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Novel Series Book Stack

Book Review, Book Stacks, Family Life | April 28, 2021

  Readers love a good novel series! This blog post is full of reviews that will guide you to the next novel series for your children. Having trouble deciding? Start Wishlist on our website. Reviews are included here for: The Green Ember Padraic Colum’s Stories from Ancient Mythology  The Wilderking Trilogy Marguerite Henry Books  The...

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Curriculum Spotlight – Artistic Pursuits

Family Life | April 21, 2021

 Artistic Pursuits This program is an excellent integration of art appreciation and practice. It must start with Volume 1, Art for Children: Building a Visual Vocabulary. As the foundational text for this curriculum, it teaches the various styles used by artists and instructs the child how to replicate the style. The lessons focus on the artistic process of imagining, observing and...

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Bible Storybook Stack

Family Life | March 19, 2021

We have used several of these Bible Storybooks over the years and it would be a challenge to pick a favourite. It’s important that our children hear the bible read to them on a regular basis as hearing the words, wisdom, and instruction over the years builds a strong foundation. What at times seems to...

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