Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition Basic Set

By: Wile, Dr. Jay L. Durnell, Marilyn F.


This high school health and nutrition curriculum explores the physical, social, mental, and spiritual concepts that are needed for a healthy lifestyle. With detailed illustrations and photos, clear explanations, and enhanced readability, Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition covers what maturing students need to know to help them make the best choices they can for themselves as they become young adults. Health is about stewardship: managing what you have as well as you can. This 15-module course Basic Set includes both a hardcover textbook and a spiral bound notebook.

Includes Exploring Creation with Health and Nurtition Textbook and the Journal below.

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Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition Textbook


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Product Description

Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition covers what maturing students need to know to help them make the best choices they can for themselves as they become young adults.

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What’s Included In Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition Basic Set?

This basic set includes the Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition textbook and Student Notebook. Students will require both the textbook and a student notebook to complete this course.

The Answer Key is included on the Apologia Book Extras site. This course is for high school credit (1 or 2 semesters tailored to your needs). Descriptions of the textbook and Student Notebook are listed below.


Health is about stewardship: managing what you have as well as you can. This 15-module course, which includes both a hardcover textbook and a spiral-bound notebook, covers the physical, nutritional, emotional, and spiritual aspects of growing into a healthy adult. Students will study the human body systems, senses, genetics, temperaments, and physical influences on thoughts and feelings. The course respectfully covers mental illness and emotional stability, as well as the inestimable value of another human being, our culture, our gender roles, our families, socialization, communication skills, and conflict resolution skills. Students will gain an in-depth knowledge of both macronutrients and micronutrients, including the importance of exercise and proper diet. Over 50 projects, noted in the textbook and included in the student notebook, cover materials such as nature versus nurture, personal temperament, good decision-making skills, boundary setting, analyzing food intake and activity levels, creating good hygiene habits, keeping a sleep record, as well as so much more.

Parental Note: This is a full health textbook. Some students may not be mature enough to discuss some of the topics. The reproductive systems are covered in detail, including accurate, yet respectful, illustrations and descriptions. We respectfully discuss the act of marriage, sexual misconduct, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. We discuss alcohol and drug abuse, depression, pornography and other topics that also require maturity. Please use your knowledge of your students to decide if this course is appropriate for their maturity levels.

General Topics Include:

  • Practical topics include information on the things that students encounter every day, such as hydration and sleep. Realistic nutritional advice is presented in a form that allows students to take charge of their eating habits. And while most high school health courses only deal with physical health, Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition recognizes that health is just as dependent on social, emotional, mental, and spiritual vitality.
  • Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition covers the difficult topics too. We live in a culture polluted by sexual dysfunction. Apologia designed this health curriculum to tell the truth to teens about the beauty of married sex, the developing baby, and the joy of being parents. We warn teens about the dalliance into immodesty, pornography, and casual sexual activity.
  • Apologia also recognizes that some teens struggle, so we tackled the topics in a way that is gentle on the young person who struggles with mental illness, with a disability, or a poor prognosis. We emphasize that each person must do the best he or she can with what is given to them by God, who numbers our days. We even included a chapter on peace. We don’t seek peace as Americans; we distract and entertain ourselves and miss the rewards of simple living. Too often we have to get old before we discover the secret to peace. Apologia wants students to know the importance of peace in their day-to-day lives.

Student Notebook

Taking good notes while reading a high school science text can make the difference between mastering a concept and not quite understanding it. Good notes provide the following advantages:

  • Students stay focused on what they are reading.
  • Students pay closer attention, which will increase their retention.
  • Students have their own version of the text to review for tests.
  • Students learn to connect new information to what they already know.

The Student Notebook for our homeschool high school health and nutrition course are specifically designed to help students be independent and take responsibility for their science studies as they gain and maintain the personal abilities to create structure and logic through note-taking.

Click to view a sample.


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Published Date



Wile, Dr. Jay L.
Durnell, Marilyn F.


Apologia Educational Ministries




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