Historical Non-Fiction Archives - Classical Education Books https://classic.powertactics.com/product-category/books/age-13-18/historical-non-fiction-age-13-18/ Conveniently Canadian Wed, 28 Sep 2022 21:59:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://classic.powertactics.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/favicon-32x32.png Historical Non-Fiction Archives - Classical Education Books https://classic.powertactics.com/product-category/books/age-13-18/historical-non-fiction-age-13-18/ 32 32 The World of Columbus and Sons https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-world-of-columbus-and-sons-2/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-world-of-columbus-and-sons-2/#respond Tue, 27 Sep 2022 22:40:24 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=52723 From the Publisher: Told in Foster's engaging and winsome style enhanced by her helpful chronologies and timelines, readers will learn of the religious, cultural and scientific changes that ushered in a new frontier of exploration and discovery.

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From the Publisher:

This is the story of a wonderful, changing, reawakening world—the world of the Renaissance and Reformation. Measured by the lifetime of Columbus and his sons, this book spans the years from 1451-1539.

With Columbus as the central figure of this narrative, readers will also learn the fascinating stories of Prince Henry the Navigator, Ivan III of Russia, Gutenberg, Queen Isabella, Leonardo da Vinci, Mohammed II, the African ruler Nomi Mansa, Martin Luther, Erasmus, Albrecht Dürer, Copernicus, Michelangelo and many others.

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Strangers in Black https://classic.powertactics.com/product/strangers-in-black/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/strangers-in-black/#respond Mon, 12 Sep 2022 21:27:22 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=52226 Mok is nine years old when the Khmer Rouge take over Cambodia and engage in unspeakable atrocities against the people there. This true story describes Mok’s experiences of hunger, disease, forced labor, separated families, and massacres. Readers are led into his increasingly desperate plight and to an understanding of the cruelty of the Khmer Rouge [...]

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This is a novel about a young boy’s struggle to survive the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. It is a graphic and horrific account of what befalls Mok and his family when Pol Pot’s regime ousts the corrupt president Lon Nol. At first the people of Cambodia are happy, but their joy ends quickly when they discover that the Khmer Rouge are brutal assassins who beat, starve, and force even young children to work in inhumane conditions, all while spewing propaganda that they are serving a greater good.

Mok is nine years old when the atrocities begin, and through persistence, incredible courage, and luck, he survives one of the most barbaric episodes in the last half of the twentieth century. On page after page, readers are led into the increasingly desperate plight of Mok and to an understanding of the cruelty of the Khmer Rouge and the enormity of what took place in Cambodia.

This true story describes young Mok’s experiences of the grinding pains of hunger, debilitating disease, forced labor, separated families, and massacres. An epilogue tells us that his family finally made it to a refugee camp in Thailand and thereafter was sponsored to enter the U.S. to begin a new life in Oklahoma.

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The Little Book of the War https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-little-book-of-the-war/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-little-book-of-the-war/#respond Thu, 18 Aug 2022 19:28:14 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=51414 This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of [...]

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When Knights Were Bold https://classic.powertactics.com/product/when-knights-were-bold/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/when-knights-were-bold/#respond Thu, 18 Aug 2022 19:24:00 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=51412 Medieval times for the military and for citizens, for wealthy or poor, for the farm worker and the intellectual, stand in deep contrast to modern times - this detailed and illustrated history delves into major facets of life in the Middle Ages.

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The post When Knights Were Bold appeared first on Classical Education Books.

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The Story of the Middle Ages: Feudalism, the Church, Europe’s Nations and the Crusades – A History of Medieval Times for Young Readers https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-story-of-the-middle-ages-feudalism-the-church-europes-nations-and-the-crusades-a-history-of-medieval-times-for-young-readers/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-story-of-the-middle-ages-feudalism-the-church-europes-nations-and-the-crusades-a-history-of-medieval-times-for-young-readers/#respond Thu, 18 Aug 2022 19:16:20 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=51410 he Middle Ages changed Europe; the dramatic collapse of the Roman Empire was followed by centuries of conflict and the making of new countries - this history, aimed at younger readers, sheds light upon this fascinating era. With the fall of Rome - a civilization which had held control of France, parts of Germany, Spain [...]

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The post The Story of the Middle Ages: Feudalism, the Church, Europe’s Nations and the Crusades – A History of Medieval Times for Young Readers appeared first on Classical Education Books.

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Heroes of the Middle Ages https://classic.powertactics.com/product/heroes-of-the-middle-ages/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/heroes-of-the-middle-ages/#respond Mon, 08 Aug 2022 19:19:12 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=50914 Recounts the stories of the most important movements in the history of Europe during the Middle Ages and acquaints the reader with the most important figures in those scenes. The figures are grouped into seven periods: The Barbarian Invasion, The Forming of the Germanic Nations, The Teutonic Invasions, The Rise of Nationalities, The Crusades, The [...]

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The post Heroes of the Middle Ages appeared first on Classical Education Books.

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Never Give In – The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill https://classic.powertactics.com/product/never-give-in-the-extraordinary-character-of-winston-churchill/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/never-give-in-the-extraordinary-character-of-winston-churchill/#respond Fri, 22 Jul 2022 23:51:14 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=50343 What was it that made Winston Churchill one of the most extraordinary leaders of the 20th century? What enabled him to inspire nations while those around him were losing hope? This book is a remarkable study of Churchill's leadership and character, and it provides the answers to these and many other questions that people continue [...]

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The post Never Give In – The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill appeared first on Classical Education Books.

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An Issue This Nation Cannot Ignore https://classic.powertactics.com/product/an-issue-this-nation-cannot-ignore/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/an-issue-this-nation-cannot-ignore/#respond Wed, 06 Jul 2022 19:04:21 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=49782 President Barack Obama’s speech on race, given in Philadelphia on the 18th of March, 2008, was not just a campaign speech; its theme was an issue that America cannot ignore.

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This book places the speech in its political and historical context and provides an examination of how Obama conveyed his meaning through vocabulary, grammar, poetic devices, and structure.


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Agricola and Germany https://classic.powertactics.com/product/agricola-and-germany/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/agricola-and-germany/#respond Fri, 20 May 2022 19:47:58 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=48150 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.;Translated from the Latin.

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Cornelius Tacitus, Rome’s greatest historian and the last great writer of classical Latin prose, produced his first two books in AD 98, after the assination of the Emperor Domitian ended fifteen years of enforced silence. Much of Agricola, which is the biography of Tacitus’ late father-in-law Julius Agricola, is devoted to Britain and its people, since Agricola’s claim to fame was that as governor for seven years he had completed the conquest of Britain, begun four decades earlier. Germany provides an account of Rome’s most dangerous enemies, the Germans, and is the only surviving example of an ethnographic study from the ancient world. Each book in its way has had immense influence on our perception of Rome and the northern barbarians. This edition reflects recent research in Roman-British and Roman-German history and includes newly discovered evidence on Tacitus’ early

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The Lives of Thomas Becket https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-lives-of-thomas-becket-2/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-lives-of-thomas-becket-2/#respond Wed, 27 Apr 2022 04:42:07 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=47087 This collection tells the story of Thomas Becket's turbulent life, violent death and extraordinary posthumous acclaim in the words of his contemporaries. The only modern collection from the twelfth-century Lives of Thomas Becket in English and features all his major biographers, including many previously untranslated extracts. Providing both a valuable glimpse of the late twelfth-century [...]

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The post The Lives of Thomas Becket appeared first on Classical Education Books.

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William of Malmesbury’s Chronicle of the Kings of England https://classic.powertactics.com/product/william-of-malmesburys-chronicle-of-the-kings-of-england/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/william-of-malmesburys-chronicle-of-the-kings-of-england/#respond Wed, 27 Apr 2022 04:11:38 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=47085 This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no [...]

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The post William of Malmesbury’s Chronicle of the Kings of England appeared first on Classical Education Books.

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The Black Intellectual Tradition https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-black-intellectual-tradition/ https://classic.powertactics.com/product/the-black-intellectual-tradition/#respond Tue, 08 Mar 2022 00:28:15 +0000 https://classic.powertactics.com/?post_type=product&p=45117 These works were the ancient teachers that Black leaders used to hold our nation accountable to standards that we pointed toward but so often failed to uphold. The Black Intellectual Tradition offers back to us all, a shared relationship with our living tradition in the Greco-Roman and Christian classics. There is a shared story that has [...]

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The powerful legacy of classical education among Black intellectuals and teachers in America is a national treasure with the capacity to bless teachers and students the world over! In The Black Intellectual Tradition, authors Dr. Anika Prather and Dr. Angel Parham introduce us to readers, writers, teachers, artists, and people of action who loved, taught, and put into practice the wisdom and virtue of the great voices who came before.

These Black educators and intellectuals, while living with the injustices and hardships that gave them unique insights, mined the tradition, weaving it together with their African and African American heritage to create a new narrative that would aid all people in understanding injustice and was thus integral to the fight for liberation and equality. In the process, they brought to light a wealth of truth, goodness, and beauty from within the great tradition.

With this rich heritage increasingly lost from view, this book restores stories and experiences to us that will inform and inspire ideas for action and application within all classical schools and homeschools. Dr. Prather and Dr. Parham bring to the book two different scholarly perspectives and voices as well as their own personal experiences as classical educators, parents, and organizational leaders.

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