About Classical Education Books

CEB’s mission is to provide Canadian families and with all the books and curriculum they need to provide a beautiful education for their children. We aim to be convenient and courteous; quick and competitive. If you have questions about anything you see on our website, or anything you would like to see, please send us an email. We’d love to hear from you. If you don’t receive an immediate response please forgive us. We’re likely near the end of a good book and we can’t put it down.

We’re not just about Classical Education. We’ve recently launched Love Your Story Bookshop, both online and as a brick and mortar store in Abbotsford! We love the eclectic homeschooler, and most of all, we love setting up a family for success. We’ll help you get started, or find a path that works, and over time you’ll learn how to use your wings of educational freedom to fly. And then you can teach us!

About Our Team

Abigail Wiebe
Book Curator

Abigail is newly wed to her dear Michael. She was homeschooled from birth, and brings her love of learning and reading to our physical bookstore, Love Your Story. She’s makes sure the bookstore is organized in a (mostly) understandable way, and she makes sure we have a constant stream of beautiful new, or new-to-our-bookstore stream of books.

Abigail lives in Chilliwack with Michael, and patiently resists buying more books for their new home.

Adrianne Curwen
Creative Director

Adrianne is the one who makes sure we have good and lovely things in your email box every Thursday. She also keeps social media sane by posting beautiful, inspirational material for your scrolling pleasure (and the more-than-occasional advertisement of products that you should buy). Her talents expand beyond to planning and creating everything that makes us look good.

Adrianne lives in Mission with her husband Jeff. They are the humble parents of seven amazing children. They have homeschooled all of them from birth, with one recently married, two completed their schooling years and working, four still being educated at home.

She has free time, imagine that! And she loves to read, spend time outdoors with her children and their dog Ellie, or scroll Pinterest for excellent ideas.

Sarah Mast
Website Data Entry Professional

Sarah is responsible for keeping our online “storefront” neat and tidy. Broken links? She’s on it! Missing downloads, no, never, she’s already caught those.

Sarah lives in Fort Langley with her husband and is currently homeschooling her two delightful teens. She’s navigating that scene with grace and confidence, and she’s an inspiration for those staring down the imminent teen years.

She’s active with her local homeschool co-op, and spends time hiking, skiing, traveling, or reading.

Josiah Curwen
Warehouse Help

Josiah is in the bookstore part time to do, well anything and everything. Maybe it’s picking orders, helping with data management, sweeping floors, cleaning up, shelving books, or anything, we love having him around.

Josiah is still working on his education. However, drama is up there on his list of things to do. He recently performed at a local play in a leading role. Keep your eye on this young man! He’s going to go somewhere.

Loren Wilker
Shipping and Receiving

Loren is one of the people that lovingly handles your books and packages them up in just the right box to get them to you. He’s the last one to see them before you open that box and celebrate your delightful new books. Loren helps with warehouse logistics and, if you make your purchase in store, he can bring that heavy large box to your vehicle. We understand. You needed all those books! It’s ok, Loren will help you get them home.

Loren lives in Mission with his wife Debbie. They help their daughter and son-in-law who homeschool their three children. Need to ask a grandparent what it’s like to see your grandkids growing up in a flourishing homeschool? They can tell you.

Hester VanBraeden

General Manager

Hester accidently sold a few books to some friends one time. Then she sold some more and then more. Classical Education Books started in the basement of her home but it grew and then grew some more. CEB is now located in Abbotsford, BC and she has more recently launched Abbotsford’s newest local bookstore – Love Your Story Bookshop.

As a second generation homeschooling Mom she is passionate about setting others up for success. It’s not about just checking off the boxes, or finishing the book. It’s about relationships, character building through literature and community, and finding the good, the true, and the beautiful in all things. Good books can pierce the soul in the best of ways. She’s working on passing that love on to others by first asking, “Have you read this one?”

Hester enjoys studying, being surrounded by books, and teaching her children at home. We’re not quite sure how she does it but she also takes on teaching other children through a homeschool co-op her and her children are a part of.

Occasionally, we still find her mumbling to herself, “how did a hobby turn into a full fledged business?”

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