs alike are all discovering the simple secret to the Best! Food! Ever! This book is a celebration of food, cooking, and the woman whose curiosity and devotion to flavor kickstarted America’s interest in buying local, organic food.

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Bad News for Outlaws: The Remarkable Life of Bass Reeves Mon, 08 Aug 2022 22:50:59 +0000 This book is about the fascinating life of Bass Reeves, who escaped slavery to become the first African American Deputy US Marshal west of the Mississippi.

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Sitting tall in the saddle, with a wide-brimmed black hat and twin Colt pistols on his belt, Bass Reeves seemed bigger than life. Outlaws feared him. Law-abiding citizens respected him. As a peace officer, he was cunning and fearless. When a lawbreaker heard Bass Reeves had his warrant, he knew it was the end of the trail, because Bass always got his man, dead or alive. He achieved all this in spite of whites who didn’t like the notion of a Black lawman.

Born into slavery in 1838, Bass had a hard and violent life, but he also had a strong sense of right and wrong that others admired. When Judge Isaac Parker tried to bring law and order to the lawless Indian Territories, he chose Bass to be a Deputy US Marshal. Bass would quickly prove a smart choice.

For three decades, Bass was the most feared and respected lawman in the territories. He made more than 3,000 arrests, and though he was a crack shot and a quick draw, he only killed fourteen men in the line of duty. The story of Bass Reeves is the story of a remarkable African American and a remarkable hero of the Old West.

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Ferdinand Magellan: Circumnavigating the World Mon, 08 Aug 2022 19:09:09 +0000 In 1519, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan took five ships and 200 men on an epic journey around the world on behalf of Spain. This colourful book follows the world's first circumnavigation by sail through a dramatic passage of disease, starvation, and death.

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Buffalo Bird Girl: A Hidatsa Story Mon, 08 Aug 2022 17:20:55 +0000 Buffalo Bird Girl (ca. 1839-1932) was a member of the Hidatsa, a Native American community that lived in permanent villages along the Missouri River on the Great Plains. Like other girls her age, Buffalo Bird Girl learned the ways of her people through watching and listening, and then by doing.

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She helped plant crops in the spring, tended the fields through the summer, and in autumn joined in the harvest. She learned to prepare animal skins, dry meat, and perform other duties.

There was also time for playing games with friends and training her dog. When her family visited the nearby trading post, there were all sorts of fascinating things to see from the white man’s settlements in the East.

Award-winning author and artist S. D. Nelson (Standing Rock Sioux) captures the spirit of Buffalo Bird Girl by interweaving the actual words and stories of Buffalo Bird Woman with his artwork and archival photographs.

Backmatter includes a history of the Hidatsa and a timeline.

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Mike Fink Tue, 26 Jul 2022 17:57:40 +0000 Kids love this funny and energetic picture book portrayal of one of America's most famous frontiersmen and larger-than-life heroes.

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Mike Fink was king of the keelboatmen—the strongest, rowdiest bunch of fellows ever to work on the Mississippi. Mike was a whole lot more than a keelboater—yes, sir! He was a crack shot and the best grizzly and gator wrestler on the river. They don’t make ’em like Mike these days, now do they?

But what will Mike do when the larger, faster, smoke-spewing steamboats attempt to take over the rivers?

A good supplement for units on tall tales, folktales, American history, and the Mississippi River. And just a fun read-aloud for sharing.

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Gregor Mendel: The Friar Who Grew Peas Mon, 13 Jun 2022 22:11:03 +0000 Regarded as the world's first geneticist, Mendel overcame poverty and obscurity to discover that animals, plants, and people all inherit and pass down traits through the same process. Children will be inspired by Gregor's never-ending search for knowledge, and his famous experiments are easy to understand.

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Queen Esther Tue, 12 Apr 2022 16:36:34 +0000 A new edition of the moving Bible story of Queen Esther by internationally acclaimed illustrator and author of children's books, Tomie de Paola.

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Queen Esther, the wife of King Ahasuerus of Persia, bravely risked her life to prevent the killing of all the Jews in Persia. Colourful, delicate, and inspiring, Tomie de Paola’s artwork brings to life his beautiful telling of this unique and important Bible story.

This is a simple and accurate rendition of the powerful Esther story retold for children, highlighted by the exquisite illustrations of de Paola. The text and pictures show how God helps his people in sometimes miraculous ways when we put all our trust and confidence in him, no matter how dire the circumstances.

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Brother Francis of Assisi Tue, 12 Apr 2022 16:28:11 +0000 A new edition of a beloved book on Brother Francis of Assisi by internationally acclaimed illustrator and author of children's books, Tomie dePaola.

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Among his many wonderful books on saints, this one fulfilled his lifelong ambition to bring the story of St. Francis to people of all ages and cultures. Drawing on his extensive artistic background, primary source material, and two trips to Assisi, he has made this dream come true with this volume.

While aimed at children ages 5 and up, it is suitable for all ages, telling the complete story of St. Francis in a simple and powerful style, with so many inspiring details of his humble life.

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Colors of the Wind: The Story of Blind Artist and Champion Runner George Mendoza Mon, 26 Jul 2021 20:18:25 +0000 George was one of those kids. You know, the kind that never stays still. And then one day, the doctor said he was going blind. Did that slow George down? Not for a single second. In fact, he was so fast, he went on to break a world record for blind runners. And now he’s [...]

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Helen Keller Tue, 25 May 2021 23:32:42 +0000 The post Helen Keller appeared first on Classical Education Books.

The post Helen Keller appeared first on Classical Education Books.

A Child Should Know – Book Set Wed, 19 May 2021 22:50:20 +0000 This set is an excellent addition for your Morning Basket. Get the entire series of "...a Child Should Know" in one pack at excellent value! These books teach children the essentials of the Christian faith and what it looks like to live it out. They have been used by thousands of people all around the [...]

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Everyone a Child Should Know Wed, 19 May 2021 22:47:09 +0000 From the Publisher: It’s never too early to introduce the next generation to some of the heroes of faith. In this book children will meet 52 christian men and women (one for each week of the year) from all walks of life who wanted to live for their friend Jesus. There are missionaries, martyrs, writers, [...]

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A Child Should Know – Book Set

Everyone a Child Should Know
Everything a Child Should Know About God
What Every Child Should Know About Prayer

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