Latest News - Homeschooling

Do Mornings Well! Part 1

Homeschooling | July 28, 2021

Do Mornings Well! “Win the Morning, Win the Day!” I see this quoted often in books, on blogs, Instagram feeds, and Facebook pages that are dedicated to productivity, entrepreneurship, personal growth, and habit development. I’m not an entrepreneur, but I’m a bit of a productivity/habit/organization nerd, and over the last several months, I’ve been wondering...

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Summer Music – Tips & Resources

Homeschooling | June 9, 2021

As a music teacher, I always approach the summer months with a sense of apprehension. The majority of families take a well-deserved break through July and August, and I wave goodbye to my students at the end of June wondering how much knowledge they’ll return with in September. “Use it or lose it,” is an...

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Dear Young Mama

Encouragement, Homeschooling | January 5, 2021

My family has a New Year’s Eve tradition where we write a letter to our future selves.  We open it a year later, on New Year’s Eve.  It’s fun but sometimes discouraging.  I’ve learned that writing a list of goals as a motivational tool can fall flat as you read through the list the following...

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